43 After work (1/2)
When it was time to sleep Ha Eun handed Chang Wook a pillow and told him ”There are 5 bedrooms in total, pick one of them”
”Can't I pick the one where all my stuff is?” he asked her. In other words, he wanted to sleep with her.
”Its late so you can move your stuff in the morning to wherever your new bedroom is”
Chang Wook glared at her, she glared back. He was a bit disappointed, he thought for sure they had gotten closer, but it seems he truly has to take baby steps with her.
He decided to take the bedroom next to her's but Ha Eun stopped him ”You start work tomorrow”
Chang Wook turned around ”Excuse me?”
”You didn't sneeze” Ha Eun said. Chang Wook grinned, her joke was so lame ”Your new job will be editor in chief. You know where the department is so get yourself over there early in the morning. The workers need to know their new boss is responsible”
Ha Eun closed the door behind her. Chang Wook was shocked by her words. He forgot about the deal they made. He's never been the boss of anything, he doesn't even know the first thing about bossing around, but he did work under the most ruthless boss he's ever known...his wife. With that in mind, he decided to practice on how he would introduce himself to his new subordinates and practiced in the mirror how Ha Eun would often act when she yelled at an employee for doing a bad job and even practice on how to fire someone.
”Why couldn't she tell me I was starting my new job at least a few days in advance? She just had to tell me the night before”
In the morning, Chang Wook woke up, went inside Ha Eun's bedroom to pick out his clothes and took a shower. When he left the bathroom, he smelled rice, vegetables and meat.
He went downstairs and saw Ha Eun in her pajamas and wearing an apron. He didn't know why but he found that look, sexy.
”Goodmorning Mr. Kim” Ha Eun said with a smile.
”Good morning Mrs. Kim” Chang Wook said teasingly but she didn't seem bothered by it as she was yesterday.
”I got the driver to get us some breakfast since there isn't any food in the fridge yet”
”Should we go shopping later?” Chang Wook asked her.
Ha Eun tried not to smile. She somehow found it romantic, going shopping with your partner and discussing what to have for dinner and who would cook to later decide that the two would cook together.
”Does that smile mean yes?” Chang Wook asked her.
”You're a boss now, you don't leave work before your subordinates” Ha Eun said, smiling. Chang Wook could tell she liked the idea of shopping together but tried to put excuses not to.
”But I'm a boss now, that means I can do whatever I want”