17 Cherry Blossom Festival: Part 2 (1/2)
When everyone else woke up, they all got ready to head out to the festival. It was perfect weather to go out. The temperature outside was cool and the festival had just enough people that made it easy to move around. At first Ha Eun didn't see anything interesting, just food vendors on side of the street and people eating on the grass. What's so fun about all this? But then she saw the cherry blossoms, they were so beautiful she wondered why she never came to see them before.
Chang Wook noticed Ha Eun's expression. For some reason he couldn't stop looking at it. Do Mi noticed the happy couple. She wondered if Ha Eun knew how much her son loved her. She wondered if Ha Eun had ever seen her son look at her the way he was looking at her now. That's not a face any guy gives a pretty girl. Soo Ryun noticed the atmosphere and they with Han Soo decided to leave the couple be when the couple wasn't looking they went in a different direction.
”Where's your mother?” Ha Eun asked. Chang Wook decide to call her but when she answered the only thing she said was 'enjoy your date' and then she hung up.
Chang Wook scoffed. His mother is unbelievable, she invites him and his fiancée to the cherry blossom festival, then leaves them alone. He looks over at Ha Eun, she's looking somewhere else. A food vendor where they are making kebobs. He sighs, grabs her wrist and takes her to the vendor. He pays for 2 kebobs and hands her one.
”Foods on me today” he told her. As they ate, they continued walking around. Chang Wook would point out a specific place and give Ha Eun a silly fact about himself.
”Over there at that bookstore is where I got my first job. Then I got fired 3 weeks later for excessive reading” he told her. Ha Eun scoffed ”Yeah, I was reading too much that I wasn't taking care of the customers. That was the first-time reading got fired”
Ha Eun thought of maybe giving him some information on herself, the things that she's never talked about with anyone, just to keep things even but she couldn't. That would mean letting go and she wasn't so sure if she was ready for that.
As they continued walking Ha Eun walked in a different direction, stopping in front of a stand. Chang Wook reached her and saw she was looking at an artist drawing caricatures of the guests that sit down.
”So, you also like this sort of thing?” he asked Ha Eun, impressed.
”Can't I?” she asked in a defensive tone.
”No, you can. I just thought you'd be more into high end paintings that cost more than a house” he said ”I'm impressed” those last two words that came out of Chang Wook's mouth made Ha Eun look down. He complimented her.
”If I want your praise I will ask for it” she answered. Chang Wook looked back at her disappointedly and made a deep sigh.
”There you go again being all mean” he said. He hands the artist some money so he can draw Ha Eun, then he sat her down to be drawn. Ha Eun felt a bit bad, she didn't mean to say something mean, it just came out like that. She was no longer in the mood to be drawn now that she had ruined the mood, but Chang Wook sat next to her with a smile, facing forwards.
”What are you doing?” she asked him.