39 Celebrate (1/2)
Ha Eun smiled at her Ji Su, mockingly. Ji Su's face turned red in both anger and embarrassment. Ji Hyun loudly placed her cup of tea on the table and yelled ”Ha Eun, apologize to your sister this instant!”
Ha Eun glared at Ji Hyun ”Weren't you the one to tell me never to consider her my sister or you my mother?” Ha Eun answered back, quickly. Ji Hyun gasped.
”Why you little –” Ji Hyun couldn't finish her sentence when a young man came into the room. He had his hair dyed light brown and was wearing a white cream-colored suit. He looked very fanshionable and attractive.
”What's all the fuss about?” asked the man.
”Ji Seok, you're here” Ji Hyun said ”I thought you were still in Colombia working on those business projects your father put you in charge of” Chang Wook widened his eyes, how could he have forgotten Mr. Oh's only son. Just like the rest of Ha Eun's family, he's only ever seen him on TV and magazines.
He came in as number 2 on the list of the most eligible bachelor's in Korea. Chang Wook forgot who came in as number 1 though.
”I was but when I heard that Ha Eun was coming here and that she got married I had to cancel all my plans and come here immediately” Ji Seok looked over at Ha Eun. He quickly walked towards her. She got up and both of them hugged.
”How have you been, big sister?” he asked Ha Eun.
”I've been well, and you?” Ha Eun asked with a smile. Ji Seok shrugged.
”I've been okay but, I'd be doing a lot better if you'd call me once in a while” Ji Seok said, pouting. Ha Eun chuckled.
Chang Wook gave a sigh of relief. He was worried that she didn't get along with any of her family members and didn't have a happy childhood.
Ji Seok looked over at Chang Wook ”You must be Kim Chang Wook, my sister's husband” he and Chang Wook shook hands.
”Yeah, that's me” Chang Wook said as he placed his arm around Ha Eun's hips. He did it without thinking and thought of quickly removing it but Ha Eun held onto it. If he let go quickly it would just make the atmosphere awkward.
”You two look like the most adorable couple” Ji Seok said. He then quickly took out his phone and took a quick picture of the two of them.
Suddenly Ha Eun's phone got a notification from her social media page. People were commenting on her page congratulating her on her marriage and people saying that the two made a cute couple. The picture that her brother took had quickly reached hundreds of likes.