Chapter 178 - In his arms (1/2)
”One hundred years per human and that is before considering the worst case scenario or the fifteen vampires.”
The words continued to reverberate in Jos's mind as she walked on numb legs, led by her numb hand gripped in Arei's all too familiar grip. She couldn't force herself to glance back to the wolf following behind them, terrified that the surprise and worry from Themis's office would have morphed into fear and hate. She had worked so hard to conceal her actions from both Shelly and Russ, although Russ had eventually pieced the most recent killings together. She frowned as she bumped into the hard, solid back that had stopped in front of her. She forced her brain to focus on what was happening presently. He was unlocking the door to their suite.
”The groceries came earlier while you guys were laying down... if you'd like me to whip something up, or I could have something delivered.” Arei said as he pushed the door open and guided her through. Worry creased his brow as her deadpan gaze met his in question. He recognized that stare easily enough, he'd sported it himself for the better part of the past 520 years. He led her to the sofa and set her down unwilling to let her out of his sight at that moment. He handed her the remote from the coffee table. ”Here find us something to watch, if you'd like and I'll see what I can throw together.” When it was obvious, she wasn't going to acknowledge his words, he straightened and ran his hands over his tight bun. ”Alright, well if anything comes to mind food wise feel free to yell out your order. I'll try my best to deliver.” He tried to send her a playful smile. ”I'm not going to promise five-star service but I'll give it my best... Just nothing too fancy, alright.” He patted her shoulder, but she still didn't respond. He sent Shelly a worried gaze, noting that the wolf was keeping her distance. {Shit...} He brushed his sweaty palms over his form-fitting black denims. ”Alright, why don't you go through those bags and see if anything catches your attention.” He nodded toward the grocery bags in the kitchen, hoping the wolf would be able to work out her feelings over the newly learned information in a more conspicuous manner if she was helping him.
Shelly glanced from the hulking man to Jos's dazed form on the sofa one last time before heading toward the kitchen. She had fought to process all that had been said earlier during the entire walk back to the room but had found little solace. After seeing the attack on the vampires at the DeMarco mansion and the fight on the beach a little over a week ago there was no doubt to the truth of her statements, Themis herself had proclaimed the statement to be truthful... but it was Jos... Her mind was still racing as she began to nose through the bags. {How could all that have happened without me ever suspecting anything?} She nudged a bag toward the waiting man and risked a glance back to the sofa. {It's still Jos... nothing has changed. She's still the same person she's always been... the only difference is that now I know the extents she has gone through to protect Russ and I both.} With her mind made up she turned and headed back to the small living room. She struggled to get on the sofa, cursing her limited mobility pregnancy had caused in this form. {Still better than dealing with the flood of human emotions and all the many questions that would surely come the second I shift back, though...} She thought as she finally managed to hook her back foot into the space between the cushions and chair frame. She hoisted herself up and rested her head on Jos's lap. When Jos didn't seem to notice she let out a soft whine.
Jos forced a smile as she slowly moved her gaze down to the wolf and began stroking her head. A frown settled over Jos's expression as she continued staring down at Shelly and stroking her head. ”You shouldn't have had to sit through that. You've had more than enough trauma for two lifetimes without knowing all the horrible things I've done.”
{But were they horrible?} Shelly thought as she whined again nudging Jos's hand back into motion, knowing the strokes soothed Jos's emotions as well. She was a bit shocked when a shadow settled over them from overhead but quickly realized who it was.
Arei bent down and kissed the top of Jos's head, a mixing bowl and spoon occupying his hands. ”You did nothing wrong by eliminating trash like that from this world, Kitten. The only crime that was committed was not notifying the proper authority first, and let me tell you, had you notified the council and they would have sent me, the bastards would have all had way harsher deaths.” Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click for visiting.
She nodded without looking up to him.
He frowned as he continued stirring the batter Shelly had chosen. ”I promise you, we will get through this together.” His frown deepened when she only nodded again in response. He went back over to the stove and began dumping the batter into small clumps in the pan. ”Ah shit...” He groaned as the pancake began to burn as soon as it hit the stove.
Jos finally perked up as the smell of burning food hit her nostrils. She followed Shelly's amused gaze to the kitchen and couldn't help the smile that creeped across her lips. ”What in the???” She nodded to the wolf and made her way over to the stove. Reaching around the massive frame that was frantically trying to save his burnt hot cakes, she lowered the stove temperature and rested her hand over his. She held his frustrated gaze as she shook her head. ”There's no saving these.” She said with a light chuckle. ”Here, let me.” She said pushing him out of the way as she took over the cooking. A reminiscent smile spread across her lips. ”I used to make pancakes every Saturday. We would spend more time decorating them than it took to actually eat them. Raven would always mess up so she could eat her current one and get another.” Her smile faded as she stared down into the pan. ”This was the last thing Russ cooked for me... after our first night together...” Her troubled eyes met Arei's. ”What happens if they bring him in for questioning? I can't have him drug into my mess. I can't let this mess up his chances of helping his people.”
Arei tented his brows sadly as he gently brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear. ”Nothing involving you or this trial will impede the boy's succession to king. His people are too desperate for a competent leader, it won't matter despite his involvement.” When she went to interrupt him, he stopped her. ”But I understand wanting to keep him as far away from this as possible.”
She nodded and turned her attention back to the pan. ”Even if I only get half that sentence... that is their entire lifespan...” Jos whispered quietly enough for only Arei to hear.
He wrapped his arms around her, stroking the length of her arms to comfort her. ”We'll work something out if it comes to that, Kitten, trust me.”
Jos nodded as silent tears streamed down her face. She flipped the pancakes in the pan then scooped them into a plate Arei has set out after they'd fluffed into a crisp golden disk. She didn't say anything as Arei leaned across her and poured more lumps of batter into the pan. Her eyes surveyed the counter and landed on the carton of eggs and an unopened pack of bacon. ”Would you like those with this?”
Arei smiled, ”It's up to you two.” He tossed his head toward the sofa. ”I figure with that one; eggs, bacon, and pancakes would be too normal.” He tossed Shelly a wink as he added, ”Unless you plan on adding steak sauce to your pancakes?” He laughed as she growled in response to his joking question.