15 Enemies All Around Me Part One (1/2)

''So are you saying that we have a spy here. ”Leela said,

'' That would Explain a lot. ”Leela said,

''What do you mean? ”Erza said,

'' Before you came to Moonlight, Nolan discovers that the goblins was becoming closer he wonders why he had someone investigate it. ”Leela said,

'' If they were here the whole time why haven't they attack yet. ”Leela said,

'' This is just a theory one time I read in a report for the last seven years the Kingdom food has been failing what if they were waiting for that. The goblin knows that they wouldn't be able to win a fight against healthy werewolf but serving werewolf that are getting weak they might have a chances. ”Erza said,

'' If that is true then they would want to attack us when food is really low but I am guessing that the red moon got in the way. ”Leela said,

'' Goblin skin is known for being the tough skin it hard to cut through but red moon kill everything that it comes in contact with including goblin skin that would explain why there a dead goblin on our kingdom line. ”Leela said,

'' This red moon took everyone by surprise we just were just recovering from the last one three month ago. I believe the goblins were on the way over here to the kingdom and got hit. By the red moon and had to retreat to the Blue Hill is far from here so maybe they didn't make it. ”Leela said,

''Maybe you 're right that means whoever is the spy is stuck here for Three more months that must make them nervous. But that gives us some time to figure things out fast we can't let anyone know about this. ”Ezra said,

'' If they are still here they might try to harm you or the King it best if we move the King in a safe place. ”Leela said,

'' Trust no one until we find out what our next move meet me in my bedroom at midnight so we can talk more about it bring anything you can find about the goblins. ”Erza said,

''I will have Nolan moved to my bedroom chambers, I will make a protection barrier so if anyone comes in the room I will know. ”Erza said,

'' You can only get in with my permission, knock five times so that I know it you. ''Erza said,

Leela and Erza dismissed and had a normal day the werewolf kept account of all birth in their clan. Erza grabs all of the books then hidden them in her room. Soon after that, she had Nolan put in her room she put a protective barrier in the room. She left the room to continue her normal duties. Erza went into Voss room the Army General she stood in front of his desk. While he was looking at some paper he lifts his head then he saw Erza standing there he bowed with his head low to the ground.

'' My Queen what reason have you came to see me. ” Voss asked,

'' Give me you're hand. ”Erza said,

'' Now that I know that I can trust you meet me in my room at midnight make sure you are not followed. Don't tell anyone what you are doing to get into my room you have to knock Five times think I let you in. ”Erza said,

Erza quickly left the room because she didn't want to be spotted. Later that day Leela and Voss met up in Erza room. Voss was confused about what was going on Erza and Leela filled him in everything that is going on. Nolan was sleeping on the bed Voss Erza and Leela seat on the floor trying to come up with ideas for the Kingdom.

'' How about we just kill them the spies. ”Voss said,

''We know who they are by they blood. ”Voss said,

'' It not that simple if we just kill them we risk going into war. ”Leela said,

'' We won't started a war while people are dying from starvation. ''Leela said,

''We need to deal with the food first. ”Leela said,

''I disagree we are already in a war they sent spies to Poison our garden we should show no mercy. ”Voss said,

Voss and Leela were arguing while Erza sat there thinking she heard their comments and thought they were both right. She thought about her mother she wonders what she would do in this situation. Her mother was a strong mind individual. She had all the answers and she made it look easy. Then an idea flashes through her mind she jumps up in excitement because she had a plan.

'' That is! I have an idea that we can do both. ”Erza said,

'' And how are we going to do that. ”Leela said,