Chapter 177 - Nothing but the truth (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 62100K 2022-07-23

CHAPTER 84: Nothing but the truth

Arei held Jos's hand firmly as he guided her and Shelly through the maze of corridors that made up the Embassy. Once inside he pulled her to a stop in front of her still holding her hand. He rubbed the back of his neck with his other. ”Do you want me to show you around? There isn't much to see.” He said as he led her through the corner kitchen and into the hallway. Pushing open the first door they came to, he said. ”The bathroom is shared, it… it's a pretty sizeable room so it shouldn't be a problem.” He turned pulling her hand to the opposite side of the hall. Pushing open a door, he said. ”This will be my room. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask, I'll not lock it.” He opened another door there is a second bedroom, but I figured Shelly would want to stay with you, so I put both your things in the room at the end of the hall.” He led her to the door and pushed it open revealing the luggage. ”I didn't want to go through your things, so I didn't unpack anything.” When Jos tried to pull her hand away, he held it tighter pulling her closer and resting her palm against his chest. ”We are here for you no matter what. You're not alone this time. I know there's no making up for the events leading up to your last visit here or any of the events thereafter, but history will not be repeating itself. You'll not suffer alone.”

She nodded and pulled away again. This time he reluctantly let her. She quickly turned into the dark room and whispered, ”I'm going to lay down until they are ready for me downstairs.” She glanced down to Shelly. ”Would you like to join? You must be exhausted.” The wolf nodded and followed her in. Closing the door, Jos watched as Shelly struggled to get on the bed. She helped the wolf onto the bed then sat down on the soft mattress beside her. She let out a long-pained breath. ”I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this.” Her teary eyes met Shelly's. ”You really should stay with Raven and Isha... at least until all this is over. It's probably going to be pretty messy by the end of things.” She sighed, ”I wouldn't be surprised if I were locked in a cell immediately after my meeting with Themis.” She wiped at the moister on her checks. ”This is all my fault.” Her watery eyes held Shelly's sad gaze. ”Every bad thing that has ever happened to you and your brother... I'm the cause. ”She stroked a hand over the wolf's growing stomach. ”If it weren't for me, Cam would be here right now giving you motherly advice.” Tears ran freely down her cheeks. ”Your father would be gleaming with pride at how beautiful you and Russ both are... inside and out...” She stroked the fur at the side of Shelly's face. ”You would have had a life of luxury, not sharing a tiny apartment with two other people, working minimum wage jobs, or hiding your identities. You would have held your heads high in society... you would have had a perfect life... if I would have just stayed out of it...”She closed her eyes as the tears stung her eyes.

Shelly placed a paw on Jos's shoulder and whimpered until Jos finally met her now watery gaze. Shelly shook her head and moved in closer to Jos resting her head on the opposite shoulder of her paw. She nuzzled against Jos.

Jos wrapped her arms around Shelly and held her tight. ”I love you, too!” She sobbed into the soft fur of the wolf's neck. ”I love you sooo much! I wish I could have protected you better! I should have protected you better!!! For Cam and Ales, for you and your baby, for Russ, for Rin...” They stayed in a tight hug, both sobbing into the others neck until a light wrap sounded at the door.

”Prometheus just called. He has you worked in, but we need to hurry. Themis leaves in an hour.”

Jos lifted her head from where it rested against the soft fur and wiped at her face. She then dabbed at the wolf's damp fur in an attempt to dry it. ”We're coming.” She called as another light tap sounded. She pushed up from the bed and helped Shelly down before making her way to the door. Pushing it open, her gaze automatically moved upward over the broad chest blocking the entry to the stormy hazel eyes overhead. ”I'm ready now if you are.”

He nodded and took her hand once again. They didn't speak as he guided her through the maze of hallways and suites that made up business end of the Embassy. He pulled her to a stop in front of a fog-glass door down one of the longest hallways. ”This is it.” He said anxiety echoing in his husky voice. ”What do you plan to tell her? Do you want to go over anything before you go in?”

Jos shook her head. ”There's nothing to review. I'm simply going to tell her the whole truth.”

He let out a worried groan. ”That can be dangerous, and you know it.”

She nodded. ”Yes, but so would lying to the goddess, especially after her son has already seen it all himself. If I want any possibility of a lesser sentence, then I need their understanding and they need my honesty.”