8 Pride,Pride (1/2)

When the woman didn't satisfy the goblin anymore they would get eating alive. Surely the goblins was a cruel race that didn't care for other races. Erza became Enraged she had to kill them Her sweet nature. Wouldn't let her walk away from helping the girls. Even those she was still struggling to stand up properly. She grips the sword tight and charges at the goblins. Lucky these goblins was a lower rank and easy to kill. When the woman saw that Erza was saving them they quickly ran into the woods in distress. However, there was a pacific little girl that tries to help Erza by attacking the goblins with a rock. Erza knew the little girl would get in the way so she warned her to leave so the little girl did. Erza quickly killed the goblins without getting hurt that bad. She started to head in the opposite direction when she hears noises on the other end. The noise was coming on the other side of the trees. She walked toward it and saw a little girl trying to fight off a goblin with rock and sticks. The little girl reminds her of herself Erza steps in killed the goblin. Erza was exhausted it was taking everything out of her to fight. Her body just gave out and she lay on the ground after killing the goblin.

The young girl saw her lay on the ground and ran toward Erza speaking a different language. Erza couldn't understand her but it didn't matter long the girl was okay.

The girl was simply asking if Ezra was okay but Erza faints the young girl wasn't far from her kingdom she picked Ezra on her back and ran toward her kingdom on foot. Some of the girls company her to Moon Valley. The young girl name is Jea is a young werewolf royal maid of WereWolf King Jea is a pre-were wolf she has developed yet into a full werewolf. Jea clan named is White Fang Pack. Altogether there are eleven different clan packs. They all live in different areas of moon valley.

History Of The Werewolf

After the war the werewolf reestablishes their government. Moonlight land is very big they all split the land fairly between the clans. White Fang Pack is the second biggest clan members the first biggest clan is called White Crown Tails. Because of that, they offered the bigger land this cost problem the other clan tried to take the white iron fang land. The werewolves have two Capital's because the land so big Moon Valley is facing away from the MoonLight. There not a lot of plants growing there the country is very poor because of the plants not growing. Scarlet moon has more moonlight so the plant can grow there that the county is very wealthy.

Brother Bartaryal

Nolan didn't soul bind his grimoire and while he was sleeping his brother went in his room and threw it in the land called Zillion. The next day Jeri knew what Drew did to Nolan grimoire and he made them fight for the better kingdom. Nolan but a great fight with no magic power but his big brother won. That was a Dark for Nolan but he never let that stop him from being a good king. On his father death bed he asked, his father why did he make him fight Drew.

''What your brother did was cruel But I didn't want you to fear him because of his Magic. Jeri said,

''Confronting your Demons is the best way to remove Fear from anyone'' Jeri said,

Nolan understood his father words even tho he got the failing kingdom. Nolan manages to make the kingdom better over the years his kingdom manage to do well for itself. Nalon and Drew haven't talked since the betrayal happens they stay in their different kingdoms. Before Jeri died he made Drew make a spell Binding Oath to not fight with his brother.


Moon Valley is an open land Surrounded by trees there is one Castle overlooking the kingdom. the Citizen made the house out of straw and Rocks. The Castle is made out of special rock that can reflect light bricks. The Castle was built a long time ago. Because the land is open Nolan have guarding night and day and also Trap around their land. Jea ran toward the guards and told them everything that happens.

One of the guard's named Peter took her to the doctor the other guard informs Leela. Leela is the second command of the kingdom she also a Princess. She told her brother what the guard told her. The doctor took good care of a Jea and Erza. A few days later Jea was healthy and She went to report to Nolan. Jea was nervous she softly knocked on Nolan door.

''Come in ''Nolan said,

Jea walked in the office she also saw Leela standing next to Nolan desked Jea bowed low to Nolan and Leela in honor of them.

”My King you wanted to see me,'' Jea said,

''How are your wounds,” Nolan said,

” For now I am well, they still hurt but I should be about to go back to my normal duties,” Jea said,

” There is no need please take you time to get some rest'' Nolan said,

Nolan fold both of his had together with a serious look on his face.

” Now tell me everything that happens ''Nolan said,

''I went to get some more herd-like I normally do, I made sure I didn't go behind the red line. Jea said,

''However, the goblin was there they were taking the woman and killing the men. I try to fight them off but I fail they took me in a wagon''. Jea said

''They made a few stops on the way to pick up more woman like me. Then they stop to **** everyone. After that, I try to fight the goblin that was trying to **** me.''Jea said,

'' I got lost of my ties and threw rocks and sticks at the goblin that when this girl came in attack all the goblin, ''Jea said,

''She came out of nowhere and killed the goblins so easy. She took twelve goblins down by her self, ''Jea said,

Nolan and Leela was very surprised and impressed by the girl it showed on they face expression

” Who is this girl”Leela Asked Jea

” I don't know i just know she wasn't from Moon valley because she was speaking in foreign tongue”Jea said

'' I am very curious to find out who she is do you think she cost a threat to us?'Nolan said

” Of course not she save our life'' Jea said

''Okay thank you Jea you can leave now''Nolan said

Jea walked out the office and went to her room to get rest.

'What do you think leela?'Nolan said

”I am surprise she kill Twelve goblins they skin is known for being tough as iron Leela said

'' One thing we know is that she is a warrior she much have been training her whole life she might be a good asset to us”Nolan Said.

'' Do you honestly think we can trust her?”Leela said.

” Well we will have to see when we she wake up”Nolan said.

'' We have other problem to solve, the goblin is becoming bold to come on to the land. We might have to go to war with them''. Nolan said

” We are not ready for war '' Leela said to Nolan

''I know we are not ready, but we have to be smart about this Leela said,