14 Youre Our Queen (2/2)

''Leela Erza said.

'' Oh thank god you are okay I was hoping you would come back. ”Leela said,

'' We have a big problem get me a map and bring me the council in the meet hall. ”Erza said,

Leela rushed off to bring everyone to the meeting hall everyone took they seat it was quiet in the room. Leela brought Erza the map of the area and Erza mark the area she saw the goblins. She holds the map up with one hand and showed everyone at the table.

''Look that the area a goblin was at in our woods. ”Erza said,

''Impossible there no way that there that close'' Panji said,

''So are you calling me a liar. ”Erza said,

''No my Queen it just unbelievable that they are moving that fast towards us. ”Panji said,

'' My Queen what Panji is saying that we had reports that the goblins were moving east and now you saying you saw one it very hard to believe. ”Willis said,

The room filled with awkward silents. Before Erza could say something Erza had a thought that flashed in her mind. She became uneasy at the thought she looks at the council members she thought about what she would say.

'' It was hard to see maybe you were right it wasn't a goblin everyone is dismissed. ”Erza said,

Everyone left the room feeling at easy but Leela wasn't buying that lie she knew something was up she stayed behind while everyone left. She looked at Erza and turn towards her Erza looked at her.

'' Is there something you want to say. ”Erza said,

'' You know we can have you behead if it turns out that you lied to the country. ”Leela said,

'' It is your job to run this Kingdom fairly and honesty you are our Queen we trust you. ”Leela said,

'' Fine give me you hand. ”Erza said.

' Why? ”Leela said,

'' Do you trust me as your Queen?

'' Yes I do. ”Leela said,

' Then give me your hand. ''Erza said,

Leela gave Erza her hand, Erza grabs it rip her necklaces off her neck Erza was wearing a necklace with a sword on the end of it. Erza whispers a name to herself and the sword in her hand became bigger in size. The sword was a fairly long, broad, curved blade made of steel is held by a grip wrapped inexpensive, white sharkskin.

The sharp dual-edged blade makes this the ideal weapon if you're looking to slice, dice, stab and jab your enemies.

The blade has a spiked, slightly curved cross-guard, which makes sure the blade is both balanced and capable of protecting the owner's hands against any sliding sword. The cross-guard has an ornamented eye on each side, this weapon was clearly a custom order, probably by an important figure.

A fairly small pommel is decorated with gilded linings, which is to be expected from such an elegant weapon.

The blade itself is bare. No decorations of any sorts are on it. A sheathed sword has a hidden blade and a sword in use will be dirty and bloody, so only the hilt needs decorations.

This weapon is used by exceptional fighters Erza holds it firm in her hand. Erza gentle slice Leela middle of her hand. Red blood drip down from the middle of her hand then Erza cut her self she bends down and rips a piece of her dress to wrap Leela's arm. Erza bleeding stopped then Erza pulled Leela to the side in a private area.

'' Have you ever fought a goblin before. ”Erza said,

'' Of course not we have never had an Encounter with them before. ”Leela said,

'' I have their blood is not red like your in mines it blue. ”Erza said,

''So it that why you cut me that hurt by the way. ”Leela said,

'' Yes I need to know that I could trust you. ”Erza said,

''I know you lie to everyone about what you saw. ”Leela said,

''I did it because I don't know who to trust. ”Erza said,

'' Goblin has a unique power to shapeshift into people. When I had fight one it came to me as someone I love. Goblin can only carry recent memories nothing of the past that how I could tell the difference with the one I fought. ”Erza said,

'' What if someone is feeding us false information about the goblin because they are working with them. ”Erza said,

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