38 My husband (1/2)

If We Got Married Sweetpeas 17910K 2022-07-21

Once out of the car, the front door of the house opened. Chang Wook noticed a woman with dark hair, pushed back in a bun, wearing a dark green dress. She looked as she was going out to a ball.

”Ha Eun, welcome home!” the lady said.

”Ji Hyun” Ha Eun said. She walked towards the woman and they exchanged kisses on both cheeks.

”What have I told you about calling me that?” Ji Hyun asked Ha Eun.

”That it's direspectful and I should call you Mrs. Oh” Ha Eun said with a forced smile.

”That's right” the woman looked directly and Chang Wook. Shivers quickly went down his spine. She had a smile on her face but that made her look terrifying. He knew now what Ha Eun meant when she said he had to be wary of her.

”And you must be Chang Wook, the husband” she walked over to Chang Wook and planted a kiss on both his cheeks. That just made him feel awkward.

”It's an honor to meet you” he said as he bowed his head. Although he could tell Ha Eun and this woman had a strained relationship, he at least wanted to show that he respects his elders.

”What a nice young man” Ji Hyun said.

”Where's Mr. Oh?” Ha Eun asked.

”My husband is in his study. He'll be down in a moment” Ji Hyun said. As she walked the couple over to the living room she made small talk ”Ji Su is also here, she came back last week, from vacationing in Paris”

Ha Eun rolled her eyes at that. She didn't like Ji Hyun but, the one she couldn't stand was Ji Su. She was by all accounts an annoying and spoiled little brat, but she didn't want to hold it against her. Ji Su wouldn't have done such horrible things to her when they were growing up together if it wasn't for Ji Hyun's encouragement.

Just like Ji Hyun, Chang Wook he's only ever seen Ji Su on TV, never in person but, just by looking at Ha Eun's expression he could tell that she didn't get along with Ji Su either.

He couldn't quite understand the relationship either. He started to think that Ji Hyun might be Ha Eun's step-mother and if so Ji Su could be her step-sister but then came the problem between the last names Oh and Lee. If Ha Eun is part of the Oh family why is her last name Lee?