3 Escape from the Tower of Heaven Part 3 (1/2)

The prisoners began to take their places on the ground of their cell as the kids and Rob began exchanging their good nights to each other.

”Seems like its lights out now. Erza, Ezra, goodnight.” Juliet said as she lies down next to the twins.

”Good night.” The twins said together as they laid themselves to the ground and cuddled up close to each other. Erza held her twin brothers head to her chest as they held their hands together in comfort.

”Good night, Onee-chan.” Ezra said as he began to close his eyes.

Erza smiled at her brother and kissed the top of his forehead, ”Good night, Ezra.”

Erza then began to close her eyes as well as she held Ezra close to her.


Two days have passed....

Things are still going regularly for the twins and for the other slaves. It was just another day of picking and carrying some rocks for the construction of the Tower.

As the scarlet haired duo continued to pick at the rocks, someone started to quietly call out to them, ”Psst! Erza! Ez!”

From the corner of their eyes, the twins turned and saw both Wally and Millianna hiding behind a rock wall, completely hidden away from the guards view.

Wally made a hand motion, which showed that they had to follow him, ”Come on! Sho and Simon just finished up the hole, and Juliet's going to meet with us there! Now's our chance!”

”Er-chan! Ez-kun! We need to hurry, quick!” Millianna whispered in encouragement.

The twins cautiously looked back and saw that the guards weren't looking at them from their direction.

Erza turned to her younger twin and grabbed hold of his hand, ”Ezra, let's go.”

Ezra gave a low nod at his sister as the two quickly ran towards their friends. The four kids then proceeded to ran towards their destination.

It was finally time for their escape.



In a secluded part of the tower, Wally, Millianna, and the twins finally made it to the deeper parts of tower. In front of them were Juliet, Sho, and Simon waiting for them besides a human sized tunnel.

”Nee-san! Nii-san! Over here! Hurry!” Sho called out to them.

”Sho! Don't talk so loud!” Wally ironically yelled at the blonde haired boy.

”Wally is the loud one! Meow!” Millianna chided at him.

Wally dropped his head and gave a silly sheepish smile, ”O-ho. Sorry, Millianna.”

Simon just looked at the twins, ”Erza, Ezra, hurry up or we'll be found out by those guys.”

Erza was about to follow her friends to the tunnel, but she stopped as she noticed that her brother was trembling, ”Ezra, what's wrong?”

”Um, um....I-I...don't know.” Ezra said with a nervous voice.

Erza looked at her twin in concern, ”Eh? What do you mean?”

Ezra continued to tremble as he nervously gave his answer, ”W-What if they find us??...I-I know how they treat the kids who get found….”

He wanted to leave. He desperately wanted to leave the tower with his sister and his friends, but Ezra was now starting to have second thoughts about it. He was too scared of the consequences if they get found.

For the time he has spent in the tower, Ezra has been noticing more and more children disappearing by the week after they've done something daring as escaping, and none of them ever came back. They very thought of it frightened the young boy.

As Ezra continued to tremble, he then felt a pair of soft hands grab his shoulders. He immediately stopped shaking as he lifted his head and saw Erza smiling at him.

”Ezra...I promise I won't let anything happen to you. No one will ever hurt you as long as I'm here. I will protect you, okay?”

”Erza's right, Ez.” Everyone turned their heads and found Juliet walking towards them.

”Don't be afraid. We almost have our freedom. We have to do this for our futures and dreams.”

Juliet stopped in front of her friends and faced Ezra with a reassuring smile, ”Let's go, Ezra.”

Ezra looked at both his twin sister and Juliet as he wiped away the incoming tears and nodded, ”Mm!”

Juliet nodded back at the red haired boy and faced her other friends, ”We need to move quickly. I don't know how long the guards will notice our disappearance, but we-!”