126 Chapter 126 (1/2)

Dungeon Core Online Glyax 32360K 2022-07-21

Chapter 126

”That buff was totally worth your death.” Oak called out to Z as the party approached another one of the swag shacks that surrounded the Shrine of Yarx. Initially, Z had gone up to the shrine and offered it a copper coin, after he was revived, of course. With the gift of the copper coin, the coin revealed to him all of the enemies within 100feet of the players. The buff, James knew, lasted for at least 30 minutes per copper coin, though was a little longer, thanks to the upgrade to the shrine he had just unlocked.

From what Z said about the buff, it seemed the enemies showed up as red dots on the map the players had as part of their visual display. That part made sense to James, as most MMOs now utilized a visual display for players, that usually showcased your health bar, magic bar, and level in the top left, with a mini map on the top right. That map, depending on the game, showed terrain, quest points, and enemies. Considering they needed the buff from Yarx to show where the enemies were, James had to guess that the map for DCO just showed terrain.

After Z donated his copper coin, the others convinced him to drop in a silver coin, just to see what happened. When he did, his eyes had immediately grown larger. The Beastmaster made a motion, which James had gotten used to as the motion to pull up their virtual map. From there, Z seemed to excitedly scan it, before he turned and grinned at the players. The silver coin, after all, revealed the location of traps and mimics to players.

Which was a bit of a letdown in James's eye. He had really been looking forward to a toilet mimic attack this dive. The mimics on his first floor were level 25, and players had started defeating them, and were receiving some rather unique achievements and gear from them. The ones on his second floor were level 50 though, meaning so far, no group had downed a toilet mimic. James's third floor mimics were level 75, and he really wanted to see what happened when a player tried to kill one of those bad boys. He was imagining a scene from an old cheesy horror movie, where the player just got sucked down into the toilet hole within the outhouse, never to be seen again.

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With the realization that the shrine gave different buffs depending on the coin spent, Z had immediately dropped in a gold coin, which unlocked the location of the treasure chests and hidden items on the floor, within 100 feet of the players. Which meant they had seen which of his swag shacks, as he liked to call them, was actually secretly a treasure chest. For his third floor, the outhouses either served as outhouses, treasure chests, or mimics. James was trying to shine a light on a crappy situation for players, after all.

”I suppose. Though next time someone else has to front the platinum cost.” Z looked directly at Oak; the message clear. The Indra had been the one to push Z into donating a Platinum coin to the shrine, telling the guild leader that it was his duty to potentially unlock the best buff for his party. Of course, James knew Z would have done it for his group anyways. That was just the kind of guy Z was. But with Oak giving him a hard time, James also knew the Beastmaster was going to make his friend pay, literally, next time.

”Definitely worth it.” Oak laughed as he stepped up to the outhouse and opened it up. Sure enough, where normally a hole for a toilet space would have been, instead there was a slightly molded, worn, chest. Eagerly, Oak opened up the chest, and as he did, a slight glow came from within it.

Chests in DCO worked much like they did in the other MMOs James had played. When they opened, they would emit a faint light, signaling to other players that there was a chest nearby. From within, each player that interacted with the chest, could receive a number of items, preset by James, from the chest.

For his treasure chests, James had decided to set their item drop chances based on rarity and difficulty. His first floor, being the easiest, had the chest only dropping a single item per person, ranging from a few gold pieces, considering what he had told Dwight, to a piece of set gear, or a unique item. After all, as his loot research had increased, his ability to modify and adapt loot had also gone up.

His second floor, being more difficult, had chests dropping up to two items per player, with a higher chance of gold, and rarer items. Set gear, of course, was almost always the rarest item a chest could drop. There were also unique items from the floor, that couldn't be found in chests. He had allowed some of the simpler mob pets to be potential chest drops, but boss and mini boss mob pets where not.