113 Falling to fate (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 47790K 2022-07-22

The room was silent except for the steady crackle of the low burning fire and the breathy pants of two satisfied lovers. Russ let his body drop in exhaustion onto the bed beside Jos and pulled her onto his chest. A wide grin spread for ear to ear as he slid damp tendrils of hair out of his face. ”My gods! If I would have known it would be that great, I would have talked you into this months ago.” He joked between pants. He ran one hand over her arm and used the other to brush the wild stray hairs from her face.

”Humm…” A soft purr was all she could manage as she pressed her ear against his chest to better hear the frantic beating of his heart that seemed to match that of her own. She traced tiny circles around the nipple directly in front of her nose. After finishing their first round rather quickly on the chair by the fire, Russ had lifted her and carried her back to the large king sized bed placing her in the center and loving every inch of her shifted form. She'd thought to disarm him by incorporating an extra couple tentacles, but to her surprise he seemed more aroused than anything else. He'd instructed her through various caresses and uses for the extra appendages, which also to her surprise, she enjoyed. But in the end it had proven to overwhelming for her and she'd shifted back. ”I can only think of one other time I've ever stayed in that form...” Her words trailed off, not wanting to bring up those unpleasant memories at such a great time.

”And when was that?” His husky voice enveloped her urging her on.

She frowned, ”I'd rather not talk about it, we are having such a perfect moment. I just want to savior it while it lasts.” Her fingers continued tracing patterns across is chest.

He carefully tilted her head up to meet his eyes. ”You can talk to me about it. I want to know, to know more about every aspect of you.” When she remained silent hand turned her gaze back to his chest, he asked. ”Was it the day my parents were killed?” He could feel hot, wet tears pool on his chest. ”It was, wasn't it.”

Jos nodded against his chest. The pain of that day constricted her vocal cords and crushed down on her heart. ”I should have done more...” Her voice cracked as she tried to push the works past the tight lump in her throat. ”I could have at least saved your mother...”

”Shhh…” he Pulled her farther up his body holding her tight against his chest. He kissed the top of her head as he continued holding her tightly. ”Don't you think it's time you finally talk about it? Finally time I know what happened that day?”

Jos nodded, tears overflowed down her cheeks. ”I... don't know if I can... but I'll try. You're right you should know the full story.”

***15 year and 8 months earlier, Greek Island of Zakynthos

”Ah, Jos! You're just in time dear! We are about finished out here.” Camilla Boosilis called out from the large gardens behind the massive sculpted metal gates of the Sea Cliff clan's palace grounds. She glanced up at the tiny girl who was now struggling with the massive gate. She began pushing herself up from where she sat at the edge of a flower bed when a dark hand appeared over the girls head and pushed the gate open. ”Raven! You're here too! What a pleasure!” Camilla dusted her dirt soiled hands off on her apron and turned toward the small child sized play area at the back of the garden. ”Children come see who is here to visit with us.” She called out and almost instantly two matching blond heads popped out of opposite ends of a obstacle tube. Excitement colored both their tiny faces as the girl made her way through the gates followed by a tall mocha skinned fairy, clad in rich golden armor that glistened in a majestic contrast against the deep tones of she skin and vibriant violet hair and eyes. Both children came running through the gardens as fast as their tiny legs would carry them. ”Ray Ray, Nin!” They both yelled loudly as they each flung themselves at the two visitors.

Camilla laughed as she approached her guests. ”He always seems to go straight for you, Jos.” She said as she tossled the toddlers hair who was now wrapped tightly around the slight girls neck. ”And she, always for you.” Camilla laughed turning to the other twin now in Raven's arms.

Raven chuckled, ”I suspect her attraction is for the shinny metal and not so much for me.” She squeezed one eye tightly shut against the discomfort of the child pulling on one large hooped earring.

Camilla giggled in amusement, ”You may have a point there.” She gently loosened the toddlers grip and before the child could get out a full cry she reprimanded her. ”Aht, I'll have none of that, little miss Rachelle. What have I told you? Princesses do not cry over such things.”

”Beach! Beach! Beach!” The tiny tot in Jos's arms was wiggling wildly, ready for their weekly adventure.

Camilla shook her head a gentle smile curving her lips. ”He does love your adventures.” She nodded to them. ”You guys go ahead and I'll catch up in a bit. I only have this tiny bit left.” She indicated a portion of one of the large flower beds.

”Are you sure?” Jos asked as she wrestled with the squirming child, shifting him from one hip to the other.

Camilla giggled again. ”Yes dear, though for the life of me I can't understand why you insist on staying in that form.” She ruffled the child's hair once again. ”Now you be good for Auntie Nin, you hear me Russell?”

Jos nodded to the small child, ”Shall we go then?”

He nodded his head in excitement as he wiggled with even more spunk. Holding up a fisted hand into the air. ”BEACH!!!!” He called out triumphantly.

She laughed and squeezed the boy in a big hug. ”To the beach!”