7 Pride Pride Part One (1/2)

A week later Van went back to his home town Novella wanted to find a way that could be together. Novella being to hate Erza because Van was in love with her.

Three Week Later

Over the week's Novella being to treat Ezra badly, Novella was feeling unwell her mother called the doctor. The doctor did an examination and then told the Mother and Father that she was three weeks pregnant. It came as a shocked to the King and Queen shame came over Novella and her parent. They charge in the room and started to yell at her at the same time. They were very upset and demanded answers. Under pre-pressure, Novelle told them everything about what happened with Van and her. Her parents soon clam down about and decide to cover this situation. The parent decides to make Van married Novella instead of Erza.

Novella was put on bed rest she wasn't allowed to have outside visitors one day her the Queen came to visit Novella.

Because Novella was jealous of Erza she asked her mother why they tried to kill Ezra. The Queen was stocked that Novella knew about that they Queen and the King has been keeping a dark secret from everyone.

The Queen wasn't sure if she should tell Novella this dark secret but Novella begged her.

'' Fine I will tell you but you can't tell anyone'' the Queen said,

'' Your Father had a younger brother name Fattar he was an evil and ruthless man and a dangerous man. ”The Queen said,

'' Farttar grew to hate your father in his glory because of the kingdom one day to get back at your father he slept with heir the goddess of lighting which was your father second wife'' The Queen said,

'' However, heir was scared of him and she came to the King for help to protect her and her unborn child'' The Queen said,

'' Fartarr went around killing in the King name and dressing up like lucky soldiers to cost dividing and chaos ''The Queen said,

'' Soon after a long war Farttar was found dead and peace was restored'' The Queen said,

'' That baby was Erza? so all this time I thought she was my sister but she was really my cushion'' The Novella said,

''Yes your father wanted to take care of her'' The Queen said,

' We try to kill her once that before we found out the prophecy on her. we would send her on dangerous mission hoping that someone else kill her.'' The Queen said,

''What prophecy? mom” Novella asked,

'' look I already said too much you should get some rest and don't worry about anything”. The Queen said, then she quickly left the room so Novella would ask any more question.

The Meeting

Prince Van seat across from Novella and the King seat in the middle of them both of them.

''I called this meeting so we can discuss what needs to happen'' the king said.

”Prince Van you got my daughter pregnant and for that, I asked you to marry her, ”the KING said,