26 『To the Sky, Brigands II』 (1/2)

Jack was about to gain trny to the main chamber of the Brigand's hideout, he could sense a makeshift barricade waiting for him and any other trespasser. They were prepared for an assault, but not a dragon. The moment he reared his head from behind the cloth tarp, which covered the entrance, iron bolts came flying towards his wedge shaped face.

These bolts sparked off his hide, closing his eyes as to not be harmed, he stepped into full view of the humans who in their own right were sickly monsters compared to him.

”Keep firing men!” A man with a pointed goatee shouted and pointed at him.

Based on their swift movements, he could tell they weren't wearing heavy armor. They were light, and quick moving by standards of an average villager. Even stronger perhaps.

However this only meant they were above level ten, but they were well below that of an elite soldier over level twenty five. Taking in a long inhalation, the entire room was mapped in the scents of those present.

In the backroom, the prisoners were there.

The crossbow bolts and arrows that continued to pelt him, were little more than itches, he hardly felt them. No damage was being incurred by their puny existence.

They were hardly memorable.

That's when he barreled forward, directly at a man who was charging him with a claymore in hand. He bit down on the man's blade, shattering its brittle iron and brought a talon filled hand into his chest. Tearing through the human as if it were paper.

Blood splattered everywhere, dressing the dirt and the barricade, and the people in cover with dark crimson fluids.

”Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! We can take'm boys!” The men were scattering in all directions, trying to keep their space whilst doing as much damage as they could from a distance, which was none at all.

Brain remained behind the tarp, listening and watching from the shadows, the men he had been living with hardly noticed him crouched there. Hiding from sight and staying out of mind.

The man trying to feed the battle found his head cleaved clean off his shoulders and directly into another person's abdomen with so much force, it was almost an instant death for them as well.

”What the hell is this thing!?” Shrieked one of the men, ”I can't even tear it's hide! Isn't it supposed to be a young'un!?”

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Jack didn't hesitate to shove a clawed finger through the man's face, before crushing his head under his foot as he continued to leap towards anything or anyone who made noise that he could identify as a hostile.

”This thing is mocking us! Killing us with its eyes closed!”

The Dragon howled aloud, causing the cave to shake and multiple members of the Death Spreading Brigade to drop their weapons and cower on the ground. Another psychological attack, which allowed him to stomp out those who didn't fight back.

Soon enough the room was filled with dead bodies, less than ten of the men were remaining, standing over the corpses of their brethren in arms. ”How in the world... Did this happen to us...” The man uttered under his breath, staring at the Dragon which was in the center of the room.

From what they had witnessed, this beast was capable of killing all of them within seconds. Its speed, its durability, it could even use magic that controlled time itself.

There was no escaping the Dragon, if it was even a Dragon in the first place! This thing was a monster, a plain as day monster!

”Do you think it can split in two?” One of the bandits looked to the other nine men that were there on the same side of the room as him.

”We've already tried this... There were twenty of us about six minutes ago... Then he tore them apart...” One of the men that were panting spoke, pointing towards the bisected individuals that appeared to have been heading towards the front and back exits.

The bodies still looked like they were amidst a running motion as they lay there on the ground.

”How in the hell are we supposed to kill this thing...?”

”...If we all rush it, we might just have a chance...”

”We were all fighting it when this thing first came in the room, what are ten of us going to do against that thing?” The man growled out loud in annoyance as he eyed the dragon which was now crushing a head in its mouth

Following a loud Crack sound, brain matter and skull fragments decorated to the ground at Jack's feet, as he was glaring towards the ten humans.

”You're having too much fun...” Brain Unglaus came walking into the room with his hand resting on his hilt idly.

”Brain!” the men shouted as if they had found salvation, hope of survival. However as they processed what he said, they scowled. ”Help us out here, man!”

”How the hell does it look like we're having fun?” One of them narrowed their eyes on Brain who casually began to enter the room. Their face slowly turning blue as the Dragon itself initially ignored his presence, as if they were working together.