Chapter 237 - Invasion of Privacy (1/2)
Selena's troubled eyes continued to search the well-manicured park around them. ”If there is nothing else, I must be getting to my real job...”
Zeus flipped through the application she'd downloaded onto his phone. ”And you're sure this will work as soon as she sets up the device?”
Selena nodded. ”It will, and what's more she will not be aware that you have access to it.” She pointed to a button. ”We will not know until everything is set up, but if it works as planned, you should even have access to the audio and camera functioning. So, ideally, you would be able to see and hear anything around her at any given time.”
Zeus nodded as he closed out the app and put his phone in his back pocket. ”Well done.” He pulled her into his arms. ”Are you sure you don't have a few minutes to spare, for me?”
Selena pushed against his c.h.e.s.t as her worried eyes scanned their surroundings. ”I do not, and even if I did you should know better than displays of affection in such public places. What if Hera saw!”
Zeus smiled wickedly down at her. ”Is that all that holds you back?” He said as he pulled her against him again and placed a forceful kiss to her lips.
She pushed away again. ”I have every right to worry! You know how she is! I will meet with you under the pretense of work but nothing else in such a public place!”
He frowned as he released her. ”Very well, the same place as always. The second you finish your work.”
It wasn't a question, but a demand and she knew it. She nodded her head reluctantly, keeping her mind trained on the task at hand that motivated her to continue dealing with his harsh treatments. If she continued to do as he wanted, then he promised to free her brother... Her eyes moved longingly toward the sky. {But how much longer?}
Russ arched a brow as a black hoodie suddenly appeared on his body. Holding out his arms as he studied the garment, he asked. ”What is this for?”
Ry and Poseidon both stroked their chins as they studied the young wolf. ”Somethings still missing...” Ry said as he tilted his head.
Poseidon narrowed his eyes as he studied the boy. ”You're right...” He lifted his hand toward Russ and a black hat appeared on his head as well. ”There, now that blonde hair won't stick out like a sore thumb.”
Russ frowned at them in frustration. ”Why do I get the feeling we're about to do something shady? We're not going straight to the palace, are we? Or at least not entering through the main gates like last time?”
Ry shrugged. ”I mean it wasn't really the warmest of welcomes last time, now, was it? Besides, we need info, and your uncle doesn't seem too forthcoming thus far...” Ry pulled out his cell phone and typed in a search for the location he sought. His eyes trailed around the barely lit area at the top of the stairs. There were several paths leading away from the stairs they'd just mounted including a parking lot on either side. He surveyed the parking lots as he waited for his cellphone to pull up the information he was looking for. Frowning as his eyes met back with the screen, he said. ”The records building is located in the town hall. It should have what we are looking for, but it's ten miles from here.”
Poseidon held out his hand for the phone. He began scrolling through various sites and images, before finally lifting a smile to Ry. ”I could probably pop us in here without being seen. It would still be about 3 miles to the town center, but three is better than ten.”
Ry's eyes traveled around the parking lot. ”It's probably best we get away from here first. I don't see anyone or any cameras, but you never know.”
Russ arched a brow. ”Wait, why are we going to the town hall at night? if we're breaking in why not just 'pop' in inside the building?!”
Poseidon rolled his eyes as Ry let out a heavy sigh and began to explain. ”Because chances are, there will be guards there. If the prince/future king card doesn't grant us access, then I'm perfectly fine with subduing a guard or two; but what we can't have happening just yet is people finding out dad's identity. If your uncle suspects too much, then chances are, he'll change or even move his operations and leave us with d.i.c.k to turn into the council.”
Russ nodded, only slightly understanding the grand plan. ”Alright, so getting caught breaking into records is ok... but learning that sea daddy is counted among our party is a no-no... I'm not quite following that logic but alright...” He followed Ry as he led them toward a thick patch of forest. Russ stopped on the edge of the road. ”Wouldn't it be easier to just call Uber or something? I mean call me the dumbass here, but it seems like it would be the number one best idea to solve all our current problems.”
Ry arched a brow, ”What would you like us to say when they pick us up? 'Yo, we're just three dudes looking to go to this closed business at 9pm, oh and by the way could you maybe stick around for a bit as we break in and possibly steal some doc.u.ments. We need a ride to the palace afterward, thanks.' Seems ten times easier, what were we thinking?!” Ry rolled his eyes as he stepped into the shrubs lining the thick treeline.
Poseidon rubbed his chin as he studied the phone. ”I mean we do have bags to deal with, it may work... We could use the prince card on the driver as well.” Poseidon tossed Russ the phone. ”Here have them pick us up at that location.” He said as he stepped past the shrubs behind Ry. ”Hurry it up though. We should be able to pop in almost instantly, it will still take the driver some time to get there.
Russ glanced down at the screen. The map was zoomed in on a bar sitting at the edge of a thickly wooded area. No doubt the wooded area was where these two assholes were planning on zapping to. ”Isn't it going to be weirder three guys just walking out of the woods at 9pm?” Before he could even hand the phone back, a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Before he could blink, they were standing in another area of the woods. Letting out a long sigh, he said sarcastically, ”So, creepy bush dudes it is...” He looked around, noting the trees and undergrowth wasn't quite as thick here.
”Just make the call, kid.” Ry said as he began walking through the forest.
Russ got out his own phone and opened the app. He quickly typed in the location and tossed the phone back to Ry. ”There, done. They'll be here in ten minutes.”
Ry arched a brow. ”Really? But you didn't even talk to anyone...”
Russ shook his head as he stared at Ry in utter shock. ”Talk about me not knowing shit! How the hell have you made it to the ripe old age of f.u.c.k.i.n.g, I don't know, a million and not know how to use a cellphone or computer?!”
Poseidon chuckled. ”The kid has a point. You need to improve your skills in that area, son.”
Ry sent them both a glare. ”Maybe I'll work on it while our prince here is learning, I don't know,” he said mocking Russ, ”everything, I'll work on the one area I'm lacking in...”
Poseidon gave a huff of laughter. ”This is going to be more fun than I expected.” As the town became visible through the trees, Poseidon swiped his hand over his face. His usual eyecatching appearance dulled slightly. His seafoam green eyes were now hidden by a pair of glasses and his usually long hair was now shorter and styled. He still resembled Ry and Arei but had a much slimmer build and was even much shorter than he normally was.
”I don't get it, why look like... that?” Russ asked? ”I thought you were going to look like one of your sons?”
Poseidon laughed. ”I want to look as unintimidating as possible. Trust me, kid, it's always better if your enemy underestimates you.”
Russ arched a brow as they walked through the doors of the small bar. ”I thought the point was to impress and intimidate them?”