44 Your new secretary (1/2)
At work he noticed how people would stop walking and bow to him. People that didn't even give him the time of day and even those that made fun of him while he walked with Ha Eun to her office after she announced their engagement to the board. Everyone would bow when he walked by.
The security guards and the women in the front desk greeted him saying ”Goodmorning Sir”
'Sir' he sure couldn't get used to being called that. They never greeted him like that before, they never greeted him, period. He thought they didn't even know his name. Now that he was married to Ha Eun, everything was different.
”Goodmorning” he said to them. They looked at him surprised and smiled. He could tell by their faces that they expected him to ignore them juts like Ha Eun does but he's not like Ha Eun. Unlike Ha Eun who always has a cold expression, he's the type to smile. As a boss, he decided to be fair to everyone. Ha Eun is pretty fair as well but she can also be quite ruthless.
He made his way to the editing department and was surprised when he saw everyone from the department waiting for him with a cake a balloons.
Everyone greeted him with open arms and were excited to have him as a boss. They said they heard a lot of good things from Bong Chol, his friend. Chang Wook smiled. It seemed that while he was with Ha Eun in Jeju Island; Bong Chol was telling everyone about how great he was.
Bong Chol appeared from behind everyone and greeted Chang Wook with a hug.
”You finally did it man, you're an editor” Bong Chol said. Chang Wook smiled and nodded.
Everyone ate cake and talked. After about an hour everyone went back to work. Bong Chol took Chang Wook to his office. It wasn't as big as Ha Eun's but, it had a desk and comfortable chairs and a TV. The desk had his name 'Mr. Lee Chang Wook'
He looked at it confused. His last name isn't Lee.
”What's with the last name?”
”You married the bosslady so, your last name obviously changed to her's” Bong Chol said with a smile. Chang Wook hit Bong Chol on the head, repeatedly. Bong Chol tried to push him away while he laughed.
”You sure know how to take jokes too far” Chang Wook said.
”And you don't know how to take one” Bong Chol said.
”Go back to work” Chang Wook said with a smile.
”Yeah, yeah” Bong Chol made his way out the door ”Just in case you want a divorce, I know this lawyer…”
”Get out” Chang Wook said, not letting his friend finish his sentence. Bong Chol nodded and left.
Although he was married to Ha Eun, by Bong Chol's words and actions, he felt that people at work didn't think it would last. He looked out the window and noticed some workers glancing at him, something like envy showed in their gazes.
It also seemed that some of them believed that he didn't work for this job but slept his way into it, just like his father said to him. Of course, people would think such things, he was her secretary a week ago and suddenly he was the boss of the editing department. The only way he'll get people to back off and stop thinking such things is if he shows good leadership skills and also shows that he loves Ha Eun.