Chapter 175 - Im not that fickle to think only with my lower half. (1/2)
Why was I afraid?
He asked me this question. What kind of answer was he expecting?
I was afraid of what would follow. I was afraid because without any warning Eshan made a move. I was unsuspecting.
In reality, was I afraid or hesitant?
I knew, he was no stranger but my husband. Then, why was I having doubts at such a moment?
”Innaya, are you afraid of physical intimacy? Are you afraid of us crossing that last barrier? I'm not asking you, 'what are you afraid of'. What I want to know is 'why'. It's absolutely okay for you to feel nervous, jittery, on guard, this being your first experience when it comes to such matters.” Eshan probed further. His deep understanding was touching, at the same time, his analysis was unsettling.
I blinked my eyes, watching his serious face, turning more and more firm.
A flash of anger crossed his features before his eyes returned to normal.
”Today, it was my fault for rushing you. I had no intention of scaring you, but watching you— I just lost my control.” His eyes darkened as if remembering that moment. ”I don't know how, but I could not stop myself from showing my affection to you.” He sighed helplessly.
He ran his right hand through his hair, messing his hair. ”Let's talk about that unexplored aspect of our life. Instead of letting misunderstandings grow betting us, I would rather have us talking everything in open.”
My heart suffered a shock listening to him. Did he want us to talk about s.e.x now? When the situation was of such kind?
'Oh, so now you want to think about your poorly dressed self when you're covered from head to toe. What? Are you feeling shy now? Where was this shyness when you were holding onto him? He insisted on getting you changed, yet you did not care. Huh!' I had to agree with my mind on that.
At that time, my brain had stopped working, thus I did not realize it.
My eyebrows drew together as I wondered what Eshan meant by talking everything in open.