114 All I ever wanted (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 44010K 2022-07-22

”It was all a blur after that. I tried to run away with the two of you, but the attackers just kept coming until finally Raven made it back from the palaces and helped clear the way.” Jos buried her face into his bare chest as she continued with the morbidly depressing tell. ”Raven had assumed your mother had already died and had went in search of your father but fell under attack inside the palace.” New tears steamed down her cheeks. ”By the time she'd reach the main chambers it was too late.” She wrapped her arms tightly around him. ”Had I said with her that day or in the very least had better control over my powers, your parents may still be live.”

”Shh…” Russ rocked her in his arms. His own tears burned his eyes. ”You can't blame yourself. You did all you could.” He stroked his hands down her back as he held her head tightly against his chest. ”You risked your life to save Shelly and I then and you risked it again two days ago to save her again. You're no monster, Jos.”

She pressed against his chest and peered up at him. ”Russ there's something else you need to know. Your uncle, he wanted you to stay. He fought against me and the council on sending you away... but he had no intent on raising you or allowing me to remain part of your life. He blamed me and rightfully so. I was the one who left the gates open that day. I made it easy enough for the vampires to walk right up to the palace doors and murder everyone inside.”

Russ wiped her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. ”It wasn't your fault, Jos.” He pulled her back against his chest tightly and kissed the top of her head. ”You must understand, I'd rather be with you than ever see any of them again. Leave it all to my uncle for all I care. We can leave together now, tonight even, and start our own life somewhere.” He laughed lightly, ”Of course it will have to be by the sea, obviously.” He teased her. He held her head back so that their eyes could meet. ”Without my parents there, I have nothing to go back to.” He smoothed a hand over her hair. ”You are and will always be my everything.”

Jos pulled away. ”You don't mean that, Russ. It's the beast you want, the best that pulls you in.”

Russ frowned and shook his head. ”I promise you, it's not like that.”

Jos shook her head. ”You don't know that. The whole point of the curse is to draw in inspecting men. You're not supposed to feel it or know it's happening.” Her eyes traveled down his naked body. ”Shouldn't this be proof enough?”

Russ tented his brows, ”What? The only thing I see here is two adults showing their love for each other.”

Jos huffed out a breath of irritation. ”I helped raise you, I'm more than 2000 years old, Russ. Hell, I can't ever remember how old I am exactly...”

Russ captured her face between his hands. ”It doesn't matter. I've never looked at you as some antique, parental figure. In all my childhood memories for as far back as I can recall, we were no more than seven to ten years apart. I'll admit I never knew exactly how hold you were, and in the back of my mind I always knew you were different but it didn't matter.” He stared deep into her eyes. ”You were always the one I ran to, always the one I wanted in my arms. Would you like me to give you a recap? Tell you exactly how it was for me? Tell you exactly how in love I've been with you and for exactly how long?” He kissed her lips. ”I don't look back at my childhood and see some older auntie, I see that same ten year old girl... Jos, I didn't realize you wasn't a child like me until that day you had to shift forms and go down to the school as your own parent.”

Jos laughed, ”That was an... interesting meeting!” She muffled a yawn against the back of her hand then cuddled tighter against Russ's side. ”That form almost kept me form staying with you guys had Raven not stepped in,” Her eyes held his, ”I don't know what I would have done. You're mother and father was the first true friends I'd ever had. Up until them I'd been forced on all the others... the sirens who raised me, Orion and Arei, even Raven... I guess that's why you and Shelly have always meant so much to me. It's the reason why I can't lose you guys.” She caressed his jawline. ”Russ I can't lose her again either.”

A corner of Russ's full lips lifted into a half smile. ”Answer me this, Arei said earlier tonight that you had chosen me, that you had told him you wanted me. Had all this shit with the vampires not happened, would you have came back to me?”

”Yes.” Her answer was straight forward without hesitation.

The tension in his expression eased fractionally, ”Would you have agreed to marry me?”

She frowned, ”I don't know, Russ. It's not that simple. You don't understand what it means to be leader of one of the few wolf clans still in power. They will expect... certain things... from you.”

He cupped her face. ”And as I've said, I'd gladly give it all up for you. I'm sure by now my uncle has provided enough heirs to replace me.”

Frustration contorted her features, ”That may be true. He may have thirty sons, but the odds of one of them being an alpha is slim to none. He was born a beta and will most likely only father betas. Your father was an alpha and so are you, his only son...”

Russ nodded. ”I see...” He pulled her head back against his chest. ”If there wasn't these stupid rules and whatever the hell they are, would you have agreed then?”

Jos thought if over for a brief second. It didn't take much time to come to that answer. ”Yes.”

He let out a long breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. ”Jos, you have to know, while you were gone Orion and I spent a week with Shelly and Rin. She apologized for the shit show she threw and gave us her blessing. She said half the things she said and did wasn't even her doings. It was part of the mind control.”

Jos's head popped up, ”With, with Rin?” Jos asked hopefully.

Russ's expression darkened. ”Yes, they were very happy as well though only for a short while. They even got married.” He smiled down at her but there was pain behind his beautiful blue eyes.

”Married?!” She covered her mouth but the smile still shined in her wide eyes. ”Why, how? What happened?”

Russ let out a long sigh. ”Rin's father is an oracle as you know. His father saw Shelly give birth to her and Rin's child, but it wasn't clear whether Rin would live to see the child born. Rin decided he wanted their child to have his name, he wouldn't leave Shelly his bastard to raise alone.”

Her hand shook as she cupped her mouth as she sucked in a gasp of air. ”Oh no! What happened?”