Chapter 197 - Late night jitters (1/2)
”We should have written out a contract like this the first time around, and it may have prevented half the mess of before.” Poseidon said as he admired his masterfully written contract. He flipped through the pages making sure the three of them had signed and initialed all the necessary spots. Tapping them against the coffee table, he proudly announced, ”It is all completed and ready to submit. Welcome to my court once again, Dear.” He stood and held his hand out to Jos. When she took it, he lowered himself over it and placed a kiss to her knuckles. ”I promise as soon as all this nasty business with the council is over, I'll hold a huge ball to properly welcome you... again...”
Jos laughed lightly. ”I look forward to it.”
He nodded to her. ”I do as well, Dear.” He gave his son a pat on the shoulder before turning to Shelly. ”My doors are always open if you decide you'd like a safe change of scenery.” The wolf nodded and nuzzled her head against his palm as he stroked her head. ”Take care, Little one.” With his last goodbyes he was gone.
Shelly stretched out, yawning loudly. She lifted from the cushion she rested on and walked over to Jos and Arei. ”Off to bed?” Arei asked as he patted her head. Shelly nodded as she yawned again.
Jos bent and gave her a kiss. ”See you in the morning.” She sent Jos a wolfish grin as she turned to make her way to their room.
Jos turned her attention to the empty glasses on the table. Gathering them, she carried them over to the small kitchen. Arei grabbed the bowl Shelly had used earlier and carried it to the kitchen as well. He watched as Jos filled the sink and rinsed out the glasses. He handed her the bowl. ”You wash and I'll dry?”
She nodded, focusing on the task intently. ”Thanks.”
He studied her. ”Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
Jos frowned. ”Shouldn't I be?”
He took the sponge and glass from her hands and set them down into the water. He turned her towards him. ”We will be here for you through this, no matter what.” He brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face. ”You have Father's word that no matter the outcome Shelly and I will be able to stay with you.”
She let him pull her closer to him and rested her head against his chest. ”I hate that the two of you have to be drug into this.”
He wrapped his arms tighter around her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. ”We are beside you because we both chose to be, because we love you...” He leaned back and lifted her face to meet his gaze. ”I love you.” He searched her eyes. ”As much as I wished they had in the past or may wish it in the future, those feelings will not change.” He wrapped his hand against the base of her head and pressed a kiss to her forehead this time.
Jos whimpered as a sudden pain shot through her head. Memories of Arei doing this exact thing flashed through her mind in rapid fire sequence. She pressed one palm against his hard abdomen as her other hand shot up to her head. ”Ahh...” She winced in pain.
Arei scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the sofa. ”What happened? Are you alright?”
More memories flashed through her mind just as quickly as the last, this time of being lifted into these same arms. She gripped both hands tightly to her skull. ”Migraine.” She muttered against the pain.
Arei quickly released her and turned toward the hallway. He disappeared into his own room for a few minutes, before coming back out with a small white and red bottle in his hand. He filled a glass with water and poured two tablets out into his hand before heading back to her. He knelt down beside her. ”Here, I always carry Excedrin in my bag. It'll knock any headache right out.” He waited until she took the medications, ”What caused it? You seemed fine seconds before...”
Jos peaked out at him from under her arms that wrapped tightly around her head. {HOLY SHIT!} She got just as much of a headache as she tried to decipher the many images that had bombarded her brain.
Arei frowned. ”Is the light hurting your head?” He lifted from beside her and walked over to the light switch, flipping them all off except for the faint light shining halfway down the hallway. He walked back over to the sofa and set on the edge of the coffee table this time. ”Better?”
She nodded, still studying him. ”You didn't have to do that.” She turned to her side as she continued to wait for the pain to ease. ”You don't have to do any of the things you do for me... why? Why do you do them?”
He shrugged. ”Do I have to have a reason?”
She adjusted the decorative pillow under her head. ”I don't suppose... but I'm sure you do.” She studied his expression as he thought over her response. ”Remember, we agreed to honesty... no more lies, half-truths, and omissions.”
He frowned as he nodded his head. ”I haven't really thought about it. I guess I've always felt kindred to you. You have always reminded me of myself... of several other demigods I've met in the past...” He brushed away the tendrils that spread across her cheek. ”We all go through feeling deserted and abandoned by our parents... the only difference is... you really were.” He sent her a pained smile. ”Knowing all the hardsh.i.p.s you've gone through in your lifetime and seeing how they've affected you and knowing you're still able to find the brighter side of things is amazing.” He ran his thumb across her cheek as he held her gaze. ”Even now with all this stress and worry weighing on your shoulders, you've still made it a point to see to Shelly's wellbeing and even tried your best to look out for her brother.” His smile brightened. ”That's amazing. The person you are is amazing...” He bent and placed a kiss to her cheek where he'd been stroking. ”To know you is to love you, I just wish more people would see that... or not...” He sent her a playful smile. ”I'm not sure what I'd do with even more competition.
Jos watched as he lowered to kiss her cheek again. Deciding to test out a theory, she turned last minute to meet his lips with hers. She couldn't help the amused upward turn of her lips as he let out a surprised grunt, but it didn't take him long to adjust and deepen the kiss. Just as she'd expected more memories came flooding back... a bed in an old inn, an enormous bed littered with various fur throws, her own bed in her old home... the beachside cottage she'd struggled all these years to forget... She let out another cry of pain as she quickly moved her hands to her head, a deep wince marring her face.
Arei's brows pulled together in concern. ”What is the matter, Kitten? Something's bound to be causing this.”
She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she carefully nodded her head. ”I... I believe it's a side effect of the tea...”