Chapter 35 - 35. The search and gifts. (1/1)

They had indeed been searching books for Flamel's name ever since Hagrid had let it slip, because how else were they going to find out what Snape was trying to steal? The trouble was, it was very hard to know where to begin, not knowing what Flamel might have done to get himself into a book. He wasn't in Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century, or Notable Magical Names of Our Time ; he was missing, too, from Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry. And then, of course, there was the sheer size of the library; tens of thousands of books; thousands of shelves; hundreds of narrow rows. Ryan had in all this time been sneakily sending his shadows to loot books in the restricted section he had to be very careful though some books had charms for alarms and curses and such on them if he felt something wrong he had to immediately stuff it in his inventory and have the shadow run off as the librarian madam pince was becoming increasingly more vigilant with every false alarm. His collection was growing at an alarming rate. he was starting to feel like a real skyrim player with some kind of looting fetish and he just stored everything. it's like that maid who steals a DVD from all the houses she cleans until she has this massive DVD collection. He had everything from books banned by the ministry to books that were said to have been lost to time he had topics on everything from cooking to magical music and painting he had to be careful tho can't leave a barren hogwarts library. It's developing into an addiction. Some of his favorite topics where farming magic, beast taming, ancient building magic and of course old school kings and knights combat based Magic for sieging castles and war magic the thought of blowing out castle walls with massive ancient explosion magic excited him. he currently didn't have the magic power to do it those ancient spells needed a lot of oomph behind them he just didn't have. He found a magical book about showing off and took that instantly it gave great tips. Like a magic spell that makes your hair look like it's blowing in the wind dramatically or one that makes your cloak or cape fly majestically behind you like a knight of old. Of course as the best king of all time he will master these spells and look even better. He found some dangerous potion books that told him how to make things like everlasting potions which are potions that give you the designated effect forever these are dangerous because you could use them for almost any potion like wit sharpening or focus potions or even luck potions but they can also be used for things like love potions or loyalty potions and practically make people slaves. As a just king he frowned upon the thought of slaves in his kingdom unless they were unpardonable murderers and rapists if you try that in his kingdom it's basically death or getting mind fucked into slavery for the betterment of the kingdom I don't need people like that in my dungeons. You'll work for the kingdom. he was going to have Daphne help him with politics and law enforcement system when he could tell them about his kingdom he can't right now because they aren't good enough to protect their minds from people like Snape and if he showed them he would have to keep them there til they mastered it and made sure they were truly his friends and wouldn't blab. Luna was okay because natural barriers and childhood friend. Enough rambling.

Hermione took out a list of subjects and titles she had decided to search while Daphne strode off down a row of books and started pulling them off the shelves at random. Luna picked up a book about fairies. Ryan started on his essay (manga). Neville had a book about poisonous plant care and Tonks just put her head down and started napping. Harry wandered over to the Restricted Section. He had been wondering for a while if Flamel wasn't somewhere in there. Unfortunately, you needed a specially signed note from one of the teachers to look in any of the restricted books (or some spiffy shadows), and he knew he'd never get one. These were the books containing powerful Dark Magic never taught at Hogwarts, and only read by older students studying advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts. ”What are you looking for, boy?”

”Nothing,” said Harry.

Madam Pince the librarian brandished a feather duster at him.

”You'd better get out, then. Go on -- out!” man she was really on edge from all those alarms.

Ryan watched on with a snicker as Harry was pretty much kicked out of the library. Harry had about as much subtlety as a mask wearing man in a bank. he knew Hermione would come back after Christmas with the answers for Harry.

Once the holidays had started, Ryan and Harry were having too good a time. They sat in Ryans trunk drinking hot cocoa and watching movies like home alone and how the grinch stole Christmas. Ryan knew the poor boy didn't have any good memories of Christmas so he made it his personal goal to make this his best one ever. He had prepared personal gifts for everyone including Ron,Fred and George even Percy gets a gift. Even the teachers got some presents from him and he was kind enough to buy malfoy a 5 year long uncancelable subscription sent to his house of daddy's little princess magazines and playwitch weekly so he could see those buff men he probably always dreams about. he sent Snape and malfoy batching birth certificates for the boy saying Snape was his biological father that rumor had never died down. he even got him a #1 dad mug and said it was from malfoy. He got Dumbledore a bulk set of wool socks in some dazzling colors. McGonagall got some cat toys and a book on ancient transfiguration. professor flitwick got a booster seat with a cup holder and some signed pictures of famous dueling stars and a book about new tactics in dueling today. for professor sinestra the astrology teacher he gave her muggle books about the stars and planets considering that in the wizard world our stuff is pretty far behind the muggle world they don't even believe we went to the moon. for professor sprout he bought a few rare plants and a nice set of new gardening gear. for his parents he got them both subscriptions to their favorite magazines and paid for an all expenses paid trip to France for a romantic 2 week trip. for the lovegoods Ryan sent Pandora the books about spellcrafting from the room of requirement and Xenophiulis her husband he sent back conspiracy theory and mystery novels and all sorts of random bits and bobs.

