Chapter 141 - Mesa Uchiha vs The Burning Heaven Clan - Part 1 (1/2)
After Fen Juecheng's mind was repaired by Mesa, he got back to his senses and saw Mesa and Cang Yue standing there in his room. Remembering the horrible torture vividly, he immediately started crawling backward in a pathetic and ultimately pointless attempt to get away from Mesa, and all the while screaming things like 'No! Get away from me!' and begging for mercy.
And this whole time, Cang Yue was standing by the site and watching on. For all the years that she had known Fen Juecheng, he always acted so arrogant and haughty. Always acting like he was on top of the world and that everyone had to obey his whim, like it was the law. And now, here he was. Sniffling like a baby and begging for mercy. She looks at Mesa and was thinking: 'What the f_u_c_k did Mesa do to him to make him like this?!'
Having had enough of all his sniffling, Mesa grabbed him by the collar and put him under a genjutsu to shut him up. After that he looked over at Cang Yue and finally, the all-encompassing rage on his face melted away into a gentle and loving gaze and removing the artifact that had suppressed all her strength this whole time. Wrapping his arms around her, he spoke with much regret in his voice. ”I am so sorry for being late.”
After all this time, after all this terror and keeping a strong front, Cang Yue once again burst into tears and buried her face in his c_h_e_s_t. When she had finally calmed down, Cang Yue asked him. ”Earlier, you said that my father is save. How did you save him and come here so quick? They threw away the bracelet that had that teleportation mark on it?”
But before Mesa could say anything, a massive explosion occurred that shook the building they were in a little. This was soon followed up by a very angry voice announcing its arrival…
And this voice was exactly like Mesa's, but with Cang Yue being in the same room as Mesa, she was confused as to how he could be here with her and also outside at the same time. Before she could ask what was going on, Mesa had cut her off.
”Now I know you have a lot questions and you have been through a lot. But right here, right now is not the place for answers.” Said Mesa as he used Tsukuyomi on Cang Yue. He recreated her bedchambers and seated them at a table. Contrary to popular belief, Cang Yue didn't react with astonishment at this sudden change in environment. Instead, she knew exactly what happened when she saw Mesa's Mangekyo Sharingan. And thus, she knew that Mesa brought her here to answer all her questions with all the time in the world.
”Now that we are here and we have all the time in the world, go ahead and ask whatever you want. I will answer every question you have.” Said Mesa as he poured Cang Yue a glass of water before proceeding to sit down at the opposite side of the table.
”Earlier, you said that my father is save. How did you save him and come here so quick? They threw away the bracelet that had that teleportation mark on it?” Said Cang Yue and before Mesa could answer, she asked another question. ”And was it just me or did I hear another Mesa right after that explosion earlier?”
Drawing in a sharp breath, Mesa said. ”Well… let me start from the very beginning and explain everything up to this point. So, much of what I am going to tell you right now won't make much sense, so feel free to interrupt me whenever you want if you have questions.”
”Well, to start us of. I am not from Konohagakure as I told you.” Said Mesa much to Cang Yue's astonishment. But before she could ask him where he was from, Mesa continued on. ”Well, actually I both am from Konohagakure and I am not at from Konohagakure at the same time.”
This confused her even more than before. Cang Yue just, for what seemed like ages, kept staring at Mesa with a questioning look on her face before finally managing to stammer out. ”Mesa… w-w-w-what are you going on about?”
”Let me start from the very beginning. My original name was Ray Williams, I was born and raised in a city called New York City and I eventually met my untimely death in this very same city.” Said Mesa to a horrified and confused looking Cang Yue.
From there, Mesa went on to tell Cang Yue about how he came from an entirely different world and woke up here in this world in the body of someone else who was also from another world, Itachi Uchiha. He had inherited Itachi's memories and his skills. But because he didn't want to become some carbon copy of Itachi and act exactly like him, he named himself Mesa. But because he greatly admired Itachi, from the memories he had inherited from him, he did decide to adopt his family name. And to top it all off, he told her about how he has the ability to bring powers, skills and weapons from other worlds into this one and use it as his own, meaning that nearly every power and weapon he had used and shown so far, were from other universes.
It took a what seemed like ages for Cang Yue to come to wrap her head around what Mesa just told her. Eventually, she asked him. ”Mesa, if this is true, then why didn't you tell me?”
”Because it would be sound like genuine madman talk.” Answered Mesa. ”What would you do if the first thing I said to you was: 'Hey there, my name is Mesa Uchiha, formerly known as Ray Williams. I came from New York City that is in an entirely different universe where I died and I woke up in this universe inside the body of someone else from yet another universe whose memories I have inherited.' Wouldn't you think that I was completely insane and get as far away from me as possible.”
”Now that I hear it out loud, it totally sounds like madman talk.” Said Cang Yue.
From there, Cang Yue asked him many questions about how many universes exist and was quite stunned when the answer was an infinite amount of universes. She asked him questions about his Earth, she asked about New York City. She also asked about Itachi's history and how he was and about the world and the history of the world where he came from. For hours and hours on end, Cang Yue asked Mesa about everything she could think of, even about the worlds where each of his powers came from.