Chapter 173 - 173. dungeon (1/2)
I made sure I had my pouch secured to my belt I had replaced some of the contents with a few bandages a light stone and some jerky instead of those gross looking rations. Teriyaki flavor. Filled up my canteen with my kingdom water. Double checked to make sure I had everything good to go. Told hestia she didn't have to work anymore for a long while and left about 500k valis or 500 gold on the table for her. 1 gold could feed a family for a week here so. I already had stocked the fridge with food that was better than what was available at the market so. It was basically all her spending money.
”now don't go showing it off there are a lot of bad types in this town who might rob you so stick to the populated areas.”
I had a shadow follow her just in case. Anyone hurts my fluffy goddess can become a permanent part of my undead army.
”I'll try to be back before dark so behave yourself.” I patted her head and walked out into the street.
My first destination was the information area around the entrance of the dungeon. It's always good to know what your up against and what to look out for. I had my backpack on so I don't look suspicious. Inventory magic is a very wanted skill and some of the higher ups might resort to darker means to get me to join them. Remember a rule of thumb is to be cautious of people they are usually more sinister than dungeon monsters.
I make my way over to a man selling beginner books on monsters and buy one for the first 20 floors. The go over some of the monsters I should be finding on the first few floors notable drops besides crystals. There aren't many in the first few floors. Mostly I'll be dealing with goblins, kobolds, wall climbing lizards, and wolves the first 7 or so floors. Then it moves up a notch to lizardmen with weapons, minotaurs, and hellhounds around the 11th floor and on.
Key points to look out for are monster parties which randomly spawn in tens of monsters. Dungeon ants which when killed release a pheromone to summon more ants often leading to a party wipe due to being surrounded and exhausted to death. And lastly criminals who would sometimes kill and rob rookies.
Rule of thumb never ever ever party with people you can't trust or don't know. If you want to set up a party get reliable information at the guild and check around for their reputation.
There's a boss on the 17th floor called a Goliath It has a large body that reaches seven meters and has gray skin. The Goliath is always reborn two weeks after it is killed.
All in all there's a ton of different monsters from poison moth to horned rabbits.
Sadly no slimes.
I memorize everything and make my way into the dungeon. following a small crowd of adventurers and we all split off different ways once we are inside. The dungeon is kind of set up like a maze with dark purplish walls that turn more cave like the lower you get in floors til the 20s or so. Every floor is bigger than the last so sometimes it takes a while to get out and people are forced to stay inside.