42 Nothing without you (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 44940K 2022-07-22

”Goddamnit!” Russ yelled as he flung his phone across the empty living room.He bent over gripping the sides of his head tightly as he let out a blood-curdling scream.In one rapid movement, he shot to his feet and ran his fist through the once sturdy coffee table.

Naru popped his head out from the bathroom door, toothbrush in mouth.He arched an eyebrow as he looked from his friend to the now wrecked table. He spoke around the toothbrush, ”Dude, WTF? Did you just smash my table?!” He turned back into the bathroom, removed the toothbrush, and set it on the counter then walked back into the living room.”I mean I would bitch more about it... but I don't want to be left in a heap beside the damn thing...” Naru stopped and leaned against the bar separating the living room from the kitchen and watched in stunned surprise as the strongest most powerful man he had ever known fell to his knees several feet in front of him and let out another soulful whale as tears began to stream down his face.

Naru grabbed two bottles of beer from the counter beside him and stepped carefully around the splintered remains of the table slowing as he neared his friend.He placed a hand on Russ's heaving shoulders. ”Dude, you want to talk about it?”He tapped Russ's slumped head with the bottle.

Russ slowly took the bottle, not making eye contact with his friend.He sat back on his feet and popped the cap off and took a large drink.Naru sat on the sofa and popped off the cap of the beer in his hand and took a long drink before letting the bottle dangle between his knees as he twisted the neck of the bottle back and forth waiting on Russ to speak. When Russ didn't, Naru asked, ”Is this about that woman?”

Russ shot him an angry glare, ”You know her name! Don't say it like that!”

Naru threw his hands up in defense, ”Sorry man, I didn't mean it like that.I just mean....” His words died as he saw more tears building behind the angry eyes glaring up at him. ”Help me understand, dude.Why...” He couldn't bring himself to ask what he really wanted to know, instead, he asked, ”Why HER?”

Russ ran his free hand through his hair as he focused his gaze on the bottle in his other hand. ”She's my everything...” He moved his gaze up to Naru's, ”There is no one but her.”

Naru arched a brow, ”You say that awful matter-of-factly for someone who isn't even old enough to buy your own beer.” Naru took another long drink.As he continued studying Russ's face.

”Because I am certain of it.There will never be anyone but her.” Russ said with a sternness that was hard to argue with.

Naru sighed heavily, ”I get that she's beautiful and has a mysterious sexiness about her... but...” he shrugged, ”I just don't get it, man.”He looked down at his friend.”You haven't been a couple that long, and you guys are... so different...” {I'm probably going to get punched for this but I have to say it.} ”Russ... It's obvious she doesn't feel the same... I mean she's known as the ice queen on campus.No one has ever been able to get close to her even as a friend.” Naru braced himself for an incoming punch, but to his surprise, Russ only sighed and pushed himself up from the floor.

Russ flopped down on the sofa and stared blankly out past the busted table. A gentle curled his lips as he spoke, ”That's not her at all.She's the most caring, loving, considerate person I've ever known.As long as I can remember she's always been nothing but kind and gentle.” His eyes glazed over as he continued staring with unseeing eyes, ”When my parent's died she was there, she held on and wouldn't let go... Over the past 15 years no matter what she wouldn't let go...” A tear trailed down his cheek. ”We, Shelly and I, took her away from the only home she ever knew... all her friends and family... but she has only ever looked at us with the purest of love.”He smiled a bittersweet smile as another tear trailed down his face.”I've loved her as long as I can remember... My own parent's faces have begun to fade from my memory, but I can still remember the day we left the island... the tears she tried to hide, the exact color of her dress, the tremble in her hands as she held us tightly on the plane...I want to spend the rest of my life returning that love... being the strong hand that comforts her, that brushes away her tears... to be the one to take away the hurt she is always trying so hard to hide.”

Naru's throat tightened with the emotion Russ's words sturred.He was completely undone when glistening blue eyes met his.He quickly turned his head away from Russ's view and took an extra long drink.When he was still unable to say anything Russ continued.

”You could never understand my joy whenshe admitted to feeling the same about me.”His voice brightened as he continued. ”There is no amount of wealth that would ever sway me from wanting to be with only her... A crown of gold would never be worth more than plain matching bands around each of our ring fingers.”

Naru couldn't help the tears that streamed down his own cheeks as Russ continued.

”I want her to be the mother of my children, the first thing I see every morning, the face I see as I take my very last breath.” He clamped his hand over the back of his neck, ”...And she felt the same, Naru... But I ruined it. My own jealousy...” anger was heavy in his voice once again, ”My own fucking anger... I fucked it up, Naru... and I may lose her to another man... and I'm the one who DROVE her into his arms...” His body shuddered with the vibrations of a shift.

Naru leaped from the sofa and shot across the room.”Dude, please don't shift right now!The cat in me couldn't deal with you in such a confined space, man!”

Russ gripped the sofa arm and fought against the shift. He gave himself a full-bodied shake then quickly downed the rest of his beer. ”Then we better get out of here... cause the way I'm feeling I can't promise you I'll be able to hold it back.”

Naru watched his friend with sad but understanding eyes. ”Alright, man.You wanna head down to Calypso's?At least there Raven can help if you do lose control.”