Chapter 204 - Sleepless nights (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 58250K 2022-07-23

Arei chuckled as Jos's head bounced off his shoulder for the third time. ”Looks like our guest of honor has tuckered out.” He announced to the few people left in the room. Shelly had fallen asleep hours ago and was still stretched out on the lounger. Raven and Isha had retired to one of the spare rooms no more than an hour ago, and Chary and Scylla didn't look too far behind them. Arei lifted Jos into his arms. ”Can you carry her up?” He asked Peg, nodding to Shelly.

Andy giggled, ”But she looks so comfy!” She leaned over and tickled the fur between the wolf's toes. ”Soooo cute!”

Peg shooed his wife away. ”Stop bothering her. She's not drunk, remember.”

Andy snorted as she tried to hide another giggle. ”I am!”

Peg shook his head, ”Lightweight...” He teased as he bent to scoop Shelly into his arms. ”Where to?” He asked Arei as he straightened.

”Just follow me to my room. They can sleep in there. Wouldn't be the first time the three of us have shared a bed.” Arei said as he began to move toward the library doors.

Chary arched a brow. ”But wouldn't it be a bit different now that she has her memories back... and drunk off her rocker.”

Arei shrugged as he turned slightly to face his sister. ”I don't see why it should. As you said, she's drunk and Shelly will be there as well. So, there's no risk of anything happening... even if I was desperate enough to take advantage of her, which I'm not. Besides, after what happened the last time we were here, I'm not letting her out of my sight.”

Chary nodded. ”Understandable, I guess.” She stretched as she lowered into the water. ”To our room then?” She asked Scylla, who was trying her best to stifle a yawn.

”So how did the tour go?” Peg asked as he followed his brother through the hallways of the palace.

A frown creased Arei's lips. ”I should have listened to father...”

Peg chuckled as he followed Arei through the door of his room, heeling the door shut behind them. ”There's a line I never thought I'd hear you say.”

Arei laughed as well. ”It's just as much of a shock to me as well.” He carefully set Jos down in the center of the bed and covered her with one of the antique throws spread across the bottom of the bed. He didn't take his focus off Jos as he straightened. ”She's right you know. Had I just agreed to this all before, we wouldn't be in this position now. Zeus wouldn't have had the chance to take her memories, we would still be together and happy. She wouldn't be going through these shit show trials right now or have all the emotional scars from the way our relationship ended or the ones the kid has inflicted.”

Peg nodded in agreement as he set Shelly down beside Jos. ”Do you hold me responsible for how things turned out between the two of you?”

Arei's brows furrowed as he finally turned his focus to his brother. ”Of course not. As you said you did what you had to, I would have done the same.”

Peg nodded again studying his brother carefully, ”Then you shouldn't blame yourself either. Zeus could have just as easily gotten the same results after her claim, even if you'd told her the truth from the beginning... even now as a matter of fact.”

Arei frowned his attention moving back to Jos. ”You're right... Things have been surprisingly quiet, though I have to wonder if some of these complications we've run into involve him.”

Peg shrugged. ”Possible... Dad did mention thinking one or more of the council members seemed shady. Maybe it's his hand pulling the strings from behind the curtains.”

Arei ran his hand through his hair as he let out a heavy sigh. ”The thought has crossed my mind more than once. I've said as much to you and fa-dad.” He shook his head. ”I doubt I'll ever get used to calling him that.”

Peg chuckled as he pushed the door open and began to step out into the hall. ”Whatever keeps him happy, I guess. Makes all our lives easier that way.” He arched a brow as Arei walked over to the wide window seat. ”Aren't you going to get some rest?”

Arei sighed as he sat down and stared out the window. ”I will in a bit... Hell, may just sleep here.”

Peg shook his head. ”Whatever floats your boat, but you're going to feel like hell tomorrow.” When Arei didn't reply, Peg slowly shut the door.

Arei stared out the window at the sparkling waters surrounding the palace. Every so often he caught sight of the bio-luminous glow of a creature as it swam by. He couldn't be sure how much time had passed when he heard the creak of the bed. Turning slightly, he watched as Jos timidly made her way over toward him on unsteady feet. He held a handout to her. ”What are you doing up? You should get some rest. The way the moonlight reflected across her youthful, questioning expression caused him to smile as he thought back to the way she used to be.

She stepped into his waiting embrace. ”Will, you ever treat me as an a.d.u.l.t or at least speak to me as one? I'm not the same naïve girl.”

Arei scrunched his brows together. ”I hadn't realized I was. I'm not even sure what it is I do that makes you feel that way, but if that's how you feel I'll try my best to remedy it.” He said as he stroked her back.

She sent him a doubtful look. ”You're constantly telling me what to do based on what you think is best for me. I'm not even sure at this point you realize you're doing it.” She moved her gaze toward the window. ”So, what is it that's held your attention for so long?” She said leaning across the seat and his thigh to look out it.

He quickly masked his surprise at her admittance of watching him for some time and asked. ”Why don't you come up here and see for yourself?” He helped her into the narrow seat and guided her back against his chest. ”If you look carefully you can catch glimpses of some of the creatures that call this place home.” He pointed toward the water with his free hand.

”It's beautiful.” She stared toward the window, but instead of focusing on where he pointed, she kept her focus trained on his reflection. ”Arei...”

”Hum?” His masculine purr rumbled against her.

”I... I feel like I have to ask, but I also feel like somewhat of an asshole for asking...” Jos paused as his amused gaze met hers in the window.