now as for what he got his friends and such. For Ron he just gave him 50 galleons and some stuff about the chuddley cannons including a new bed set. Ryan knew that basically the whole family had maybe 30 galleons in gringotts they were super poor to an unimaginable level. for the twins he got them both special trunks they contained a potioneers room and a lab for experiments he gave them some vouchers for random stores too including zonkos joke shop the candy store the bookstore and the apothecary he left them a not explaining how to use the trunks there were only 4 rooms in each with the link between them came with all the same defensive measures in necklace form. they were both Scarlett with their initials on them so it just looked like a pendent with an F and a G on it. Percy got books about ministry law and the wizengamot and a spiffy fountain pen. he bought ginny a trunk and told her to hide it from her mother and how to use it he hid it among a package filled with the boy who lived books signed personally by Harry much to both their embarrassment. he also gave her a voucher for 100 galleons at madam malkins and 10 galleons for her wand next year so she can get a new one not a hand me down like Rons. For Arthur and molly Weasley he gave them books on muggle cooking and a few muggle objects and explained how to use them like a remote controlled race car and some hand held games. he gave them 1000 galleon vouchers for flourish and blotts for books for the kids next year he remembered gilderoy that fraud would be coming out with like 15 books that everyone needs to buy and with 5 kids that shit adds up fast. he also gave a few more basic vouchers at 100 galleons each for various shops in the alley. These were good people and he knew they wouldn't take charity so he disguised them as Christmas gifts. he when sent Charlie and Bill some nice things he knew all the Weasleys since childhood after all. bill got some dark magic detectors and curse breaking books and the Indiana Jones complete works. Charlie got some new robes with anti dragonfire spells and some breeding and other types of books. Ryan had unlocked his kingdoms coin pouch outside the farm of course he's going to splurge. For Neville he got him a signature trunk with his house crest on it he had the basic apartment linked to Ryans and had a massive greenhouse style room aswell complete with auto sprinklers new farming tools and some rare seeds so he could have a mobile garden each trunk cost about 100kgp but he paid it no mind. for Luna Ryan got her all 150 basic Pokémon plushies and a snorlax chair. he got her 5 brand new Pokémon card decks and a pikachu onsie in her size she would wear almost every day that there were no classes (absolutely adorable). He also got her a small collection of 50 different kinds of pudding.

Daphne and Hermione got trunks as well containing a library/study fully stocked with furniture with vouchers for 1000 galleons for the bookshop and 50 galleons for the supply shop for quills and parchements. they were all linked together and had the basic apartment with a kitchen and bathroom in modern style he also got them vouchers for madam malkins. girl and clothes man. Tonks got one that had the apartment and a combat arena for practice all the trunks had the basic wardrobe and random item trunk slots aswell so they were basic 4 room vertical trunks all stocked with basic necessities like coffepots fridges and food for them that won't go bad due to magic. he got her some aurora handbooks and a dragon hide wand holster with a slot for a knife just in case. for Harry he got an emerald green trunk with a lightning bolt on it. all the basic rooms with a special quidditch room with goals and working balls so he could fly around even when with the dursleys. his trunk had muggle notice me not charms and repelling wards so they would leave him alone and it would be impossible for them to take it also had anti elf barriers. Ryan had upgraded his own trunk with a new room it was basically an arcade room to relax and have fun it had things like pinball machines fooseball, skeeball, a ball pit for Luna, air hockey some claw machines with stuffed animals a bar with things like soda and butter beers with chips and things like that no alcohol for minors. it had tvs for watching sports like ufc and cartoons it was a dream come true and kinda looked like a super version of Chucky Cheese there was the carpet that had planets and stars that every game arcade in america had there were motorcycle racing games and dance dance revolution he had everything including pacman. With neon and blacklights everywhere he spent a fortune but it's Christmas piss off he was down about 2mgp total but who cares we need fun in our life.