7 The aftermath of the "Gametastrophe" (2/2)

Michael wanted to carry 2 of the men but David did not allow it since he would protect the group on the way to the gym.

Michael then asked ”How do we go to the gym? There are many monsters in the street.” ”We will jump from roof to roof again,” replied David.

When David said this Michael looked at the 3 people near the corner, David understands his intentions so he said: ”We will carry them too.”

However, David continued ”But first we will take these 3 men to the rooftop and Michael stay here to protect them, I'll transport the men for a while.”

David picked up one person then jumped out of the window, He used the building's wall as a platform to go higher as well as the Complex's Wall until he arrived at the top of the complex building.

4 minutes later, David had finished transporting the men, he returned to the complex as he told Michael to carry the elderly man and he will carry the woman that was carrying a baby.

After a while, they had arrived on the rooftop but they did not stop, they had continued to run toward the School Campus.

When they arrived at the school gate, instead of letting them inside the school campus, they pointed their gun at them as the snipers at the rooftop of the school point their laser pointers at their foreheads. The commander in charge of the soldiers asked them, ”Who are you.” And David replied, ”You don't need to know us but these people here are survivors that we found.”

The elderly man, however, asked them to put him down and the women followed. The elderly man told the commander ”I am Travis Green and this is my daughter-in-law Mavis, we were saved by these 2 young men. Please let us enter.” The commander looked at the 3 people in front with sympathy and said: ”The 2 of you and the baby can enter but those at the back cannot.”

”Why yo-”

”Michael. We were not planning on entering in the first place.”

David turned as he smirked and interrupted before Michael could retort then he looked at Michael before disappearing and Michael followed. The soldiers were shocked at the sudden display of superhuman speed. 3 minutes later, the 2 young men arrived again with 3 people in their shoulders as they went near the soldiers and passed the unconscious men to them.


Suddenly a horde of zombies ran towards the gate as the soldiers went into position as they fired their guns. David went inside the barricade as he also cast his spells that easily obliterated many zombies. A wave of astonishment had struck the soldiers.

2 minutes later 90% of the horde was decimated. A thundering roar was heard and a 2.3-meter zombie was walking towards them. When David saw the zombie the cursed in his heart ”A 1st Stage low-order Strength-based zombie, The suckers always evolved too fast, Michael! Go invisible and prepare to cut off its leg.”

Michael went invisible as David simultaneously casted his whole arsenal of spells. The soldiers too were shooting at the zombie. If there was a damage mark above the zombies then it would only be 1 hp per bullet to the head or neck. Even the grenades were not effective against the Evolved zombie, they only dealt around 5-6 per grenade and the Zombie had a large health pool of 340, however, its weakness was its weak movement speed as it can only walk.




Damage numbers were shown above its head as its hp gradually went down. ”Michael go cut its leg off, remember to attack its joints.” David said this after he casted Thunder wave


When Michael struck its legs the zombie went down as it tumbled down, Michael did not stop as he continued to cut its other joint.


The state of the zombie at this time was miserable since it cannot even walk anymore. A minute later had passed and the zombie too had passed away. in contrast to the other zombies, this zombie dropped something after it died. A red jewel. David smiled when he saw this jewel because he knew that this certain red jewel is a very useful item during this time.

[Jewel of Physical Strength]

Rarity: Consumable Silver-tier Item.

-Increases Physical Attack by 1-3 when using.

-Increases Physical Defence by 1 when using.

-For every 5 usages of the jewel, reduce the efficiency by 25%.

After killing the mutant zombie. David walked to the commander and asked him. ”Who is the leader of the entire Survival Camp.” and the commander replied immediately. ”The General, General Theo Marvel is the highest-ranked officer in the military so it is compulsory that he is the leader of the Camp.” David then asked him ”Take me to your General because I have a plan that will save all the people inside the Camp.”