115 Road less traveled (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 26560K 2022-07-22

Zakynthos, Greece 1565

”It's important for a girl to be able to properly defend herself.” Jos couldn't see his face but she could tell he was smiling as he stood behind her, his body pressed tightly against hers. Her eyes kept moving to the large hand that nestled her own hand fully inside of it as he gripped the bow. Her eyes bugged and she let out a squeak when his other strong hand gripped her stomach. ”Suck it in tightly and hold. Good job, now aim.” He tapped her elbow up higher as she drew back the bow string. ”Now release the string and your breath at the same time.” She did as he said, but her focus was no longer on the target. Instead her only thoughts was of his warm body against hers and his large, hot hand still gripping hers the other now resting lightly on her hip. ”Great job, you got bulls eye.” Her heart leaped into her throat as he smiled down at her. ”On your own now.” She nodded without hearing his words. When he stepped away she couldn't help but frown. Her body that had been so warm was now chilled with the cool breeze of fall air, withering in grievance of the loss of warmth his body so easily provided. ”Well go ahead.” He called to her, but she didn't budge only stood there staring at the hand he'd been holding.

”Come on, Kitten, you can do it.” He stepped back behind her but not as close this time. One hand lightly guided the hand holding the bow upwards at the elbow and the other glided across her flat stomach and pulled in once again. His chuckle by her ear sent shivers down her spin. ”I know you see no point in this, but there are time it is easier doing things the human way, don't you thing.”

She gulped down the lump forming in her throat and raised the bow then drew back the string and arrow. ”That a girl.” He whispered against her ear as he slid his hand up the center of her abdomen until the top of his hand was brushing the bottom of her breasts.

She let out a startled, strangled breath and accidently released the arrow. It inpaled a nearby tree and her eyes locked on the butt of the arrow frozen in place.

He chuckled as he took the bow from her hand and set it down. He turned her around in his arms. His bright smile lit his face. ”Enough of that for one day. What do you say we grab a bite to eat and you catch me up on what you've been into lately.”

His smile shifted into something else. Something she'd not seen in his eyes before. ”You look beautiful in this form.” He said the ton of his voice droping, becoming more gravely. ”I probably haven't told you that yet, have I? I really need to work on giving you the complements you deserve.” He pushed a stray strand of hair back from her face with his pinky and licked his lips. He tightened his grip around her waste for a brief second before releasing her all together and stepping back. ”I- bet you're starving. Would you like to practice a bit more and have dinner in town tonight?”

She nodded excitedly, all thoughts of his weird behavior forgotten. Typically they didn't go in to town unless they needed supplies and never to eat. ”Yes, that would be exciting, S-Sir...”

She tilted her head and studied him again, hesitating as she reached for his hand. ”Are-are you sure?”

He let out a breath and lowered his hand, ”Oh well, I'd just thought we could practice... social contact... that's all, but if you're uncomfortable with it...” he turned back toward the path but didn't take a step as he waited to see if she would take his hand. He didn't have to wait long. A wide grin curved his lips as he heard her foot steps near and felt her tiny hand slide into his.

”I'm not uncomfortable at all, Sir... but...” She tilted her head up at him. ”What does 'social contact' mean?”

”Lovers?” Her curiosity spiked once again and he gave himself another mental slap when she asked. ”What are lovers?”

She shifted her curious gaze to their hands. ”Are we lovers?” She asked innocently.

Arei chocked and stumbled over a small root sticking up from the path. ”Um... well... um... well ya see, there's a bit more than holding hands and touching that goes into being lovers, Kitten.”