119 Sick of getting along (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 35400K 2022-07-22

6weeks later

A concerned frown weighed the corners of Jos's lips downward heavily as she stroked the soft fur along Shelly's back. The poor wolf had woke up this morning sicker than Jos had ever seen her. She'd thrown up twice before they were able to get the bathroom door open. Shelly now laid her body flat on the cool tile of the floor resting her head on Jos's lap as she panted lightly. ”How about some warm oatmeal? It may help your stomach settle.”

Shelly quickly jerked up from Jos's lap her checks bulging as she hung her head over the toilet again emptying the scarce content of her stomach.

Jos let out a low sign, ”Toast maybe?” The wolfs disgruntled eyes met Jos's from over the toilet seat. ”Well you have to eat something.” Jos replied to the unspoken words in Shelly's eyes. Jos made her way out of the bedroom heading toward the open living room and kitchen, but movement out side the window caught her eyes. She took several wary steps toward the window. ”What in the world?” She asked out loud but before her mind had time to register anything more a large liquid staff materialized in Arei's right hand as he leaped into the air aiming his blow for a Russ's half shifted form. Jos busted through the doors her feet rushing her forward as her tentacles shot out involuntarily encircling Arei's waist in one and the staff in another. The second it was pulled from his grip, it slashed around them in liquid form. As if stealing a base during a loaded baseball game, Jos scooted across the ground stopping on her knees before Russ. Her hand shot out to the blood seeping from a deep wound above his brow before lightly trailing down his bruised cheek to the blood crusted split in his lip. Her tentacle tightened around Arei as he rested in its grip nonchalantly. His mild almost bored mood only made her madder. ”What were you thinking?! You could have seriously hurt him!” She turned her eyes back to Russ and anger quickly shifted to worry as she took more of him in. ”You're hurt, you need to shift.” Her hands shook as they dropped to what looked like a hoof mark on his ribs. Her head quickly shot back to Arei rage flaring in the depths of her turquoise eyes. ”Did you kick him?!”

Arei shrugged as he rested his elbow against the tentacle wrapped around his waist and placed his chin in his palm. ”We were training... Mind letting me down?” He asked as the tapped the tentacle gently. ”I mean, don't get me wrong, having your arms around me is at the top of my favorite things list... but...” He ran a teasing finger along the smooth, cool flesh. ”This wasn't exactly what I had in mind.”

Russ cupped his hand and pressed the fingers that lingered so tentatively against his lips to them for a kiss. ”It's ok, baby. Put him down. He's telling the truth, we were training.” He shot Arei an irritated glare as he pushed himself up off the ground pulling Jos up and against his chest.

Jos's gaze moved in confusion between the two then shot to Orion. When Ry nodded, Jos reluctantly lowered Arei back to the ground. She watched as Arei smoothed out his loose tank and shorts and Ry just looked away awkwardly. She narrowed her eyes. ”How fare are you guys trying to push him? Were you just going to set there and let it get that far out of hand.” She said as she glared back and forth between the twins.

Russ snorted. ”Just be glad you didn't walk out with both them against me at once.” He winced in pain as he tried to chuckle.

Jos turned back to him worry and concern etched into her face. ”They wouldn't...” her words trailed of as another realization struck, she turned to them in anger again. ”YOU HAVE! You would double team him? You're old as fuck warriors! I bet your old asses don't even remember by this point how damn old you are and you're teaming up to bet up a teenager?!”

Russ frowned as the word teenager came out of her mouth, but before he could say anything the nonchalant easy attitude Arei typically cared faded to something harsher as he moved forward toward her. He stopped nearly toe to toe with her, his turbulent hazel eyes softening as he gazed down at her. Whatever angry words he was about to say died in his throat as he released a long sigh. ”It has to be done, Kit... Jos.” He tightened his fists by his side struggling against the urge to brush the loose hair out of her face. ”The boy will be expected to prove he's an alpha and fight for the title when he reaches his kingdom, several may challenge him especially with his age.” Arei pulled the tight band free of his hair as he ran his other hand through his dark auburn hair. ”He also needs to know how to fight off multiple, powerful attackers incase the vampires attack again.”

Jos narrowed her eyes more. ”You were going to run him through.” She spat out.

Arei's eyes darkened. ”Do you honestly think they will attack this time without weapons?” He forced his next words out as his chest tightened at the pain they were bound to bring her. ”Two of their attempts to bring down the Boosilis bloodline have failed... because of you.” He gave in and cupped her face as pain shot across her expression and tears began to gather in her eyes. ”You may have saved their lives both times, but it's only going to make those assholes come at them harder.” He let his hand drop from her face as his eyes trailed up to meet Russ's surprised there wasn't more anger there. ”We've learned DeMarco wasn't working alone and that he may have a son by another powerful vampire. The boy is no more that sixty or so and has been kept under the radar, but we have a feeling he or his mother will seek vengeance... if not what's left of the clans.”

Russ growled, ”Why would they want vengeance on me?! They were the ones starting shit in the first place. BOTH times!”

Arei shrugged. ”We couldn't figure that bit out. All Ry and I could guess is that it comes down to Draco DeMarco's sick obsession with hybrid children.”