Chapter 210 - Motivation (2/2)
Andre moved his gaze from Ry to Russ, taking him in for the first time. His brows flew up. ”'Chu're not sleeping with him, too are you?”
Ry laughed out loud as Russ huffed out an indignant growl. ”No, Puddin. Only you.” He pulled Andre back into a tight hug. ”Why don't you help me get my work finished faster, and while you're waiting on me to finish up, maybe you could call down a replacement to finish out your shift for you?”
Andre narrowed his eyes, studying Ry for several long seconds before finally nodding in agreement. ”What does 'chu need from me?”
Ry smiled as he bopped the man's pert nose. ”That's my good boy.” He bent and gave the man another long kiss. ”All I need from you, Love, is the monitors turned off, and cell number for a Bianca Von Cruise.”
His frown deepened. ”I don't even have to look that one up. She's a hateful bitch. She's been giving the guards hell since getting dragged in.” Concern showed in the well-sculpted arch of his questioning brows. ”'Chu're not planning on going in there a questioning her alone are 'chu?”
Ry sent him a confident toothy grin. ”Not at all, that's why I have the kid with me. Don't worry that pretty head of yours over us. We'll be right back out those doors before you can get relief sent down.” He bent and gave the man another quick kiss before spinning him around and patting his ass with three loud pops. ”Now get over there and kill those cameras.”
Andre did as he was told, quickly clicking several buttons. ”It's done. The third cell on the left.” His bottom lip settled into a worried pout. ”Be careful, Poppi.”
Ry gave him a wink with a wide charming smile as he turned. ”Give us twenty minutes. Text me once your relief arrives and I'll meet you in our favorite spot.” He waited for Andre's hesitant nod before turning the rest of the way around and heading down the corridor leading to the cells.
”So, tell me, 'Poppi', do you pimp yourself out for favors and information frequently or is it only this guy and the woman from that vampire clean-up crew?” Russ whispered as they walked past the first two cells.
Ry arched a brow at him as he took the clipboard off the wall that hung between the second and third cell on the left side. ”Why jealous?”
Russ huffed out an irritated growl. ”No, I'm just wondering how many poor people have been used and manipulated by you.”
Ry sent him a quirky smile from over the edge of the file he was scanning over. ”Big words coming from you. You want to compare notes or something?”
Russ snarled his lip at Ry. ”I've never done that shit!”
Ry arched his brow again. ”Really? You've never used a woman for s.e.x while you were waiting on another to give in to your constant badgering and unwanted advances? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the name Gigi comes to mind.” He rubbed his chin as he lowered the file. ”Oh, wait isn't that the same woman that's your fiancé? The same girl that was on her knees begging for your attention outside of Raven's bar?” He let the snarky smile fall as he pressed the file against Russ's chest. ”You are no better than me, kid.” He nodded to the file. ”Now read over these real quick before we go in there.” Ry cracked his neck as he patted his pocket for the badge. ”Ow! These are nice.” He pulled out a pair of reading glasses from another pocket and placed them on his face. Wiggling his nose as he took the badge out of the other pocket, he commented. ”Not bad… I think I'll keep them.” His attention moved back to Russ. ”Ready?”
Russ nodded and placed the file back into the clip on the wall. ”You really think this is going to work? According to that chart, they've already questioned her to no avail.”
Ry sent him a wicked smile. ”Their methods are… less effective than mine.” He sent Russ a wink as he stepped out in front of the cell.
”I can hear you; you know. Try your best. I have nothing to say to you.” A bored voice said from the corner of the room.
Ry smiled as her cold eyes met his. Pressing the badge to the keypad on the front of the cell, he said. ”Good, then I don't have to repeat my reasons for being here.” He glared at her as the cell door opened. ”I do hate repeating myself.” He nodded to Russ to follow him in. ”Do I need to introduce myself or do you already know that as well?”
She studied him for a few minutes before answering. ”You are one of the sons of Poseidon.” Her attention moved over to Russ and a cruel smile curved her lips. ”I see I'll not be standing trial for actual murder. Your friends must have worked incredibly hard for your recovery.”
Russ's lips snarled up revealing his sharp canines. ”My friend did little for my recovery.” He let his hands shift into claws.
Ry crossed his hands over his chest as he rolled his eyes and chuckled. Nodding toward Russ, he said. ”You see, Ms. Von Cruise, my boy here is an Alpha with a bit of a grudge against you. Wasn't able to wear his hair with a side part for a whole four hours. This kid really likes his side part.” A wicked smile curved his lips. ”Now I'm going to stand here and let the kid have his way with you until you're willing to talk.” He shrugged. ”And if it takes too long, I may join in. You see, I have a hot date tonight that I simply can't miss.” Bianca tried to hide her worry as Russ stalked closer to her, removing the jacket, and handing it to Ry causing his smile to widen. ”Try not to splatter too much blood. I'd hate to add the cleaning bill for these lab coats to the list of shit you've f.u.c.k.i.e.d up.” A low animalistic growl was the only reply Ry got as he watched Russ shift the rest of the way into his hybrid form.
Russ stepped farther into the cell letting the sharp claws drag across the steel walls of the cell, leaving white streaks in the once perfect metal. His head was lowered to hide most of his face until he was less than two feet away from her. He pressed the bill of the hat back enough to glare up at her menacingly, baring the mutant wolf teeth that now filled his mouth.
Bianca's nervous gaze darted back and forth between Ry and the wolfman. ”No! You can't do this! Stop him and I'll tell you what you want to know!” She began fumbling frantically around the edge of the bed, but it was no use. The wolf was too fast.
Ry shrugged. ”Too late now, he's already shifted. We'll just have to wait till he's had his fun before questions.” Ry leaned against the cell doors as he watched Russ move closer snagging the woman by the throat as she fought against him and lifting her off the bed. He pushed away from the bars as Russ pinned her to the wall a foot off the floor and glanced over to him. {Good, he's in control.} ”Who called in the hit? How did you know where to find us?”