145 Accepted Fate (1/2)
”So, baby brother, are you going to tell us how you and this dear girl met?” Chary asked sending him a mischievous smile.
Chary rolled her eyes in over-exaggerated irritation as she nodded her agreement. ”You don't have to remind us of that.”
He held his eyes tightly together for several moments as he worked his way through a suitable version of the story without actually lying about anything. ”You know the council ordered 'The Great Hunter' to find the Kraken.” He exaggerated Ry's title making air quotes with his fingers as he rolled his eyes. ”And the order was carried out with some limited interference from dear ol' dad. Funny story, almost ended up in your territory while looking for her.”
Chary arched a brow, ”That still doesn't explain how you- Oh... I get it!” A wicked smile curved her lips. She leaned over and whispered as quietly as possible into Scylla's ear.
Scylla's eyes widened in shock. ”That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!” Her eyes shot back and forth between Arei and Chary. ”And it worked?”
Chary shrugged, ”Always has.”
”ANYWAYS!” Arei interrupted. ”We ran into each other a few times and each time was so unbelievably crazy, I just had to get to know her.”
Chary arched a brow. ”Crazy you say?”
Arei chuckled, ”Yeah, can you believe black stallion is on her list of favorite foods?” He winked down at Jos as her cheeks blushed a hot red.
”Too bad she wasn't successful, would have saved everyone a lot of trouble in the long run.” Chary said sarcastically.
Jos tilted her head in absolute confusion. ”Why is that?” She asked innocently.
Chary narrowed her eyes at her brother, ”Because that horse is a real asshole. He can be a real dick sometimes AND never seems to know when to do the right thing...” She tilted her head menacingly, ”Wouldn't you agree, Rion?” She used the name she knew him, and Orion gave to people when they planned to switch out or impersonate the other.
He narrowed his eyes at her, sending her a silent threat. ”Yes, well mistakes were made. The horse forgave her almost instantly.” He ran his thumbs over her shoulder. ”Hopefully when the time comes that the horse will need forgiveness, it will be returned.” He bent and kissed the top of her head. ”I have to go see father now.” He said with his lips still pressed against her hair. He straightened and nodded to his sister and Scylla. ”I'll be back in a bit.”
Charybdis and Scylla exchanged looks. Chary let out a heavy breath. ”Yes, yes we are.” She shrugged, ”Are the stories true? Were you born with your curse?” When Jos only nodded, she continued. ”I can't imagine which is worse. Being born this way and knowing nothing else... or having the knowledge of how great life can be and having it all taken away.”
”I need her aligned with us, Areion, do you understand? The girl is powerful. The courts will see that she be useful to them if not aligned to me.” Poseidon said pacing back and forth in front of the large window overlooking the massive library below.
Arei ran his hands through his hair. ”Well then you need to break the curse that's on her, because as it is right now, she's too out of control to be of use to you or the council. I'll be surprised if they don't make up a reason to have her locked away for life... or Olympus forbid, have her executed.”
Poseidon paused, the hand stroking his sculpted jaw thoughtfully fell away. ”She is that out of control? Even as old as she must be?”
Arei nodded. ”If the stories are true, which I have no reason to doubt them, that puts her at somewhere around 2000 years old... give or take...” He shrugged. Not all that old compared to many other demi-gods but still...” He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and ran his hands through his hair. ”You'd think by that age she'd be more in tuned with herself and the world, but it's quite the opposite.” He stood and walked over to the window quickly locating her below. ”Instead, she knows very little about herself or how to control any of it. She's still so innocent...”
Poseidon arched a brow at the warm, affectionate way he spoke of the girl. His eyes narrowed as another thought crossed his mind. ”How innocent?” He asked. Arei's expression was enough of an answer. Poseidon nodded his head. ”Not so innocent now I assume.” He clasped his son on the shoulder as he nodded. ”And she seems overly attached to you. This could work to my favor still yet.”
Arei frowned. ”What are you getting at, father?”