Chapter 199 - Joy and Pain (1/2)
Jos laughed for what felt like the first time in days as she watched Arei clean off wolf vomit from the sleeve of his black leather jacket. ”I'm not sure what you expected booking dinner reservations in a place with 'dinner in the sky' in their name. You saw how sick she got on the plane!” Jos shook her head as she held Shelly's heaving body against hers.
”Well, I had thought it would be beautiful and romantic to be able to have a nice dinner as we watched the sunset over the city...” He said as he moved his attention to his button-up.
Jos snorted as she laughed louder. ”And it was...until Shelly got sick...”
He let out an amused growl as he tossed the napkins in the trash can and walked toward the two huddled up on the park bench. He shook his finger at Jos playfully. ”Laugh all you want, but it's you who is stuck spending the rest of the night smelling me.”
Jos's laughter died off. ”The rest of the night?”
He nodded his head as he held his hand out to her.”Of course! Did you honestly think I was going to stop with only having dinner?!” He pulled Jos up and waited for Shelly to join them before leading them toward a brightly lit, heavily crowded street. ”We are going to explore the night market.” He announced turning and holding an arm out toward the large crowd and many markets with a wide smile spreading across his handsome face.
Shelly looked around in surprise, feeling a tight constriction in her chest. The place looked remarkably similar to the market in India Rin had taken her to when Russ and Ry had visited. She forced herself to move forward and stay close to Jos and Arei. The bright lights of the streets blurred as she struggled to fight back tears. The soft sounds of a violin hit her ears only making the pain in her heart, ache more. She watched as Arei spun Jos away from him first, then back toward him before swaying along with the music with her wrapped tightly in his arms, her back pressed snuggly against his chest. More tears blurred her vision as she thought of Rin doing the same thing to her... maybe even stroking her pregnant belly as they swayed back to chest.
The song ended and Arei tossed some coins into the man's violin case before heading back over to her, Jos following close behind. He smiled down at her as he extended a hand. ”Would you like the next dance?” He asked sweetly.
When Shelly shook her head, trying to hide the pain being there was causing, he scooped her into his arms and began to twirl. Once he was in a spot he liked he began the footwork for the waltz. ”Come on cheer up. It's a beautiful night; and I promise, I don't hold the puke against you.” He winked down at her a wide smile still plastered to his face.
Shelly lowered her head in embarrassment. Pregnancy definitely had its downside. Would Rin have been so easygoing had she thrown up on him... No doubt about it the answer was yes... He would have probably found some magical way to get rid of the morning sickness for her by now. Her thoughts had been so trained on Rin; she hadn't even noticed the song had ended.
Arei let out a sigh as he set her back on the ground. He rested his hands on his h.i.p.s. ”I guess I should be getting you girls back to the room soon. Is there anywhere else you'd like to see first?” He asked.
Jos studied Shelly for several seconds before finally turning her attention to Arei. ”You know... It's been a long day and I didn't get much sleep last night... I doubt tonight will be any better with the stress of tomorrow's hearings. We should probably go ahead and head back now, what do you say?”
He nodded. ”You're probably right. I should probably call Ry and go over plans for tomorrow with him so he can prepare Russ for the hearing.” He looked down at Shelly. ”How about I carry you back? You still look a little green around the gills.” He lifted her, cradling her in one arm as he took Jos's hand with the other and started toward the Embassy.
”She's asleep,” Jos whispered as she pulled the sheet over the resting wolf's body.
Arei leaned against the doorframe. ”Do you want to come into the living room and relax with me for a little while?” He asked. ”Or we can watch a movie in here... or my room.”
She turned away from the bed and studied him. He looked completely different than his sharp-dressed business, thug look from earlier. His damp hair brushed his shoulders leaving wet spots on the thin cotton shirt he wore. A pair of green pajama pants hung low on his h.i.p.s revealing a tiny glimpse of the tattooed skin below. ”I... I... don't know...” Jos forced the words out past the tightness of her throat.
He pushed away from the door frame and stalked slowly toward her. Reaching out, he brushed one wet braid from her shoulder before lifting the other for his inspection. ”These are cute.” He said not taking his focus off the braid, he added. ”You know you're safe with me. I'll never push you into things you don't want to do.” He released her braid, dropping it over her shoulder to join the other. ”All I ask for is your company.” He shook his head as he ran a hand over her bare arm. The tank top and pajama shorts she wore combined with the double braids made her look like a teenager ready for a sleepover. He slid his hands down to take both of hers. ”Come into the living room and we can finish our dance from earlier.”
”But we did finish it.” Jos struggled with her own reckless desires. ”I should probably lay down with Shelly and try to get some sleep myself... for tomorrow.”
Arei gently tugged her closer. ”But you said yourself, you've been too nervous to sleep. If you don't want to watch television, then join me for one glass of wine and one dance.”