85 What lies below (1/2)
The warm breeze rustled through the thick foliage of the hidden oasis of the spring casting shadows over Jos's closed eyelids as she laid peacefully under the hot summer sun. The soft chirp of birds and gentle flow of the water around the ledge she lay on was enough to lull her into a half-sleep. She let out a content sigh as she heard the bearly audible break in the water surface. Without opening her eyes she whispered. ”I'm glad we came here. I've missed this... a quiet relaxing place without tons of people around constantly. It reminds me of home.”
Arei glided seamlessly through the water to where she was laying. He rested his arms on the ledge closest to her head and smiled down at her still closed eyes. He let his gaze trail down her nearly dried body. {So much has changed... but she's still the same somehow... and I can't help but still care...} ”It's beautiful here, that's for sure.” He didn't take his eyes off her, ”It's the place that most reminds me of you.” He tried to keep his voice flat as he said it but couldn't help the slight break in his words as emotions filled him. ”I'm not sure why I didn't just come here first.” He said reaching into his still submerged pocket.
Jos's eyes shot open as something cold and heavy was placed against her upper chest. Her hands flew there instinctively, and she slowly slid her fingers over the cold smooth surface of a large gem. She tried to maneuver her neck to see it but found the task difficult only allowing view of the very bottom of a large silver necklace. ”What is this?” She asked taking it carefully into her hands as she sat up. Her eyes moved back and forth from the necklace covering both her palms to Arei.
He hoisted himself up out of the water and sat behind her. ”What's it look like?” He asked a somehow sweet sarcasm coloring his words.
Jos examined the intricate etchings within the metal. there were two dark stallions on opposite sides of the radiant stone that reflected the full spectrum of the rainbow within its dark depths. Their heads each rested against the stone on either side and connected to the chain my what looked to be wings and their necks curved and twisted until it merged into what seemed to be waves. Above and below the stone were detailed patterns and several much smaller stones. She looked up at him in question. ”I don't understand...”
He huffed out a small laugh as he leaned over her running a long finger over the horses and then the stone. ”In the center, that is a black opal, they are very rare and precious.” His eyes sparkled and his lips turned up in a sentimental smile as he continued studying the necklace. ”I would think the black stallions are obvious... they are protecting that which they hold so dear.” He stoked the horses again before taking the necklace from her hands. He placed it against her chest and brushed her hair over one shoulder. As he clasped the latch of the necklace, he let his fingers graze the back of her neck teasingly.
Her hands came up to it as she quickly turned her head to meet his eyes, ”Arei, it's beautiful... but I can't take this... it...”
He interrupted her by pressing a finger lightly against her lips. Once she'd finally stopped trying to argue around his finger he used the same finger to brush away a tiny stray hair from her face. He let his hand linger against the ear he'd brushed the hair behind. ”There's no point in arguing. It's yours... It's always been yours. I had it made for you... I was going to give it to you once the creator had finished and tell you the truth, but you came to me... to Ry first. The day I was packing to leave, a delivery boy brought it by. I was so upset...” His voice trailed away and his hand dropped from her face. He looked out over the waters thinking back to the day he'd tossed it into the dark bottomless void of the spring. He shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. ”Anyway... It's yours. Keep it, it may bring you luck or something one day.” His eyes came back to where her tiny hand now rested against his arm, knowing it would be a mistake he still met her gaze. His chest constricted as he took in the hurt in her eyes and the faint tears that built in the corners of her eyes.
”I'm sorry, Arei... I really am. I know now I messed up and I should have...” Her face scrunched. ”Well there's a ton of things I should have done differently back then, but I shouldn't have hurt you. I was so young and my emotions so... overwhelming...”
He sent her a sad smile, ”I understand, kitten. You weren't the only one to blame in how things between us worked out. I take a large part of that on myself. If I'd been honest with you from the start...” He sighed. ”What do you say we go grab dinner and find a place to rest for the night?”
She nodded. ”Alright.” She watched as he pushed himself up to a standing position and took his hand when he offered it down to her. ”Do you have a place in mind?” She asked as she walked over to retrieve their clothes.
He smiled brightly as he took his shirt from her hands. ”I haven't shown you Saint Augustine yet, It's a must before you leave the state!”
She laughed, ”Always the considerate teacher.”
He walked over and helped her tug down the back of her shirt letting his hands skim her back. ”Hands-on education is always best, in my opinion.” He said in a rich, husky voice close to her ear.
A shiver ran down her body, ”We-we should get going then before it gets too late.”
The corner of his lips turned up as he let his hands fall away from her body. ”You're probably right.” He took the bank in three large steps and turned to offer her a hand. ”I'd hate to delay your lessons.” He winked down at her.
”Where the hell have the two of you been?!” Orion stomped out of the kitchen, an apron covered in cutely decorative pink cupcakes all over it.
Raven arched her brows a snicker covered her already mischievous grin. ”Where have we been? What have you been up to?” She glanced past him at the mounds of sweet treats stacked up across the counters of the large kitchen. ”Is there a community bake sale I'm unaware of?” She pushed past him for closer inspection of the treats breaking off chunks of cookie here and popping in bites of truffle there. ”mot-bab,” She mumbled with her mouth full.
He glared at Russ as he answered her. ”I was worried. There was no note, text... anything. It just looked like you vanished in the middle of the night!”
Russ shrugged as he too walked past Orion and into the kitchen. ”We did vanish in the middle of the night. Rin and his dad dropped in to teleport us to a last-minute wedding.” He ran his finger through the fudge icing of a double chocolate tart and sucked it off. ”Ummm! Had I known you could bake like this I'd have agreed to bring you along.” He snatched the last of a plate of truffles when he noticed Raven eyeing them and quickly popped it in his mouth with another moan of delight. ”Too bad there's not more of these!”