Chapter 210 - Motivation (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 53250K 2022-07-23

Russ let out a harsh growl as he flipped the table in front of him causing the monitor that showed the courtroom to crash to the ground. ”Those sons of bitches are going to pay for this!”

Ry crossed his arms over his chest as he looked around at the mess now scattered across the floor of the small conference room. ”Those bastards have already paid... with their lives and now the entire council and courtroom understand why.” He found the busted monitor and lifted it, examining the cracked screen. ”I'm curious to see how they will choose to handle this portion of the case now.”

”It doesn't matter what they decide! I have to do something!” Russ had his hands tangled in his hair as he paced back and forth in the room, kicking at broken objects as he went.

Ry watched the boy paced around the room like a wild animal in a cage as he thought over their options. If he wanted quick transport, they would have to wait on Selena or Poseidon. His father had been in the room with them along with Raven, who he'd snuck in when Shelly had taken the witness box. He had zapped out almost instantly when the girl's unconscious body had hit the floor, and would no doubt stay by her side until she woke back up. It was true enough, the sea god had his fair share of bad traits; but he was also a caring, devoted man. It was this devotion that had rubbed off on all his sons over the years... whether Arei liked to admit it or not. Even Peg had quickly warmed up to the man once he'd gotten to know him. Ry shook his head.”We could wait on father or take a boat... maybe a hippocampus... probably be faster...”

Russ stopped his pacing. ”To where?” He sent Ry a questioning, skeptical look.

”Back to your island. If you truly want to help, and my suspicions are right, the best way will be found back on that island.” Rysaid tossing the monitor back on the ground.

”How so?” Russ asked, following the giant man out the door of the conference room.

Ry looked around to make sure no one was around to overhear or see them. ”Because I believe your uncle has dealings with the DeMarco's.” When no one was in sight, he quickly leaped over the reception desk and pressed a button before agilely hopping back over. Pointing toward a thick metal door that was now opening, he said. ”That way. I know where we can start with those questions.”

Russ didn't hesitate as he quickly made his way toward the door, the large man following close behind. Once inside, he watched as Ry forced the door shut. Looking around the dimly lit hallway, he asked. ”Exactly where are we?”

Ry smiled as he walked past Russ and began making his way down the cold, reinforced steel-lined corridor. ”We are in the prison section of the Embassy. If we continue straight, we should make it to the cells where the vampire assassin is being held.”

Russ arched a brow but didn't slow his pace. ”Are you sure this is the best idea? Your powers don't work in here and I doubt shell sell out her clan with mere threats.”

Ry sent him a sly smile over his shoulder. ”No... Poseidon's water magic doesn't work here, but I'm still a demi-god, and your alpha form will still work well enough. Besides, she won't know I'm not at my full potential.”

Russ's features contorted into amused skepticism as a half-smile curved his lips. ”Just so we're on the same page, let me see if I follow your plan here. You expect to use my barely controlled alpha form as an interrogation tactic and hope that the mentally unstable psycho that tried to kill me on the beach don't push back enough to test your strength... or rather lack thereof?”

Ry shrugged. ”I'm still powerful enough without the magic, but I believe coming face to face with the barely controlled alpha she tried to kill will be enough to loosen her tongue.” He stopped at an even thicker metal door with bars across the top. Looking around the entryway, he quickly grabbed two discarded lab coats and hats. ”Here put this on. If any of the guards ask, we were sent down to do further testing... or some bullshit like that.” He pressed the garments against Russ's chest before putting on his own. He pulled a name badge attached to the jacket off and pressed it to the keypad of the door. A pleased smile curved his lips as the door swung open. ”I love how recklessly the council is. Makes my work ten times easier every time.”

Russ was tucking the last of his blonde hair under the hat as he followed Ry forward. ”I take it this isn't the first time you've snuck down here?”

Ry laughed, ”You would be assuming correctly.” His eyes scanned the room; and his smile widened as he noted the man seated behind an industrial-looking desk, surrounded by monitors. The smaller man glanced up broodily from the phone and took a double take. Ry held out his arms as the man quickly moved around the desk and shout into his embrace.

”What are 'chu doing here, Poppi?” The slight man said in a heavily accented whisper. ”Did 'chu come here to see me?” A frown fell over the man's handsome, androgynous features as he leaned back enough to look up at Ry not releasing his hold around his waist. ”Or are 'chu working?”

Ry hooked a finger under the man's chin, tilting his pouty lips upwards more as he bent forward. Placing a light kiss on his lips, Ry smiled down at him. ”Oh Andre, you know even when I'm working it's always a pleasure to see you.” He ran the pad of his thumb across Andre's still pouting lip before bending and kissing him again.

Andre's shimmering violet eyes searched Ry's. ”So, I will see you when I get off work today then? You've canceled on me every time you've been here for the past six months!”

Ry glanced back a Russ before shrugging. ”I'm sure we can fit in a dinner and maybe a short excursion after.”

”The f.u.c.k we will!” Russ bit out. ”We're in the middle of shit right now!”

Ry rolled his eyes dramatically. ”Don't mind him, Puddin. He's pissy because I'm stuck babysitting his useless ass. I always have the time to work you in.”

Andre released his hold on Ry's waist and balled his fists against his own h.i.p.s, sticking one out in a sassy stance. ”Except for the past six months?”

Ry shrugged a wicked smile curving his lips. ”It's been busy, but the largest of that job is over.” He threw his thumb over his shoulder toward Russ. ”As long as the kid is with me and protected, my work is done.”