41 Another mans bed (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 50960K 2022-07-22

The sweet aroma of baked goods pulled Joslyn from a restless sleep.She hadn't fallen asleep until after daybreak but was awoken frequently by the pain in her temple or by nightmares losing Shelly and Russ both in different horrible ways. Joslyn tentatively lifted her head waiting for the pain of yesterday to hit her again, but when she was sure it wouldn't she moved to the edge of the bed and stood up slowly. She made her way through the large suite, stopping by the bathroom as she passed by it. She glanced into the mirror {Man I look rough, the cuts and bruises from a week ago have only begun to disappear and now I have even more… and a huge bandage on my head. This would have to look bad to anyone who saw me right now…}. She turned away from the mirror and headed out of the bathroom.She opened the door leading out into the main house and glanced around.

”Hey, pretty lady!” Raven called from the kitchen.

Joslyn's head shot over toward the kitchen, ”What in the world are you doing here!” She walked carefully toward the kitchen bar.

”Xavier called me this morning and asked if I could come over. Well, actually he called the bar and Liam called me but anyways…” She continued searching through several cabinets before glancing over at Joslyn from around the cabinet, ”You wouldn't by chance know where he keeps the plates do you?” She opened another cabinet then another, ”So much food and nothing to eat it on…. or with.”

Joslyn laughed, ”I'm happy you're here, but I still don't understand why you're here.”

”Ah, finally!” She took out two plates and began shoveling food from various containers onto it.There was a huge assortment of fruit and pastries along with a note. Raven glanced down at the note that Joslyn was staring at. ”You know, he seemed legitimately concerned when he called. He said your head was hurting too bad to even sit up when you woke up earlier. He didn't want you here alone in case you woke in pain again.” Raven popped a strawberry in her mouth as she watched Joslyn reach for the note.

Joslyn stared at the neat script on the outside of the folded paper, ”Raven, I shouldn't be here. This is only going to make things worse.”

Sadness filled Raven's eyes as she answered, ”Like I told Russ, it's better if you two take a step back for now. I myself didn't realize how out of control he is with his abilities right now.” She took a bite out of a muffin before continuing, ”I don't think he realizes his true strength yet… and let's face it how much more of this are you going to be able to take.”

Joslyn rubbed her head with her other hand, ”You may have a point there, but I really don't think this is the best idea either.”

Raven shrugged, ”Why not, he seems nice enough and more than willing to help.”

”Raven he told me how he felt last night after he thought I was asleep… He pulled me onto his chest and… cuddled me…. After he thought I had fallen asleep.” Joslyn said as she looked pleadingly at her roommate and best friend. ”He's not looking for a friendship and that is all I have to offer right now.”

Raven shrugged her shoulders, ”Has he tried anything since the night you met?”

Joslyn looked at her confused, ”Well no…”

Raven arched a brow at her, ”And how many times have you been alone together with the opportunity?”

Joslyn bunched her brows together in thought, ”A few, I guess.Especially the night he brought me here after Shelly's attack and again last night.”

”So, answer me this is it him you don't trust or is it you?” Raven took another bite of her muffin.She glanced down at the note in Joslyn's hand. ”Are you just going to hold it all day or are you going to actually read it?”

Joslyn looked from Raven to the note, without saying anything she unfolded it.

[Sorry I couldn't be here when you woke up, as always there was something that came up at the shop. I had the maid drop off some food and clothes for you earlier and I called your friend. I hope everything is to your liking. I should be back by 4pm.If you're feeling better, I'll treat you to dinner.]

Joslyn folded the note up and looked around the bar, and sure enough, there was a bag of clothes in a Biting Waves reusable bag.She opened it to find shorts, a tank, and bikini all from his shop in her sizes.

Raven leaned over the bar, ”So whatcha got?”

Jos looked up at her, ”A bag of clothes in my size…” She let out a heavy sigh and set the bag aside. ”Raven, I can't take these.”

Raven leaned back as Joslyn stood up. She crossed her arms over her chest as she said, ”Jos, my dear, you are alone in a mansion.Enjoy it, I know I would…. Hell, if I didn't have work in less than an hour, I would enjoy the shit out of it!” She watched Joslyn as her face dropped more. ”Jos listen to me.You are in no shape to go back to the apartment and have another standoff with either one of the twins right now.” She walked around the bar to come face to face with Joslyn. ”I've known you longer than anyone, you're the strongest person I know…” She tapped her index finger to the tip of Joslyn's nose as she continued, ”But even you have a breaking point. It's time you take a step back and let things cool off before the damages escalades past repair.”

”I know Raven, but what damage is staying going to cause?”Jos let out a heavy sigh.”This was all because I went behind Russ's back and met Xavier in the first place. How do you think he's going to feel when he finds out I'm staying in the man's house…”She threw up her arms, ”Hell we basically shared a bed last night.”