174 Trouble in Athens (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 54570K 2022-07-22

”Well, if that wasn't the most awkward week ever! Followed by the worst plane ride in the history of plane rides; and they made a movie about snakes on a damn plane! This was worse than that!” Raven through her hands up in the air dramatically before bringing them over her head in a long, much needed stretch. She sent Jos a sideways glance as she lowered her arms. ”So, are you going to tell me what happened between you and ginger hulk?”

”His hair's auburn not red...” Jos retorted stoically as she pulled her rolling luggage behind her.

Raven glared at her. ”You know good and well his hair color is the least relevant thing in all the things I just said!”

”Yes... snakes on planes... One of Sam L's best movies... what of it?” Jos retorted in irritation avidly avoiding Raven's question.

Raven stepped in front of Jos causing Jos's bags to bump her heels. ”What happened between you and overlord sulky that has the two of you avoiding each other as if the other has the god damn plague?” She pointed in front of them where Arei had went ahead and was now talking aggressively into his cell phone. ”You can literally see the bad vibes boiling off him!” She shook her head as she straightened crossing her arms over her chest. ”I don't know if I can leave you and Shelly with him with things as they are. So, you either tell me now; or I'm going to have to cancel plans with my hell scorned wife yet again! And the gods help us all if that happens!”

Jos glanced Arei's way, noting Shelly panting with air sickness on the bench beside him. She watched as one massive, tattooed hand stroked the wolf's head in long calming strokes. She shook her head furiously trying to shake loose all the thoughts growing there, before letting out an irritated huff. ”Fine!” She grabbed Raven's arm. ”Not here.” She growled quietly as she searched for a private location. ”Over there.” She bit out as she drug Raven toward a restroom.

Raven watched as Jos checked the stalls before locking the deadbolt of the public bathroom. She crossed her arms over her chest as Jos turned toward her. ”Well?” She leaned against the row of sinks. ”What could you and goliath possibly have gotten into a fight about that has you not speaking and barely looking at each other... Well, I mean letting each other know you're looking at least.” She rolled her eyes. ”You've been actively avoiding him for nearly a week now, answers... I need them...”

Jos let out a long sigh as she walked over to join Raven by the sink. She ran her hands over her messy braid before clasping both hands behind her head and squeezing. ”I wish it was a fight... but it was... more... much more than that...” Her eyes were focused on an invisible spot on the floor and her hands remained clasped to her head as if it would fall off if she let go.

Jos met her gaze, ”You and I both...” She brought her hands down to either side of her temples and rubbed at the headache building there. ”The truth is, since the two of them have come back into my life, I keep having flashes of... I don't know... memories, I guess.” She shook her head. ”Dreams maybe... Uhhhg!” She groaned as she squeezed the sides of her head harder. ”They are such brief snips of time and some of them contradict my actual memories...”

Raven took out her cellphone and began typing a message. ”When did these 'memory dreams' start?” She asked as she typed.

Jos leaned forward, ”Who are you texting?” She asked.

Raven didn't bother glancing up. ”Isha... I told her to send a cab for wonder twin number one and Shelly. I told her we would catch a cab or something later.” She finally glanced from the phone. ”This seems like it's going to take a while to sort out, and I figured you didn't want to do it in a nasty ass airport bathroom.”

Jos smiled for the first time in days. ”You wouldn't be wrong about that!” She watched as Raven sent another message, most likely to Arei letting him know their plans.

Raven lowered the phone as she moved her full attention back to Jos. ”Alright we have two hours before we HAVE to be back. Isha's going to cover for us in the meantime. Now pick a place and start this tell!”

Jos frowned. ”I really don't know what to say. As far as the memory flashes, none of them are enough to piece together... Hell, I don't even know if they are actual memories or just wishful dreaming.” She glanced away as her cheeks reddened, ”As for the other night...” Jos began, starting with the call with Russ as they walked back into the airport and into a small corner booth in one of the bars. ”I was so sick and tired of everyone constantly pushing me to talk about all the things,” She through her hands up dramatically, ”I word vomited my true feelings all over him... and he kissed me...”

Raven sputtered into the cocktail she'd ordered, ”And??? I mean, I'm not going to lie, I saw him kiss you in the hall outside the bedroom as well.”

Jos let out a long sigh as she swished the liquid in her glass. ”I would have never guessed things would get this out of hand a year ago...” She took a long drink before turning her troubled gaze to Raven. ”About that night...”

Bar harbor, Maine one week earlier