Chapter 140 - Fen Juechengs Punishment (1/2)

Standing there, looking down on a very surprised, very scared, a very paralyzed and non-breathing Fen Juecheng was Mesa. And saying he was mad was the understatement of the millennia.

When Cang Yue saw Mesa standing there, she immediately flew into his arms, crying her eyes out, sobbingly recalling the nightmare from the past few days to Mesa. And Mesa, he enveloped Cang Yue in his arms and saying over and over again about how sorry he was that he wasn't there when she needed him and that he will explain everything to her after this whole is over.

”My father!” Exclaimed Cang Yue suddenly. ”Mesa! We have to go save my father right now! He is being held a prisoner in the palace by my brother! If they find you here, they will immediately send word to my brother and kill my father!”

”Don't worry about your father, he's already save.” Said Mesa. ”Like I said earlier, I know everything that has happened and that includes what happened to your father. And like I said, I will answer all questions you have later.”

”But for now…” Said Mesa as he looked down at a paralyzed and suffocating Fen Juecheng, who was looking back at him with infinite hate and killing intent in his eyes. For Fen Jeucheng's mind was filled with the intensely burning desire of killing Mesa in the most horrible way imaginable in front of Cang Yue. All the while, he was trying to desperately get his body to move and breath.

”Are we having a little trouble breathing and moving there, Shinji?” Said Mesa as he released the effects of the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal to breath and move Fen Juecheng.

”Mesa Uchiha!” Said Fen Juecheng with so much hate in his voice that it was palpable. ”You fool! You filthy dog! You will not escape me again! Beg for forgiveness all you want! Scream for forgiveness all you want! I WILL NOT…!!”

”God! Will you just shut the f.u.c.k up! You worthless sack of shit! I gave you back control of your body purely because letting you die from asphyxiation is too little of a punishment for what you were just about to do to my wife!” Said Mesa as he was choking Fen Juecheng who was screaming all kinds of curses at Mesa and promising him agony the moment he had gained control of his body.

”Mesa, make sure he suffers. Make sure he suffers for everything he has done to me and my father!” Said Cang Yue angrily.

”But of course, Yue.” Said Mesa as he lovingly looked at Cang Yue and turned back to Fen Juecheng with an extremely angry face.

”I will make him suffer.” Said Mesa suddenly in a garbled tone of voice that sounded straight up demonic before his activated his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.


(A.N.: For those who do not know. Time inside the Tsukuyomi world is heavily distorted. According to the Hitachi Shinden: Book of Dark Night, one second of time within Tsukuyomi's illusion is equivalent to 1•10^-11 seconds of real time. Which means that 1 second in the real world equals 1•10­^11 seconds in the Tsukuyomi's illusion. And that is equal to 1.157.407 days, which is equal to 3.169 years. So imagine being tortured inside the Tsukuyomi world for 1 second of real time. Yes, I know, that is some food for thought. That is some really disturbing and horrifying and absolute nightmare inducing food for thought.)

Inside the world of Tsukuyomi, where the colors of the world were inverted, there was Fen Juecheng in the middle of a stagnant pond, with his feet and hands tied to hollowed out log that was cut in two along the length and with him exposed to the searing sun. Obviously, he was freaking about where he found himself and how he got there. Whilst he was losing his mind, Mesa walked up to him in the middle of the pond. Luckily, the water level only came up to the middle of one's thighs.

When Fen Juecheng saw Mesa standing there next to him in the water, he immediately started yelling at him, demanding an explanation on where they are and to get him out of there and all other kinds of bull on how he would make him and everyone he knew suffer. But Mesa, not listening at all, grabbed his face and shoved a tube down his mouth and into his throat that was connected to a funnel. And into that funnel, he started pouring a mixture of honey and milk that went down his throat. Even with Fen Juecheng protesting and shaking his head violently from side to side, he couldn't stop the overflow of honey and milk from going down into his stomach and flowing out of his mouth covering his face. In fact, so much milk and honey was poured in, that he started to vomit it out. And that was when Mesa stopped pouring in honey and milk and proceeded to smear the rest of his body with honey, all the while ignoring Fen Jeucheng's screams and protests and threats.

This was the state that Mesa left Fen Juecheng in. Over the next few hours, as the overload of milk and honey ravaged his insides and causing Fen Juecheng to violently soil himself and the log he was tied to with explosive diarrhea. And to make matters worse, insects like ants, flies, wasps, bees and other kinds of vermin were being attracted by the smell of honey and shit and covering Fen Juecheng and he could feel them biting him and bit by bit, devouring him. And this went on and on for what seemed like ages. Fen Juecheng violently, but ultimately pointlessly, trying to resist the insects that were burying themselves into him and with Mesa coming back from time to time to force feed him more milk and honey till he got sick and covering his body in more of the stuff. And what made it even worse, was that he couldn't use any of his Profound Energy and burn everything to ash, nothing. His most desperate attempts at trying to burn everything around him or even invoke any kind of power didn't work at all.

And so, for days Fen Jeucheng sat there in the searing sun, with his body covered in insects that burrowed themselves into his orifices and laying eggs there and just generally eating him bit by bit. And all the while all of the diarrhea that had been acc.u.mulating beneath him, with no way or no one to clean it, causing infections. Slowly but surely, his body was being devoured by insects and the all of the infections was slowly rotting his body. And during this entire horrific event, he remained conscious.

(A.N.: For those wondering, this is a form of execution called scaphism, it was also known as 'the boats'. It was allegedly used in Ancient Persia and it was and it is arguably the most horrific form executions in the Ancient World. Look it up.)