Chapter 176 - Crime time review (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 46110K 2022-07-23

A familiar man stood as she was escorted through the doors of the room. A heavy frown rested on his weary face. ”Come child, have a seat while we wait on the others.” He pulled out a chair closest him and nodded to it.

Jos shot Raven a concerned glance before walking nervously toward the man. She clutched her handbag to her chest as she nodded in greeting. ”Prometheus, Sir... It has been a while.” She cautiously waited to sit until the man moved away from the chair.

Prometheus frowned as he nodded back to her, ”Not nearly long enough, child.” He sat back down in his chair and folded his hands neatly on the table over the folder sitting in front of him. He followed her gaze from where Raven was standing against the wall behind Jos to the doors as they opened again.

Jos felt some of her stress fade and was quickly replaced by another equally nerve wracking feeling as Arei and Shelly were led into the room. They both made their ways over to her side quickly. Shelly rested her head on Jos's thigh and whined as Jos stroked her head. ”Hey, are you feeling any better?” She asked Shelly as she rubbed behind her ear. When the wolf nodded, Jos asked. ”Have you eaten anything since you've been here?” Jos frowned when the wolf shook her head 'no'. ”I'm sure they'll let us order out, if you'd like to think of something you'd like.” Her frown deepened as the wolf snarled her nose. Her attention quickly traveled to Arei and the hand that rested on the back of her chair as he took the seat beside her.

Arei forced a smile. ”I had some groceries and other supplies called up. They should be delivered by the time we get back to the room.” He bent closer to Jos and whispered in her ear. ”Don't worry so much, I'm here... we are here for you. You're not alone this time, I promise.” He moved his hand from the back of her chair to her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze as he lowered himself to his chair.

Raven smiled widely as she shrugged. ”Too much paperwork to change it.”

He shook his head as he turned back to the files. ”I see Rachelle Boosilis will not be giving a verbal statement.” He glanced down at the wolf. ”Will she be able to answer simple yes or no questions?”

Jos nodded nervously as she snuggled Shelly's muzzle tighter against her.

”Please reply with a yes or no for the record, child.” He said indicating the recorder with the base of his pin.

”Y-yes.” Jos answered.

He glanced up at Raven. ”They wolf is still under your care, Raven DeFuc?”

”Yes.” Raven said with a nod, trying avidly to avoid her wife's heated gaze.

He nodded and tapped the file with his middle finger. ”Areion, be it that you have the least involvement with Princess Rachelle, I will ask that you interpret her responses when she is asked a yes or no question.”

Arei nodded. ”Yes Sir.” He responded curtly. He pulled out the chair beside him and nodded to Shelly to take the chair. Everyone waited patiently as the wolf reluctantly lifted her head from Jos's lap and made her way over to the chair. When she struggled to get into it, Arei gave her a boost then patted her head.

”Are we ready to begin, now?” Prometheus asked.

”Yes.” Arei responded.

Prometheus tapped the stack of papers and files in front of him as he held Jos's nervous stare. ”It has been fifteen years since you were last in this court. You applied for and was refused guardianship over the Boosilis twins, yes?”

Jos nodded nervously as she tried to swallow past the lump forming in her throat. A hand took hers under the table and squeezed it firmly. ”Y-yes, that is correct.” She finally managed to stutter.

”Please recall for the record, why were you refused guardianship?” Prometheus directed.

Jos swallowed hard and the massive hand holding hers tightened. ”B-because it had only been five years since the end of my sentence.”