27 『Fittings』 (1/2)

Jack reappeared in the hot springs level of the ninth floor which was filled with raising steam.

His eyes narrowed through the condensation, resting on a fair skinned teen who was laying on the cold stone floor with her legs still hanging inside of the pool of hot water. He could just make out a small smile across her lips as he made his way over to her.

Smirking to himself, he knelt down near her seeing as her eyes were partially closed whilst she was relaxing. ”You seem to be having a good time,” he lightly nudged her right breast.

Flinching slightly at this voice and the surprise touch, she her big brown eyes popped open and centered on his person. ”Hello to you too,” she blew cool air onto her face.

”Did Nemu ever join you?”

”Yes, she did. Haha... She really liked it, but she got dizzy so she got out. I am sure Teetle-san brought her back down to the city.” Nodding to him, she would look to the sky above. It was so clear, it was unnatural.

”Good to know,” Jack would run his hand along her abdomen, moving the collection of warm liquid across her skin.

Shifting under his hand nervously, ”I think this is the longest I've ever relaxed in one day...”

Snickering at this, he raised a brow. ”You've never sat down and just laid there before? Other than when you're sleeping?” He would then bend over her, on all fours, looming diagonally over her body. He curved his neck as he kept his eyes on her face.

That small smile on her face tugged to one side as she reached her hands up to cup his face.

Jack blinked a few times feeling those petite hands on his face, no one has touched his face since he had been here, except for when he kissed her before. And that was just lips.

His arms would scoop under her, and sit her up across his lap as he sat on the ground.

She gasped slightly, feeling herself being lifted, as the steamy air grazed against her cooling skin. The feeling almost made her shiver as she found herself nude and in his arms. She wasn't exacting this at all. Though as she looked in his eyes with her hands still on his face, she could see that this wasn't an act of admiration. He seemed... Curious, she couldn't really think of a word for what she felt in his gaze.

She was beginning to wonder what would happen if someone else were to set their eyes on her. Would he let her go, would he get in the way or he just using her for his own pleasure? Would he let her go if someone else tried to get in the picture?

A part of her was afraid for whoever tried, he was a dragon, he just just eat the competition.

She licked her lips in anticipation of finding the answer to this question eventually through his words. Enri though felt that it wasn't the right time to ask. It hadn't even been a week since she owed him pretty much everything including her life.

The entire village owed him their lives.

”Want to go for another round?”

”...I...” Squinting, her smile seemingly vanished as those words came out of his mouth. ”I'm still sore, maybe tomorrow?” She didn't look smug as she said this, instead she brought back her plain printed smile across her lips that seemed to always belong.

Jack slowly nodded as he stood up from the spot, planning on carrying her like a princess.

Instinctively her hands dropped from his cheeks and her arms wrapped around his neck to stabilize herself in his grasp. ”Warn me first, would you?” She jittered.

Shrugging lightly as he briefly her a centimeter up, in his arms, before walking towards the door of the hotsprings. ”Your clothes should be clean and ready... I've also asked them to prepare you some new clothes, if you'd like to try them on.”

Blinking up at him as he said this, even after she had denied him a second round, he had already had some things prepared for her while keeping her in ignorance.

”New clothes?”

”You're always wearing the one dress, so I prepared you some more.” Jack pitched his head down slightly as he looked to her as she kept her arms draped around his neck loosely.

Lightly kicking her feet as she folded her lips into her mouth curiously, before letting them out with some more gloss. ”That sounds nice...” She found herself leaning into his chest a bit, the heat itself had made her a bit light on the mind.

As he stepped out into the hallway, she immediately felt herself becoming cold and shivered.

Jack simpered happily as he made his way down the corridor and towards the fitting room. Entering a certain area of the ninth floor, there was what looked like a large workshop which had tools and equipment for manually crafting items such as clothes, armor and weapons.

All the while, Enri clung to him dearly for heat. Goosebumps were popping up all over her skin. She felt so cold and she was even chattering her teeth and trembling against him now.

When they entered the workshop, her eyes fluttered from one station to the next. Wonderful fabrics, massive bits of material. The smell of cement and even concrete reached her nose. Each area of the shop had a very unique scent as things were being worked on in every which direction.

”J-Jack I'm c-c-c-cold.”

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”You'll be fine, just a little bit longer,” Jack responded with apathy as he continued to walk with her held close to himself. Sharing as much body heat as he could with her through his clothes.