86 Cause and Effec (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 60760K 2022-07-22

Jamila passed back and forth in the large bedroom that she and Rudra shared. She had wrung her hands so much that they had become red from the friction. Rudra set on the edge of the bed watching helplessly as his wife continued to worry. ”Come, Dear, you must rest now.” He stood and walked over to her taking her in his arms. ”We have searched the entire palace by foot and magic there's nothing else to be done tonight.”

Her worried eyes pleaded with him, ”But there is still something off. I can feel it.”

He stroked her cheek, ”That may be true, Dear, but there is nothing else we can do tonight come to bed. You are home now, the wards are back in place, and our son is out enjoying the beginnings of his new life.”

She nodded and let him lead her to their large bed. ”I suppose you are right, but we should at least try to contact him... to see if everything is alright...”

Rudra laughed, ”My Dearest, I'm sure the last thing Rin wants tonight is his mother interrupting his honeymoon with his beautiful bride.” He kissed the tip of her nose as he ran a hand lovingly through her thick black hair. ”Leave him be and come to bed so your loving husband can show his affections properly.”

Her eyes lit up worry temporarily dimmed as she smiled brightly up at her husband. ”That has been the first sensible thing you've said all night!”


”What do you mean you only have rooms with king beds left?!” Arei ran his hands through his long knotted hair as he glanced over his should at Jos who stood by the entrance with her luggage. He turned frustrated eyes back to the front desk worker. ”Look, man, you see that girl over there by the door? I have to share a room with her. Do you know how hard that is with two beds?!” The young man behind the counter glanced over at Jos and froze into a long stare his face heating with dirty thoughts. Arei reached across the counter and clasped the boy on the shoulder, ”Exactly, my man, now imagine it with just one! So why don't you get on that little computer of yours and find me a room with double beds.”

The boy's red cheeks drained of all color as he backed out of Areion's grip. ”I'm sorry, Sir, but there are no other rooms available. There are several events going on in town this weekend on top of being the second week of summer break for college students.” He took another involuntary step backward.

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Jos made her way over to the counter pulling her wheeled bag behind her. ”What's going on? Do they have no vacancies as well?” Her tired eyes traveled slowly back and forth between Arei and the front desk worker.

Arei glanced the other direction as he ran his large hand over his hair once again, ”Not quite... they have rooms but only single-bed rooms. Looks like we may be either sharing a bed or driving a bit longer.”

She let out a heavy sigh as she tugged closer to the counter and propped it against it. ”At this point, I'm too tired to care if we have to share a bed with ten other people. I just need to sleep.”

Arei shook his head, ”Well hopefully one of us will get some sleep.” He held his hand out for the key. When the boy's cheeks flushed, he couldn't even bring himself to laugh, he felt the same way. He turned toward her and took the handle of her bag before bending farther down and retrieving his duffle bag from the floor in front of his feet. As they made their way to the elevator he commented.

”Maybe I'll get lucky and there will be one of those couches that pull out into a bed. He rubbed his sore neck, cramps left over from spending the past week sleeping on his own tiny sofa.

Jos blushed, ”You don't have to sleep on a couch, Arei. I'm sure there will be plenty of room... and we can put pillows between us.”

Arei laughed, ”In the history of cheap trick romantics has that technique ever worked?” He stepped into the elevator and blocked the door with his long arm as she followed him on.

”Well, I'm sure it would work as long as both parties are in agreement not to move them... Plus I'm a pretty sound sleeper. I don't move too much... I don't think...” He held her chin as she tried to think it over.

He pressed their floor number and watched her reflection as the doors closed. It was obvious she was worried about the arrangements as well but was trying her best to be accommodating. He let out a sigh as the doors opened. He strolled over to their room and quickly opened the door. He looked over the scantly furnished room. There was a large king bed in the middle with matching nightstands on either side and a large-screen TV sitting atop a long dresser, in the corner there was a small office desk and rolling chair. He let out another long sigh. ”Looks like sharing is going to be our only option.” He grabbed the remote and flopped down on the bed. ”Guess we might as well make the most of it... Scary movies and pillow fights?” He asked teasingly trying to ease the tension he felt.

