Chapter 206 - You are my heart (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 60680K 2022-07-23

”I knew you'd lose!” Peg said as he slapped Arei on the back. ”You just can't match Thousands of years of practice. Don't worry, the two of you will get there eventually.” He said winking down to Jos.

Jos shook her head as she watched Peg pull Andy ahead playfully. ”I almost miss the old, s.e.x.u.a.lly repressed Peg more. At least he wasn't as smug...” She grumbled.

Arei chuckled, taking her hand as he replied. ”Oh no! trust me, he was just as smug then too. He just did a better job of hiding it!” When he noticed Jos had become more rigid, he quickly released her hand. ”Sorry, old habits.”

Jos thought it over for a few minutes as they entered the back of the palace and began walking toward the library. She reached out and took his free hand as he pulled the door open. When his surprised eyes met hers, she responded. ”I don't mind... I've spent so many of the past years having men push themselves on me and expecting way more than I'd ever willingly give, that I still react negatively to any type of physical touch. I'm sorry about that, and I'll try to work on it.”

Arei released his hold on the door and turned his full attention to her. Using his grip on her hand, he pulled her against him in a tight hug. Placing a light kiss on top of her head, he whispered. ”I would never force you into anything. I hope you at least know that much by now.”

Jos nodded against his grip. ”I do. It will just take some time to deprogram the reaction is all.” She pushed back to look him in the eyes. ”Please, don't take it personally... alright.”

He smiled down at her, though the pain was obvious in his expression. ”I won't, Kitten. Are you ready? I'm sure everyone is ready for one more night of fun before we have to all return to the real world.”

Jos let out a heavy sigh as she nodded. ”Don't remind me, I'm so nervous about tomorrow I'm not even sure I'll be able to enjoy a second of tonight.”

Arei sent her a more genuine smile this time. ”With this group of clowns? How could you possibly have a bad time?” He turned toward the door with Jos tucked under his arm, a wide grin spread across his full lips. ”I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it wasn't a damn three-ring circus in there as we speak.”

Jos couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips. Her eyes sparkled with amus.e.m.e.nt as the doors began to open and the happy, cheerful voices began to spill out into the hall. It wasn't until she got inside that her whole body froze up. Worry, dread, joy, fear, and anticipation all warred with one another within her as her eyes fell on Ry and the small red Pomeranian nipping at his pant leg aggressively. ”Russ?” She had barely whispered the name when the puppy turned its attention to her, pants still in his mouth. Within seconds the dog was barreling toward her and launching itself at her. She lifted it and studied it for a minute before moving her focus back to Ry. ”What in the world?”

Ry ran his hand through his short hair. ”It was dad's idea...”

”Isn't he the cutest!” Chary called out from the water's edge. She was in a s.e.xy red bikini that matched her bright red lipstick and flaming red hair.

Jos cleared her throat as she forced her attention away from the dog. ”He's... kinda my ex...”

Chary's brows flew upwards. ”You dated a dog?”

Snickers not only came from the sofa's surrounding the pool Chary was in, but also from beside her. No doubt Arei was finding it amusing. Jos held the overjoyed puppy to her chest. ”I take it you weren't here for your father's... party trick?” She nodded toward Shelly. ”He's not a dog. He's her brother, an alpha werewolf.”

Chary's hand flew to her mouth in amused surprise. ”Is that so?!” She held her hands out wanting the dog. ”It kinda makes me want to play with him even more!”

”Trust me the kid is ten times more agreeable in that form!” Ry threw in. ”My gods, when was the last time we were all in the same room?” Ry asked moving his attention from Peg, to Chary, then over to Arei. ”Peg was telling me, I missed out on a race. I bet had it been you and I, we could have beaten them.”

”Yeah maybe, but it wouldn't have been as enjoyable for me having someone other than Jos riding me.” He sent her a wink as the puppy began snarling and fighting her grip.

Jos had taken a seat on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water and was considering handing over the puppy when the library door burst open. Raven and Isha had their arms loaded down with stuff as they chatted happily. ”What in the world is all that?” Jos asked as they neared the seating area.

”Party supplies, what else?” Raven replied. Her eyes widened and she quickly dropped everything to the table. ”Oh shit! Is that THE Russaranian?!” She motioned for Jos to hand him over. ”You gotta let me hold him!” Even though the dog struggled against her grip, Jos handed him over. Raven lifted him in the air and studied him before letting out a loud laugh. ”Not so hot now are you, you smug little shit?!” She lowered him and ground her knuckles into his fluffy head. ”Gotta say, your cute as f.u.c.k like this though!” She turned toward Isha who was straightening the mess Raven had left on the table. ”Look, babe! It's a Russaranian! We gotta take some pictures and turn this mutt mug into a tee-shirt or something. Ah, I got it! A mutt mug coffee mug! We can make him a little mugshot sign to put around his neck, it could be a mutt mug, mugshot, mug... You can't beat that shit!”

Isha rolled her eyes as everyone else laughed along with Raven. ”You are ridiculous. How do you even come up with such nonsense so sporadically?”

Raven shrugged, ”It's a gift.”

”Well, it sounds like a great idea to me. I bet it would break the internet.” Poseidon said as he popped into the room with a tray of decanters. ”How about a tee-shirt with the mutt mug, mugshot, mug on it?”

”Ug! I'm too sober to even consider this tongue-twisted mess of yours!” Chary said as she lifted from the pool and took one of the decanters.

”Why is he in dog form in the first place?” Jos finally asked, glancing around the room.

Raven shrugged. ”They came by to go over tomorrow's trial, and I happened to mention how much I would have loved to see him in dog form. And he has no choice but to play nice and listen in this form so it's a win for everyone!”

”I guess...” Jos murmured as she watched Arei make his way over to one of the chairs near Peg and Andy. {Had he known they would be here this evening?} She let out a heavy sigh and turned her focus back to her friends.

The night continued very similarly to the night before, except Jos hadn't felt much like drinking tonight. In fact, she'd barely said anything to anyone all night. Russ had clung to her nearly every second of the night in his cute puppy form, which she had to admit was better than if he'd been here in his normal form. Arei had kept his distance the entire night even going as far as to not look in her direction unless she was speaking or someone was asking her a question... and for some reason, it was beginning to get on her nerves. She faked a yawn as she stood up. ”I believe I'm going to call it an early night if you guys don't mind.” Shelly jumped down from the lounge she'd been resting on and headed toward Jos, also ready to turn in.

Arei pushed up from the chair as a mix of approval and pouts filled the room. ”I'll walk the two of you up.” Arei held out his hands for the puppy. ”You bite me, and I promise I'll feed you to the sea dragons.” The puppy still fought against him but didn't try to bite as Arei handed him over to Ry. ”We'll go over everything again in the morning before heading to the Embassy.” Ry nodded as he took the squirming puppy.