Chapter 129 - The Ambush - Part 1 (1/2)

When Emperor Cang Wanhe threw the pill in his mouth, he lied down on his bed and waited to for the effects of the Burning Soul Flower pill to kick in. With Cang Yue by his side, holding his hand, he waited and waited. After a few minutes, he started to feel that he was getting warmer and thus he knew the effects had started. Remembering what Mesa told him, he relaxed his body and let it the effects run its course through his body. Within 15 minutes, his body felt like it was on fire. It felt like his blood was replaced with boiling hot water. But even so, he refused to yield and didn't utter a single scream or grunt. And with Cang Yue by his side, he had the greatest incentive in the world to see this through to the end. And with his body red hot and sweating crazily, he held on and on.

Looking at the scar on his chest, he could see the parasite squirming underneath it, trying to free itself: ”Die! You wretch!” He grunted and didn't look away from the scar until he saw the squirming come to an end. An hour later, just as sudden as the pain had come, it faded and he felt like he trained himself to exhaustion, much like he did in his younger years. And so, with his Cang Yue still by his side, holding his hand, he fell in a deep sleep and pretty soon he was snoring like a bear.

At the side, Cang Yue never left her father after he swallowed the pill. And now seeing him in such a deep sleep, she left the room with a contend smile on her face.

Coming to the kitchen, she sees Mesa there hard at work, cooking for them, what seems to be a great feast. He and the kitchen staff were very busily working, preparing the feast, not even noticing here presence there. And so with a gentle smile, she left the kitchen and went back to her father's chamber and waited there for Mesa to finish.

A few hours later

Cang Yue was busy practicing the Strength of a Hundred Seal. She was busily storing more and more Profound Energy onto a specific point on her forehead to create the Hundred Seal marking. In the meantime, the Emperor himself was groggily starting to awaken from his sleep.

”……….Ahhhh!! That was a nice nap!” Said Emperor Cang Wanhe while stretching out and looking around confusedly until his eyes landed on Cang Yue, who herself immediately on top of him.

”Father! How you feel?! Are you alright?! Are you feeling any kind of pain anywhere?!”

But before he could answer her question, they both heard a rumbling noise.


Placing his hand on his belly, he answered with very untypical nonchalance: ”Dearest daughter, we feel hungry. Very, very hungry. Is Mesa ready with that feast? Because we could eat an entire whale at this point.”


”Ahh! There he is! Let him in!” Called out Emperor Cang Wanhe in complete elation.

And so, just like he expected, Mesa and the kitchen staff came in pushing food carts stuffed to the brim with many different dishes on it. Emperor Cang Wanhe, instead of acting all regally like he normally would, was acting completely nonchalant. After the kitchen staff had placed food carts in his chambers and left all the utensils he would need, they left the room, leaving only Cang Wanhe, Cang Yue and Mesa there. And frankly not caring how he would look in front of them, he started digging into the food and kept eating one dish after another. Cang Yue and Mesa, who were also eating together with the Emperor, at some point were staring at him as he devoured one dish after another. And most baffling off all, he didn't seem to have an end to his appetite. Cang Yue was staring in shock at how her father was practically inhaling all that food.

'Holy shit man. This guy can eat. Now I know how Master Roshi, Krillin and the others feel like when they see the saiyans eat like their stomachs are made of black holes.' Thought Mesa who was very impressed with the Emperor's appetite.

Much later, after Emperor Cang Wanhe had singlehandedly eaten 90% of the entire feast that Mesa prepared, did he finally stop and laid back on his bed with a swollen belly and a look of pure contentment on his face: ”…Aaahhhhh!! That was delicious! Mesa Uchiha! Thank you so much for this delicious meal.”

”You're very welcome, your majesty. I am happy that your majesty has enjoyed this meal.” Said Mesa. But contrary to expectations, instead of a reply, he only got silence.

”Uhm… Your majesty. Are you ok?”


And still, he got no answer. Worried that something might be wrong, Mesa and Cang Yue immediately checked him out. Only to be pleasantly surprised once again. Because it turned out that Emperor Cang Wanhe had already fallen asleep. This brought a smile on both on their faces.

”…… Oh man. That father of yours sure is something. First, he's pigging out like he hadn't eaten in years. Only to feel asleep right after.”

”Hahahaha… Honestly, I am very surprised at his behavior today. Even before he was infected with that parasite, he'd never act like that. It's a very nice surprise to be honest. It looks like he will be recovering just fine.”

And so, after cleaning up everything and leaving the Emperor's chambers, Mesa and Cang Yue were free to do what they wanted. And so, they went towards the Moon Embracing Palace for Mesa to help out Cang Yue with the Strength of a Hundred Seals. In order to make it easier for Cang Yue to practice with the Strength of a Hundred Seal, he opened up all 54 of her profound entrances.

For the next few days, Mesa and Cang Yue had fallen into a routine. Mesa would make the meals for himself and the Emperor, who would greedily eat every crumb, and Cang Yue. Then he would help out the Emperor with physical therapy lessons and get him to build up more muscle mass that he had lost thanks to the years that he was bedridden. After having dinner, Mesa and Cang Yue would do cultivation sessions with each other, with Mesa assisting Cang Yue in getting stronger and getting more of a feel for precise Profound Energy control.

After a week, during their cultivation session, Mesa brought up the topic of him having to go for now: ”Cang Yue, tomorrow after breakfast I will be going. I have to go to the Frozen Cloud Asgard. I promised them I would come by after I got out of that seal.”

”I understand. I imagine that Chu Yuechan is worried that you haven't come by since you escaped that seal.” Said Cang Yue.