60 Our Mission (1/2)
Things had gone from zero to a hundred in an instant, but everyone in the room seemed entirely unconcerned, at least on the outside. The siblings' eyes gleamed with heightened interest as they mutely stared at Reed in silence. Not a single one of them seemed afraid, or even concerned with the vicious, oppressive aura that locked down the entire room.
It was as if they did did not care in the slightest about what might happen next…
Not so much as a single reaction from these assholes. Are these guys fearless, or are they just stupid? Do they really think I'm just playing around here…?!
”It's clear to me that you little turds have done something to Astrid and Sebastian. That much I'm clear of. So, let's get this over with; what do you want? Why have you brought me here and what have you done to my good friends?” said Reed.
He had forcibly subjugated the Anima around him to the point that he'd gained control of every single mote of it in the room. For all intents and purposes, he a gun pointed to each of their heads at the moment. A single miss-step from them was all it'd take for him to send them all to hell this night.
And yet, despite the circumstances, not a single one the seven siblings seemed interested in the fact that their lives were on the line. If anything, they reveled in the experience and seemed delighted that Reed had forced himself upon them.
”I better get some straight answers from you lot, or I'll make myself a bit more persuasive at your expense. Start talking, you creepy little bastards.”
Kanosis calmly said, ”Brother, there's no need for violence. We'd never keep anything from you, of all people. You need all the help you can get, otherwise, you'll never recover everything you lost. You wanted the truth, brother? Here's the truth: We were sent here from the future in order to help you.”
The fucking future? Oh, come ON. That's the best you can come up with? I'm better off interrogating the goddamn walls for answers than these clowns… What do you think, Lacrima, should I just waste 'em and leave before anyone finds out?
Hey, Lacrima, what's the matter? You don't actually think these idiots are from the future, right?
”Either they're all godly liars, completely insane, or telling the truth. I can't detect any signs of them lying at all, be it physiological or spiritual. There are no signs of self-suggestion or memory fabrication, so they aren't duping us with some kind of mental technique.” said Lacrima in annoyance.
So, what? Am I actually supposed to believe that they came from the future? You told me that even sending messages across time was nigh-impossible for almost everyone, even with something as powerful as Anima. That only those two gods you spoke about could do something like that.
”So you've decided to lie. That's fine, too. I've been meaning to test out a couple of new techniques, you see…” said Reed. He raised his left hand and slowly clenched it in the air, as if he were caressing something soft and precious in place.
Drain a fucking galaxy of its Anima to time travel?! These fucking bastards must've thought that I'd be an ignorant hick since I'm a foreigner. Well, we'll see about that…
Reed knew that one day he'd have to get his hands dirty. That the Infestation wouldn't be the only foes he'd have to deal with in this brave new world.
Contenders weren't even worth the thought, but conquerors were another story altogether. He knew he couldn't mess around with them, especially the several thousand-year-old freaks who'd accumulated multiple lifetimes worth of knowledge and experience. If he was to face these crafty, ancient monsters, he'd have to develop powerful techniques.
Malicious, instant-killing techniques.
Subtle, shameless techniques.