She gave a light-hearted giggle. ”You have fun with that I'm going to take a quick shower and get ready for bed.” She walked into the bathroom and closed and locked the door before leaning heavily against it. [I wish I had someone to talk to right now... Someone to tell me what a bad idea this is... Someone to force my body to stay on track with my heart...] Her hand crept across the necklace still resting against her chest. [What does my heart even want at the moment?] She brought the palm of her other hand up to rest on her forehead as she closed her eyes tightly. ”Just shower and go to sleep, Joslyn!” She whispered to herself. She stripped off her clothes and the now dry bikini underneath glancing into the lengthy mirror over the vanity. The faint scar of Russ's bite still marred her pale skin. She ran her hand across it. The tender pain and bruising were no longer present. Her eyes trailed over her naked body. There were still faint scars from the claw marks left on her hips and a few other various parts of her body, but the bruising and pain were no longer present there either. [It was done as an act of passion... would that still count as something violent? surely not... right?] Her mind battled itself as she turned toward the shower and began running the water. The pulse of the warm water sent a pleasant tingle through her body adding an uncharacteristic pleasants to the feel of her hands massaging in the soap across her body. Her mind went back to the first shower her and Russ shared, the one he'd left the claw marks on her hip. Her hands glided slowly over her breasts as the warm waters continued to massage her now slick body. As her hands slid easily down over her stomach she couldn't help but think of the raw animalistic passion in which he'd taken her, claiming her as his with every pump of his hips every centimeter deeper his claws and manhood had sunk into her body. It wasn't until her own loud moans startled her that she realized all her current pleasures where being brought on by the stroking of her own fingers. She let her head fall against the cool tile of the shower as the trimmers subsided from her body and the hot waters washed over her back and shoulders. ”What have I just done...” She growled as her mind returned to the present and her cheeks began to burn with embarrassment.

Arei pulsed the TV when he'd heard yet another noise from the bathroom. His first thoughts had been that something was wrong and he'd jumped up and quickly headed over to the bathroom door. With one hand rested on the doorknob and another loud moan, realization hit him. She was not in distress at all! Quite the opposite really... His dick went instantly hard as another louder moan sounded through the door. ”Fuck...” He whispered fighting the urge to fling the door open and give her a helping hand... or... His hands flew into his hair as he quickly backed away from the door. [I can't stay in here... Gods give me the strength to walk away!!!!] He sent a silent prayer toward the sky as he backed toward the main door of the room. He opened and shut the door as quietly as possible then nearly ran to the stairs taking them two at a time until he reached the bottom floor. Lucky for him the small bar in the restaurant portion of the hotel was still open. He threw back three shots in rapid succession before finally asking for a beer.

”What's bothering ya, kid?” The elderly bartender asked.

Arei chuckled with the thoughts of this man calling him a kid. He probably had a good couple thousand years on the man, but he answered the man anyway. ”Ever want something so badly... but realize your chance has already passed... that pushing it now would be possibly losing that person forever?” His gaze settled on the long neck in front of him. He swirled the amber liquid around in the bottle as he thought over his own words.

The bartender looked him over carefully before answering, ”Take it from an old man, ya never actually lose anything. At any given time we can make the conscious choice of going back and looking for something once lost... and who knows we may be lucky enough to pick it up and it works just like it did before...” He shrugged, ”maybe even better...” The bartender set another shot on the bar. ”but other times we are reminded why we lost it in the first place, why we hadn't bothered looking for it sooner.” He arched an all-knowing brow at Arei. ”Which do you think it is, sonny?”

Arei stared down into the dark liquid filling the shot glass. ”What if you didn't think the thing wanted to be found or that you deserved to lose it...” He threw back the shot and set the glass down on the bar.