61 Getting The Band Back Together (1/2)
”You should have just killed them on the spot, boy. Those worms know too much and it's almost guaranteed that they're a part of something worse. Whoever raised them — made those fakes — is likely in league with the Infestation. It is the only explanation I can think of. Nothing else fits as well this conclusion,” said Lacrima a scathing voice.
With the Infested? How could those mindless abominations even help the Dragoncrest and Ashborn families? I thought all the do is kill and corrupt everything they touch.
Reed stared out in the void and easily tore the veil of reality with a single thought. Colors and shapes blended in furious mix until they settled down into something recognizable. His abrupt phase into reality sent out a small wave of Anima in the ballroom that crashed into its surrounding, frightening and shocking nobles who had not noticed the foreign intrusion.
”You have limited knowledge of the Scourge, boy. You know not what you speak of. Even they have a life-cycle as they progress through the path of Undeath. The Larvae are merely the youngest and weakest among the Scourge. Give them enough time and they will eventually mature into something else: Pupae — Intelligent Infested that are nearly mature, who have developed a spiritual link with the Outsiders, their eternal masters.”
I see. So is one of those helping them behind the scenes? These smart Infested? But how? I thought the Heavenly Aegis made this place impenetrable from the outside.
”Who ever said they had to force themselves to get in here, boy? What if they were let in instead? Sometimes the easiest answer is the right one. No need to a solve a complex puzzle.”
Reed's face twisted in disgust when he heard that. He found the idea of revolting to the core. To think that the Dragoncrest and Ashborn families had stooped so low in the pursuit of power.
This place can't afford traitors like them to live a single day longer.
This was something of national concern— no, even greater than that.
What ever these two families are two are planning will likely affect the whole of Mulia. Goddammit, I knew I shouldn't have fucking come.
He looked around the ballroom, ignoring the painful gazes of the people and quickly found Lu'um and Violett, staring at him as if he was the biggest idiot they'd ever seen. Although the reaction was justified, he still didn't appreciate how they immediately assumed he was in wrong.
Reed bitterly smiled and said, ”Looks I blew it, guys. Royally. Let's go home, okay?”
Lu'um and Violett calmly smiled at him but he knew what those masks hidden beneath. Oh, he knew. It was a feeling, an instinct so ancient it was talked about in myths. Ancient Mulian scholars even debated whether the ability bordered the supernatural as a extension of precognition.
And Reed was not exempt to this phenomenon. He, too, felt the spine-chilling coldness radiate down from the base of his neck down his body. It was a unexplainable fear so old, it predated his species…
After a long and painful ride home filled strife and despair, the trio returned home. Luckily, Reed's wardens were merciful, beautiful angels that afforded him some measure of compassion after he had explained everything that had happened with his meeting with the so-called Twilight Children.
”They're bold little rats, I'll give them that. I would have never thought that they would have tried to take you for themselves, even after I made you the Lord of Evergreen. I knew something was up, but I would have never thought they'd be this open about their ambitions,” said Violett. The expression on her face was of the glacial variety, the kind that could freeze souls on the spot.
”Do you think that they've joined forces with the Holy Church, after all? I've heard rumors of the Ashborns contacting the Sacred Cathedral for something of utmost concern. If so, this will make matters difficult for you, given the delicate relationship between the Holy Church and your family,” said Lu'um.