2 Escape from the Tower of Heaven Part 2 (1/2)

Sometime around six weeks ago, Sho had recently discovered a cracked hole that led to the outside from the Tower of Heaven.

Unfortunately, the hole was too small for anyone to escape. So he and his friends formulated a plan of secretly digging through it while the guards weren't looking.

It took at least six gruelling weeks of tunnelling, but they managed to make great progress with each other's help.

Sho looked at the old man and gave out a nod of determination, ”It's going to work! I know it will! All of us will finally leave this damn place for good!”

Rob smiled at the child and said, ”Mmm, if that's what you believe, then I know you kids will be able to make it out of here on your own.”

His words got the kids around the old man confused. It was then Ezra, Wally, and Millianna came up to them and asked.

”What do you mean, Ojii-san? You're coming with us, aren't you?” Ezra asked as he sat next to his sister.

Rob shook his head lightly, and smiled sadly at the group, ”I'm afraid I won't be coming with you kids.”

His words shocked the kids greatly. They saw this old man as somewhat of a grand-father, they would never want to abandon him.

”W-What?! But why?!” Millianna asked in shock.

Rob continued to smile at the children and said, ”This old man will only drag you kids if I have went with you. And I don't want to ruin your chances of being free because of me slowing you down.”

Erza came close to the old mans side and said, ”T-That's not true at all! Ojii-san has to come with us! If you don't then...then...”

Erza couldn't mutter out the rest of what she wanted to say as she slowly became teary eyed. The red haired girl then felt a hand on top of her head as she looked up and found Rob smiling down at her.

”Erza-chan, you don't need to worry about me. I have always wanted you kids to run free from this place and see the world outside. I assure you child, I will be just fine.”

Erza dropped her head slightly in sadness at the old man. For the time that she, her brother, and the rest of her friends have been enslaved, it was to say that all of them had a very close bond with the Rob.

He had told them of his time as a mage of the Fairy Tail Guild. The stories of his past adventures with his old team, their discoveries, past achievements, and everything else he has once done in his youth.

Every story he has spoken to them have always been inspiring to them, even to both Erza and Ezra.

Rob had even taught the twins of the true meaning of Magic.

The very thought of leaving Rob after looking after them was something she couldn't process, even Ezra had the same thought.


The cell doors was opened by some guard. At the sound of their cell doors opening, everyone in the cell turned their attention to one guard and a girl with blue hair and a strange red tattoo over and under her right eye.

”Get in there!” The guard yelled as the girl was forcefully pushed to the ground.

”And next time, keep that damn mouth of yours shut you stupid brat!” The guard last said as he closed the cell and locking it before walking away.

”Juliet!” Ezra exclaimed as he got up from his spot and quickly kneeled over the girl.

”Juliet, are you okay?!” The boy asked in concern as his twin sister and the other kids joined in. Juliet Fernandes groggily opened her brown coloured eyes at Ezra who was looking at her in worry.

(Author's Note: That's right kids! I gender-bended Jellal! Who dares argue against me?! Wahahaha!)

”Ezra...Yes, I'm fine.” Juliet said as she tried to get back up on her feet.