30 The Creeper (1/2)
After Lilian explained what happened last night, Midnight apologized to Izuku and Izuku went to prepare breakfast for Lilian.
Lilian didn't want to bother him, but Izuku said that she should leave it for him as long as he stays in her house.
He prepared some tasty pancakes for her and they started with their talk.
”So. I have overheard you talking about Leo. How is he?” Lilian asked in a worried tone.
Izuku looked at her and replied, ”He is definitely alive and unhurt. But I can't say the same about his mental state.”
”What do you mean by that?”
When Izuku used his observe on him, he noticed a new column which indicated user's sanity. He doesn't know how his own quirk works. Whether it evolved or not will stay unanswered. At least for a while. Now, when he looked at it, it showed him that his mind was unstable and he was slowly becoming insane.
”I don't know. I feel like he looked really weird. I mean sure.. He might have been shaken up with his father's death, but it's like something inside of him was broken. I don't really know how to explain it.” Izuku murmured.
”Oh god. Just why is this happening to us. We had so much fun yesterday, we even made a party to welcome my husband home, and this happened.” Lilian sighed in grief.
”Don't worry Lili, he still has that house your husband bought him right? He is definitely there, so why don't you go in there and comfort him. Maybe he will feel better.” Midnight suggested.
Lilian shook her head and replied, ”For some reason he never liked me or his sister. I feel like I failed as a parent. Maybe I wasn't giving him enough attention when he was growing up?”
Izuku used his brain to try and formulate a good answer in his head.
”Maybe he had some kind of problem that he could only talk about with his father. Which in the result closed the distance between him and his father and widened the distance between Lilian and him.” Izuku murmured.
”I don't feel like that's the case. If it was anything like that, my husband would tell me about it.” Lilian replied.
”Ah?! Did I just say that out loud?! My bad.. My old habit kicked in for some reason.” Izuku apologized.
””No worries”” both women replied.
”Anyway, I think we should leave the brat in his house. He needs to calm himself down and I think that if we just invade his home, he might just shout at us.” Midnight said.
Lilian nodded and replied, ”Good idea, he never really liked the name Kendo for some reason. The household name Kendo came from me. One day, he was so angry, that he said he will not attend the same school as Itsuka. In result of this, Itsuka was crying whole day. The incident was resolved when my husband stepped in. He promised he would go and change his surname immediately.”
”That's crazy.. What a freak.. N-No I-I didn't mean it like that, forgive me.” Izuku stuttered.