146 Unwavering Love (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 44160K 2022-07-22

Arei let out a stiff grunt, ”You have no idea.”

She leaned in to study the man better, tracing her fingers over some of the tattoos. ”Some of these looks different as well...”

Arei's eyes widened and quickly worked to distract her. ”I had a book brought up earlier. It's a collection of stories by Homer outlining the adventures of your father. I thought I could read them to you.” His tactic worked. The painting was all but forgotten as she quickly turned eager eyes around to meet his. He smiled. ”Come on, this way.” He pulled open the heavy door for her and waited until she was inside before closing it behind himself and turning the lock. He watched as she spun slowly in the center of the room, taking in thousands of years of acquired art, helmets, armor, and trinkets.

She giggled in awe. ”You must really like your horse. I'm sorry I tried to harm it that first night.”

He squeezed his eyes together tightly. It would be so easy to tell her everything here in this room... in this palace. Every square inch of the house screamed the truth. His father could explain the importance of the truth remaining a secret and his sister could explain how frequently he and his brother did such things... that it wasn't anything personal toward her... He felt the feathering of a tiny hand against his arms he'd unknowingly crossed over his chest. His eyes opened to meet inquisitive aqua pools.

”What's wrong? You look like you're in pain or something.” She whispered, searching his expression.

Arei let out a long breath and uncrossed his arms, wrapping them around her instead. He nodded around the room. ”I was just thinking, I don't deserve any of this. All it is, is a showcase of how brave and strong I am... but I'm not... I'm a complete coward it would seem... on the one and only thing in my life that truly matters.” He stroked her cheek with a thick finger. ”Will you forgive me for being such a coward?”

She shook her head in confusion. ”I don't understand...”

He bent and kissed her lips softly. ”It's probably for the best that you don't.” He whispered against her lips, before straightening and taking her hand. He led her over to the bed where an old book set in the center of a silver tray accompanied by a sifter of wine, two glasses, and a few extra candles. ”If you'd like to finger through the pages, I'll light the candles and pour us each a drink. He watched as she crawled onto the bed pushing the many plush pillows out of the way and pulling a fur throw up over her legs as she nestled into the thick mattress.

”Um... are you alright? You're looking at me funny.” Jos patted the spot on the bed beside her. The book was rested on her bent knees that were covered by the thick fur blanket.

He forced a smile and handed her one of the glasses. ”I was just thinking...” He said.

She tilted her head. ”About being here?” she asked.

He let out a sigh as he made his way to the side of the bed and set beside her. ”No, not so much about being here. It's just about something my father said earlier when we were talking. He wants, for us, the same thing I want but for all the wrong reasons. He wants to have you on retainer, as something he can claim against a foe.”

She shrugged, ”So? I'm a creature of the sea. Obviously, I belong to this court... w... with you.”

He frowned, ”I don't want you to belong to anyone, only to yourself. It's bad enough this curse has such a hold on you. There doesn't need to be others with equal hold over you.” He let out another heavy sigh. ”And unfortunately, the sea god doesn't have as much 'claim' to you as he would like.” He tapped the book on her lap with his index finger. ”Your father is a direct descendent of Zeus. He could as easily claim you. If you choose, after your final hearing, to claim the lands and palace of your father, you would be accepting Zeus's lineage.”

She frowned staring down the book. ”I don't...”

”Understand?” He asked cupping her face and bringing her eyes up to meet his. ”Your father was a ruler, a king, of his lands under the favor of Zeus. You will understand more as we read this book, but for now all you really need to understand is that you, Kitten, have the right to that throne as the most direct living heir; and Vathy and several other connecting cities would willingly fall under your rule if you desired it.” He stroked her cheek. ”Do you understand why it is so important now that we teach you all that we can? That you go to your hearing and win your freedom of your own accord?”

She shook her head, still confused. ”But why couldn't I still claim my father's lands and be with you?”

He sighed, ”My father and his brother Zeus love each other, that is true... but they also envy one another and fear one another's power and rule. They are all three equals in powers, but Hades very rarely has anything to do with anything outside the underworld. Granted he didn't like the arrangement when he drew the short straw eons ago, but he has grown to love the place and the wife he shares it with. On the other hand, Zeus and my father have been in a silent power struggle for just as long, clashing at every turn. They would never out and declare war on one another... now days... but if you are deemed a free creature, they will both use whatever means possible to sway you to their side.” He released her face and leaned back against the stack of pillows, taking a long drag from his wine glass. ”I don't want you to ever regret us being together or, Olympus forbid, grow to resent me for taking such choices away from you. My uncle Zeus, favors many of my brothers but he would never have one of us sitting in a position of power within his courts.”