29 Lilian Woke Up (1/2)
After parting from Midnight's hug, Izuku quickly escaped towards living room and sat down on the fluffy sofa. He looked at her with a serious gaze and said.
”Nemuri...I really need to know about Leo Kendo. Please, Tell me everything you know about him.
When I met him, his behavior was a bit weird, and I am worried that if something bad happened to him, Itsuka and her mother will be feeling even worse than they are feeling now.”
Midnight nodded and said, ”I don't know much, but whenever I visited Lili, he was always in his room playing games. From what Lili told me, he was always rude to her and his sister. The only person that could talk to him was his father. I am not sure why he didn't come home, but I am pretty sure Lili told me once that his father bought him a house so he can be all alone there. Pretty fancy huh? I am pretty sure he is there right now. No need to worry about him.”
'So at least he has a place to stay at. Good.' Izuku thought.
”I see. Actually, he was the one who found his dead father, I was just following him for some reason. He said that he doesn't plan on becoming hero. Something about a failure of heroes. He just left me there with his dad's corpse. I didn't really want to just leave him there, so I brought him here on All Might's orders. I stayed the night here and in the morning, you showed up. Yesterday was pretty intense. Today, it was even worse, not gonna lie.” Izuku grinned.
”It must have been so hard. To endure so much groping. Your butt must feel so restless.” Midnight lamented.
Izuku just casually smiled at her and didn't say anything.
He was already immune to her perverted ramblings, but for some reason, he still felt like his soul was about to escape his body. He was pretty stressed out because of the current situation.
Gamer's mind was constantly preventing Izuku from feeling stressed, calming his mind back to normal, however, he felt that there is something wrong with him. Something that only he could feel.
For example, when he saw a dead body that day, he didn't even flinch all that much. The quirk made him to be calm. Even his inner thoughts changed. When you see a dead body, what would be the first thing you do? Scream? Run? Cry? Or think, 'Well, he died. It's not like it matters.'
This bothered young Izuku quite a bit. He felt like he wasn't a human anymore. At least, he didn't feel like one. Of course, similar incidents happened to him before, but they weren't on such a grand scale.
His thoughts flew so fast through his mind that frankly he was surprised he even had time for idle thoughts about the state of his mind.
”Izuku-kun?” Izuku startled out of his train of thoughts turned around on the sofa. Midnight smiled at him when she saw that she had his attention. ”It must have been horrible, to be so young and see a dead person. But you must overcome this feeling. In the future, you will definitelly see more dead bodies. Even that horrible part, is an everyday thing for some heroes. Remember one thing, you definitely can't blame yourself when someone dies.”
Midnight looked at him warmly and continued, ”Well, I still believe that feeling regret about being weak and unable to save someone is better than losing someone.”
'It's easy for her to say.. When the villain only escaped because of me and killed who knows how many innocent people.” Izuku thought.
Midnight sat down beside Izuku and said, ”Leo Kendo is probably more hurt than Itsuka Kendo. From what you have told me, he witnessed his father's death. So he feels guilt and sadness at the same time. Together, they feel deeper pain than you. So, if you can't handle the feeling of guilt, think of how much worse other people must feel. It will make you feel better. Now, I know that it is morbid and definitely not befitting a hero, but, it will definitely help you recover your mental state.”
Midnight continued, ”That Leo kid, is probably the one feeling it the most. He despised his mother and sister and only liked his father for some reason. Now that he is gone, he doesn't even have anyone to talk to. Itsuka-chan has her mother, me and you. The pain will pass eventually.”
Izuku carefully listened to everything Nemuri said, and figured out she was right.
Gamer's mind suppresses his emotions to some extent. He shouldn't feel guilty when someone dies, of course he would feel sorrow, but the job of a hero is to save as many as possible. Not to save everyone.
Even All Might couldn't save everyone, and he is supposed to be the strongest.