46 CHAPTER 46: Were back hero! (1/2)
”Nassus is gone now...”
”There's nowhere for you to run, Goddess Ange...”
,as Zeran said aided by a serious and taunting look at Ange, while Ru, Mai, Zeran and Arseia were pointing their sharp and razor-like weapons at Ange that were ready to rip her apart. Then, he continues to say,
”Any last words?”.
Though, Ange didn't look afraid nor frightened, rather she seemed to be accepting her demise for the cruel things she had done to the four of them before. Thereon, she responds to his question very composely,
”That's no longer needed...”.
Zeran was surprised, as he heard a non-cliche and obtuse statement from the light Goddess Ange, in which his intensified feelings were gone into the drain, making him to say inside his very mind,
(”Needed? Tsk...I was hoping to fight a light Goddess in her divine form or something...”).
Zeran took a glance at Ru, Mai and his Goddess mother Arseia. His eyes were witnessing that the gorgeous Goddesses truly looked serious and they don't want Ange to break free from their hands, as judgement was the only thing they could offer to the forsaken light Goddess. He closed his eyes and he was diving in his thoughts afterwards,
(”So...this is the end...”)
(”This will be the first time, that I'll ever see a light Goddess to be slain in front of my eyes...”).
He sighed and revealed his eyes, although his vision was witnessing that Ru was now in front of Ange. Not only that, Ru was spreading out her divine arms, as if she was trying to protect Ange. Strangely enough, Arseia and Mai weren't pointing their weapons for some kind of reason, instead their eyes were very determined for Ru's unusual idea. There after, Mai and Arseia gave a nod at Ru since, they believed that Ru could turn things for the better. Sadly, Zeran wasn't pleased of pointing his weapon at his beloved Ru, nor does he even care for the light Goddess Ange anymore. Sooner or later, the air was grimm, he gritted his teeth and told at Ru, trying to order Ru for her own sake,
”Ru...get out of the way...”.
Ru didn't obey his commanding words, instead she said with a serious and a strong look that were very offensive to Zeran,
”Sorry Zera...but...this won't fix things...”
He responds,
”I see...”.
Though, he was grumbling inside his thoughts,
(”So this won't fix things...but still...she has to pay...”).
Since he doesn't want their dispute to swell any further, he just put down his weapon and dispersed it, while he was looking at his hand, having second thoughts. As he looked at Ru again, her intimidating expression was masked by a smile of a radiant Goddess, since she felt that he listened to her plea. Sadly, he noticed that Ange was pointing a silver pistol at the back of Ru's head, while Ange was wearing a dark masque of the cold abyss, while Ange was ready to pull the desperate trigger. Mai and Arseia were widely shocked, as they saw that Ange was truly desperate in her twisted ambitions. Without any second thoughts, he shoved Ru's head immediately, before Ange pulled the trigger, turning Ru to be shocked due to his sudden action. Thereon, a loud bang was heard although, the bullet was only able to hit the wall, since Zeran anticipated Ange's dire action. Ru turned to look at Ange. Ru was able to notice that Ange was holding a gun ready to take her life once again. Afterwards, Zeran gripped Ange's hand very tightly that was holding the pistol. Ange compliments Zeran with a cold smile,
”So...you were able to see through that...”.
Sooner or later, Arseia went near and held Ange down, shoving Ange's face unto the white floor like Arseia was posing as a cop chaining down a hard-boiled criminal. Ange tried to resist but, Arseia's powerful shackles were tight and Mai was aiming her crossbow at Ange if she does break free. A little while later, Arseia tried to talk into some sense unto the idealistic Ange,
”Ru almost tried to defend you and this is how you repay her?!”.
Ange replies expressively,
”Get off me old hag!”.
Ru, Mai and Zeran were silent and surprised, as they heard that offensive statement from the light Goddess Ange. It seemed those forbidden words shouldn't have been said, since they already knew what would occur next. As for Arseia, as she heard those words, from the squirming Ange, her eyes darkened, that would scare even the bravest heroes of all time. Raging storms started to swell inside the place due to Arseia's rising fury. The silence was very unnerving and Arseia was wearing an aura of death that was directed at Ange. Then, Arseia responds back that was devoid of any kind of emotion,
Zeran comments with an awkward smile on his face,
”Ange...you shouldn't have said that...”.
Afterwards, Ange was wreathed in the thorns of unexplainable torture that was so horrifying to look at, even Zeran just shunned his face away, while the grave judgement was being held behind his back. Mai and Ru also did the same thing as Zeran, since they don't want to embed the memory of a Goddess being tortured by a higher Goddess in position. Thereon, the pitiful screams of the light Goddess Ange was heard throughout the room. Later on, things have calmed down and Ange was now chained by divine golden chains, like a guitly criminal. Sooner or later, the five of them went back to Ru's home and talked things out. Arseia let out her divine statements at Ange,
”Before we bring you to the heavenly judgement...”