Chapter 130 - The Ambush - Part 2 (1/2)

Up there, in the skies above the Wasteland of Death, twenty elders of the Burning Heaven Clan were desperately trying to kill one guy, Mesa Uchiha. Mesa Uchiha on the other hand, wasn't even trying to dodge their attacks. Using his Kamui ability, he let all of their attacks phase through him harmlessly, while he himself was laughing and trolling them at their futile attempts, thus further angering them.

After a while, he got bored of it all. So using a burst of speed, that none of the twenty elders could follow, he appeared about half a mile away from them and called out to them in a loud voice: ”To all of you idiots! I have grown tired of our little game here! If you want to settle this? Come to the center of the Wasteland of Death, where the two Flood Dragons used to be! It is there where we shall finish this!”

Once he said what he wanted, he disappeared from there. Having used the Flying Raijin Jutsu to teleport to the cave where the Azure Dragon God Trial used to be, he found Jasmine, Ophis and his clone sitting in front of the cave, gathered around a table, playing poker. And from the looks of it, Ophis was winning, seeing as how she had a mountain of ch.i.p.s before her, while Jasmine and the clone Mesa had just a few stacks.

”Heey guys! I am here!” Called out Mesa to them.

”Finally! Sure took your sweet ass time! Come! Take over from me and finish this game!” Said the Mesa clone at the table, right before he dispersed into a cloud of smoke.

Standing there for a moment, all of the clone's experience flooded into Mesa and moments later he had big grin on his face: ”…… That's quite the trap you guys set up. I am impressed.”

Sitting down at the table with them, he picks up the clone Mesa's cards and joins the game. Looking at Ophis, he declares with great vigor: ”Prepare yourself Ophis! For I shall defeat you! Mark my words!”

And all he got in response, was her looking at him and scoffing at him and his declaration with a genuine 'Aqua smirk'.

'Yeah… I think I have let her watch too many episodes of Konosuba. Now she's doing the 'Aqua smirk' But on the other hand, she is getting more expressive.' Thought Mesa as he focused on his cards and defeating Ophis.


A while later

There in the distance, black dots started appearing the sky and there were getting closer by the second. Once they got closer, it became visible that these figures were the twenty Burning Heaven Clan Elders that were chasing Mesa earlier. As they got closer and closer to the cave, they saw that Mesa was sitting in front of the cave at a table with two other girls playing a card game.

”That little maggot! How dare he look down on us like that! I will make sure to torture him till he begs for death!” Roared Fen Jueran and blasted towards him.

”Great Elder! What do we do with those two that are with him?” Asked one of the elders.

Pondering the matter for a while, Great Elder Fen Jueran gave his answer: ”Kill them. We cannot have any witnesses. It is unfortunate. But they only have their own luck to curse that they are in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

And so, the twenty elders had soon enough surrounded Mesa, Jasmine and Ophis, who themselves didn't pay any attention to the group of elders. A furious roar came from the sky: ”Mesa Uchiha! Let's see just where you can run of to this time!!”

And with that, Fen Jueran sent out an enormous fire dragon of more than one and half meter thick that descended from the sky and landed on top of Mesa's and the girls, while they still didn't pay any attention to them. In an instant, over a hundred meters of the surrounding land was blown flat, and purple colored flames burned in a few places here and there. But Mesa and girls were completely fine. Everything in a 5-meter radius around Mesa and the girls was completely fine, whilst they themselves were preoccupied with their card game and ignoring the elders.

Looking up from his cards, Mesa looks around himself and at Jasmine and Ophis and asks: ”Is it just me, or did it suddenly get a bit toasty here?”

Looking up from their cards themselves, they look around inquisitively, before dismissingly answering Mesa and to continue their poker game: ”Meh, it's probably nothing.”

Meanwhile, the elders were stunned. Great Elder Fen Jueran had launched an incredibly powerful Profound fire attack that was supposed to kill Mesa and those two girls with him. Or at the very least, it was supposed to cause horrific burns to them. But instead, they were completely fine and everything within a 5-meter radius around them was completely fine. And to add insult to injury, they dismissed Great Elder Fen Jueran's attack as if it was nothing but a mild temperature increase.

Feeling his blood boiling with fury, Fen Jueran concentrates a massive amount of fire into the palm of his hand and launches himself at Mesa for a palm strike. Once upon them, he strikes with everything he has, only to collide with a barrier that protected Mesa and the girls.

Following his lead, the rest of the elders join in on the attack, launching massive fireblasts against the barrier, in hopes of breaking it. Launching many pythons, spears and walls made of purple flames, the Burning Heaven Clan Elders were exasperated to find that not only were there attack not working, Mesa and the girls were ignoring them.


”All in. Who's with me?” Said Mesa and pushes the rest of his remaining ch.i.p.s to the center of the table.

”Bring it on.” Declares Jasmine confidently and pushes the rest of her ch.i.p.s to the center of the table as well.

And with that, all eyes land on Ophis, who casually matches their bets with a few ch.i.p.s of her mountain of ch.i.p.s.

”Alright. Show your hands!” Calls out Mesa and confidently turns his cards around: ”Four of a kind! Four Aces!”