49 Chapter 49: Like a careless whisper (1/2)
Laurice didn't know where to start. Why does it seem like she was confessing a grave sin? But, she didn't even have any vague memory of their encounter from last night.The only last thing she remembered was that she was at the lavatory and her mind was all muddled for some reason and could not recall anything else thereafter. The only logical reason for her apperance here in his penthouse was most probably because she indeed passed out in the night club and Sid found her somehow and took her in.
In a low voice, Sid uttered, ”You were drunk last night.” He sounded like he needed to hear some explanation from her. His eyes were fixed on her.
Laurice furrowed her brows.
Wait, wasn't she the one who needed such explanation from him? Why did he bring her here in the first place? Was it only a coincidence that he saw her at The Cube? If so, then ... was he seeing someone last night? At a night club? That late? Why the h*ll was she feeling vexed all of a sudden. Somehow the idea of him clubbing was annoying her at some degree. Well, not that it was any of her concern but still.
She looked at the man with contempt and responded indifferently, ”Is that so? I wasn't aware. I only had rootbear then. Thought it wasn't alcoholic. It tasted like regular soda.” She had no intention of explaining herself but it felt like the right thing to do at the moment.
Sid felt a nerve twitched in his forehead after the woman spoke. Obviously, it wasn't her average rootbear. Did that other woman did something underhanded to Laurice? It seemed Laurice has zero alcohol tolerance. Did that person made her drink liquor without considering her condition?
”It definitely wasn't a regular drink. It was something brewed and crafted perhaps.” Sid said a matter-of-factly. He didn't elaborate any further. He has no intention in teaching the woman anything about alcohol and stuff. He was already relieved that he was the one who found Laurice in such state last night. And he would not allow it to happen ever again.
”Oh? Really?” Laurice replied apathetically before swallowing a mouthful of food. Her thoughts somewhere else. 'Definitely not gonna ask him!' Laurice doesn't care anymore. If she ever caused the man any trouble last night, then she will apologize later.
Sid wondered why Laurice seemed quite listless and unresponsive. He wanted to know what she was thinking of.
”Don't drink alcohol again. Here, eat some more.” Sid reminded her while he put a few more slices of meat on her plate.
”Thank you.” Laurice simply replied. ”Ah, where's my purse? I remember taking it with me at the restroom.” She added. She needed to call her friend Catherine and ask her what exactly happened last night.
Sid swept a glance at her before responding, ”Finish your meal first.” Was she planning on leaving already? They haven't had a real conversation yet.
”Laurice.” Sid called her name as he spoke in a deep voice.
The woman paused and lifted her head at him with a probing gaze.
”Are you mad at me?” Sid asked.
'What's the deal with him?'
Laurice replied nonchalantly, ”What made you asked?”
”You're frowning. Did i say something that upsets you?” Sid responded with another question. He felt the animosity coming from the woman was directed at him. Although he couldn't understand why, he absolutely did not like to be hated by the woman he likes for whatever reason.
Laurice hesitated before sheepishly saying, ”No, nothing. I'm just ... wondering how you found me last night. I was with someone then. I need to contact her, she might have been worried.”
”I know.” Sid replied afterwards.
”What?” Laurice was confused for a moment there. 'What does he mean?'
”I followed you there.” He confessed.
Laurice was stunned.
”What do you mean?” She said. She was all the more confused now.
Sid heave a sigh before saying, ”I was looking for you yesterday. You were not at home. I even thought of camping in front of your house and wait for you but you did not return.” He was initially planning on camping outside of her house but he changed his mind after that phone call.
”How did you find me then?” Laurice asked.
Sid remained silent.
Laurice took his silence as his response. How stupid of her. Ofcourse, the man might have tracked her location and went looking for her. Wait. why would he do that then? Is there something urgent he needed from her?
She was pondering on her thoughts when the man continued speaking.
”I was planning to see you and apologize for what happened the other night. I wanted to tell you that i did not want to leave your house that morning. I wanted to tell you that i was jealous of that guy you call your friend. So i came looking for you, only to find you in a night club of all places. I was furious. I'm telling you now Laurice, i don't want you going back there. I don't want you drinking at all. I don't want other men looking at you. You're mine alone. And what happened today between us, it was bound by fate. Do you hear me?”
'Yes. Loud and clear.
I couldn't believe my ears.'