102 Chapter 102 (1/2)

Dungeon Core Online Glyax 22890K 2022-07-21

Chapter 102

”Here goes nothing.” James muttered as he opened up his research tab. True to her word, Rue had given him a warning when he was nearing his 12-hour mark on his research. She, of course, had done it in a rather inappropriate private message kind of way, but hey, that was Rue, the pixie he had come to know and…

”Well then, get to it.” She pulled him from his thoughts, motioning towards the timers. ”The clock, is literally ticking.”

He shot her a glare and dumped three dungeon tokens into the researches, finishing all three as he did, and leaving him with 17 tokens remaining. Upon doing so, Tier 2 was finished for Core Defense, Core Offense, and Avatar research. He immediacy selected all three and started their progress towards tier three. 47hr 59min 59s.

”Should I mass dump again?” He asked Rue as he glanced at the timers. He had enough dungeon tokens, after all, to do it. It would take 4 tokens per research option, sure, but that would give him rank 3 of each, and allow him to start rank 4.

”I mean, if you wanted to be wasteful.” Rue stuck her tongue out at him. ”But I thought you were supposed to be a great gamer Glyax. Come on, do the math.”

”Fine.” James growled, and he pulled up a calculator, quickly punching in the numbers. There were 12 hours left of immersion time. Then, he had 15 hours of time in the real world, before he could enter immersion again. Considering 1 hour of real-world time counted as 24 hours of game time, there was 372 hours' worth of game time available, before he could next log into DCO. And, it was going to take 48 hours to hit rank 3, 96 to hit rank 4, and 192 to hit rank 5, so adding all of that together…oh.. it came to 336 hours of time. So, he would actually be at rank 5 of for each of those research options, 36 hours into his research for rank 6, which would take a total of 384 hours to complete. Fair enough.

”You know Rue, you surprise me at times.” He commented as he closed his calculator, looking the pixie over approvingly. ”You act all air headed and carefree at times, but you really do plan a lot of these things out, don't you?”

”Well, one of us has to be the smart one.” The pixie started laughing as she spoke and shot him one of her grins. ”Besides, you neglect me a lot, so I have a lot of time to think about these things.”

”I don't neglect you.” James whipped a tentacle at the pixie as he spoke, which she easily dodged.

”And did I mention you're abusive?” She laughed and flew further away, summoning a bag of candy as she did. ”Back foul beast, back.” She threw candy at him as she spoke, causing his stomach to once again growl. Damned pixie.

”Very funny.” James grumbled, his mood shifting rapidly due to his hunger pangs. Seriously, he needed to just end this immersion, so he could deal with his darned hunger. But first, he really needed to know what exactly Core Offense and Defense did, and at least check out the upgrades to his Avatar. He was sure he could investigate the upgrades even more when he logged back in, as he was certain, given that dungeon wars involved players invading other dungeons, he would be safe the first 24 hours of game time. Or at least… that was his hope. Otherwise, he was really going to have a bad day.